
當(dāng)前位置:希尼爾首頁(yè) > 譯海拾貝 > 譯文欣賞 > 倉(cāng)庫(kù)安全管理手冊(cè)Manual of Warehouse Safety Management

倉(cāng)庫(kù)安全管理手冊(cè)Manual of Warehouse Safety Management  

原創(chuàng)文章:青島希尼爾翻譯公司 http://www.googlemapbuilder.com




Manual of Warehouse Safety Management


I.    Haien Rule:


There are inevitably 29 minor accidents, 300 incompleted signs and 1000 accident potentials behind every major accident. According to the analysis of Haien Rule, we shall solve the “accident signs” and “accident indications” of the same problems in time at the same time of handling the accidents so as to avoid the multiple productions of the similar problems, handle the hidden trouble of major accident happening again in time and solve the problems in the bud.


II.  Commitment of mangers


It is reflected in Article 7, Section Two in k-value, i.e., “construct a safe and healthy working environment for employees and establish the idea of prevention first for occupational hazards”.


III. Safety management regulations

1.    廠區(qū)內(nèi)禁止吸煙,禁止攜帶火種、香煙、易燃、易爆、有毒物品進(jìn)入廠區(qū)和倉(cāng)庫(kù);嚴(yán)禁使用電暖器、電風(fēng)扇、熱得快等電氣設(shè)備,嚴(yán)禁在倉(cāng)庫(kù)內(nèi)私拉電線、充電動(dòng)車電瓶、吃食物、亂扔垃圾、投放鼠餌、噴灑殺蟲劑;嚴(yán)禁存放私人雜物。如有違反,對(duì)外來人員罰款200-1000元不等,對(duì)內(nèi)部員工給予辭退處理。

Do not smoke within the site; do not carry kindling, cigarettes, inflammable, explosive and toxic articles in to the site and warehouse; do not use the electric appliances as electric heater, electric fan and immersion heater and so on, do not fit wires without explicit approval, charge the battery cell of the electric motor car, eat food, throw away rubbish freely, put in baits and spray pesticides in the warehouse; do not deposit private sundries in the warehouse. The visitors will be fined for RMB 2001000 yuan and internal employees will be fired for any violation.

2.    倉(cāng)庫(kù)禁止閑雜人員進(jìn)入,裝卸工、車間入庫(kù)工、品保部質(zhì)檢員如有工作需要進(jìn)入倉(cāng)庫(kù)的,必須征得保管員同意后方可進(jìn)入,否則視為偷盜,對(duì)外來人員罰款200元,對(duì)內(nèi)部人員將通告相關(guān)部門經(jīng)理處理。

The entry of the miscellaneous personnel into the warehouse is prohibited, and the loaders, warehousing workers and quality inspectors of Quality Assurance Department for working demands can enter the warehouse after the permission of the storekeepers, otherwise it is regarded as theft, visitors will be fined for RMB 200 and internal employees will be announced to the relevant department managers to be transacted.

3.    凡進(jìn)入倉(cāng)庫(kù)的工作人員,必須身穿工作服,女士不得穿高跟鞋、拖鞋、裙子、無袖短衫,男士不得穿帶釘子的鞋、吊帶背心、赤腳或赤膊,一切行為必須符合倉(cāng)庫(kù)管理規(guī)定,所有人員必須聽從保管員的指揮,否則,對(duì)外部人員罰款50元,對(duì)內(nèi)部人員給予口頭或書面指導(dǎo)。

The staff entering the warehouse must wear work clothes, the ladies can not wear high-heel shoes, slippers, skirts and sleeveless blouses, and the men can not wear shoes with nails, sleeveless garments, barefoot or barebacked, all the behaviors must conform to the warehouse management regulations and all personnel must submit to the storekeeper’s directions, otherwise, the visitors will the fined for RMB 50 yuan and the internal employees will be given with the oral or written instructions.

4.    保管員要隨時(shí)巡檢倉(cāng)庫(kù),檢查門、窗、紗網(wǎng)、玻璃、照明、滅蠅燈、粘鼠板等有無異常,死角有無小便、垃圾、煙頭、蚊蠅死尸等異物,擋鼠板是否關(guān)閉,離開時(shí)必須關(guān)閉門窗和電源開關(guān)。

The storekeeper shall check the warehouse at any time and inspect whether the doors, windows, gauzes, glasses, fly-killing lamps and mouse sticking plate and so on are regular, whether there are foreign matters as urine, trashes, cigarette ends and corpses of flies in the dead corners and whether the rat guards are closed, and the storekeeper must close the doors, windows and power switches while leaving.

5.    保管員要每天清潔倉(cāng)庫(kù)地面,隨時(shí)保持地面干凈、無垃圾、無積水,成品上不得積有灰塵或放置雜物,清潔工具要規(guī)整放置。

The storekeeper shall clean the floor of the warehouse everyday and maintain the floor to be clean with no trash and accumulated water at any time, the finished goods shall be with no dusts and shall not be placed with impurities and the cleaning tools shall be placed regularly.

6.    倉(cāng)庫(kù)內(nèi)的消防器材、消防通道嚴(yán)禁圈占、埋壓、挪用,保管員要每天檢查并清潔消防器材衛(wèi)生,如發(fā)現(xiàn)異常應(yīng)及時(shí)通知安全保衛(wèi)科。

The fire fighting equipments and fire passage in the warehouse can not be enclosed, buried and embezzled, and the storekeeper shall inspect and clean the fire fighting equipments everyday and notice the Safety and Security Section in time for any abnormalities.

7.    倉(cāng)庫(kù)內(nèi)使用的照明燈具、電器必須符合安全、消防部門的規(guī)定,若線路老化、有裸露線頭應(yīng)及時(shí)要求電工更換。

The lightings and electrical appliances used in the warehouse must be in conformity to the regulations of the safety and fire departments, ask the electricians to replace in time for the aging of wires and bare thread ends.

8.    雨雪天氣,保管員要做好產(chǎn)品防護(hù),隨時(shí)檢查倉(cāng)庫(kù)屋頂是否漏雨,墻角是否滲水,門窗是否關(guān)閉,下水管道是否通暢。

The storekeeper shall preserve the products well in rain and snow weather and inspect whether the warehouse roof is leaking, the wall corners are free from water seepage, the doors and windows are closed and the sewage lines are smooth at any time.




