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快速機(jī)場跑道修復(fù)方法介紹Rapid Runway Repair Introduction

原創(chuàng)文章:青島希尼爾翻譯公司 http://www.googlemapbuilder.com




 The Air Force flies and fights from its air bases. However, it is at the air base that air power is most vulnerable. They can be most immediate and lucrative targets for an adversary. After all, it is by far more effective to destroy aircraft while they are on the ground than to hunt them in the air. From a practical perspective, it is reasonable to say that during some phase of a conventional conflict, repair of airfield pavement damage will be one of the civil engineer’s primary wartime missions. It is a complex and difficult tasking that requires the total commitment of all involved to succeed. Proper preparation must be accomplished prior to the moment of need…for time will not be available during the conflict to accomplish meaningful training.


American military leaders recognized the vital need for airfields to support operations in all theaters of operation. This could mean repairing and maintaining existing airfields quickly and at times close to the front as possible. To provide this level of support, Aviation engineers experimented with several different runway materials. For example the attempt to construct and repair airfields with wooden planks proved too costly and labor intensive. Precast concrete was another alternative but after extended testing it was too heavy and not feasible. However, work continued and by the mid 1990’s HQ Air Force Civil Engineering Support Agency (AFCESA) had perfected the Folded Fiberglass Mat (FFM) System that is the primary method now employed Air Force wide.


The Folded Fiberglass Mat (FFM)  is the current Airfield Damage Repair (ADR) method used for Rapid Runway Repair. The FFM is a 30 ft. by 54 ft panel. Each FFM panel consist of 9 independent 6 foot by 30 foot composite panels joined by rubber hinges. The NSN for this product is 5680-01-368-9032. Each FFM Kit consist of two 30 foot by 54 foot FFM’s and two each 24 foot by 2 foot joining panels and two each 30 foot by 2 foot joining panels.


After an attack the RRR team receives its order to proceed to the repair location. The damaged is then assessed. The upheaval and dunnage is removed. The bomb crater is back filled with crushed stone and the FFM assembly is towed over the filled crater and anchored to the airfield pavement. The FFM prevents the fill from becoming foreign object debris (FOD) . Once in place the FFM makes for a virtually flush pavement repair. The FFM’s have been tested to be effective for all fighter jets and heavies up to the C-130.  A detailed description of the crater repair and FFM installation is described below.

Airfield Damage Repair part  A: Filling the Crater


 Crushed Stone Repair Procedures.


(1) Clear debris from around the crater at least 6 meters (20 feet) in all

directions to allow identification of the upheaved pavement surface. Identification and removal of all upheaval or damaged pavement is critical. It cannot be rolled down flush with the existing pavement and left. The upheaved pavement will eventually break up and create additional problems adjacent to the crater repair.

(2) Perform profile measurement and visual inspection to identify and mark

upheaval around the crater.

(3) Remove upheaved pavement using an excavator with bucket or moil

point attachment, and the front-end loader. The dozer may also be used, depending on the runway surface.

(4) All debris material in excess of 304 millimeters (12 inches) must be

removed or reduced in size. Breaking the pavement into smaller pieces will minimize the potential for voids and settling problems in the future.

(5) Push unusable debris at least 9 meters (30 feet) off the Minimum Operating Strip (MOS) and pile no higher than 0.9 meter (3 feet).

(6) Place backfill material into the crater in accordance with the repair

procedure chosen. Note: If settling problems are anticipated, placement of membrane fabric between dissimilar backfill materials is recommended.

(7) Fill and compact the crater with crushed stone material, placing it in lifts

approximately 152 to 177 millimeters (6 to 7 inches) thick. For C-17 operations, limit the aggregate size to a maximum of 25 millimeters (1 inch) in the top 152 millimeters (6 inches) of the crushed stone repair. Overfill the crater by approximately 76 millimeters (3 inches) above the original pavement surface height. Compact each lift of crushed stone using a minimum of four passes of a single drum vibratory roller or two passes

with a 10-ton vibratory roller. One pass of the roller means traveling across and back in the same lane. If the crushed stone material is placed upon soft subgrade materials, it may be beneficial to separate the material using geomembrane fabric and place the crushed stone material in thicker lifts. In any case, the crushed stone should be

compacted with a minimum of four passes of a single drum vibratory roller or two passes of a 10-ton vibratory roller per each 152 millimeters (6 inches) of thickness. A 457-millimeter (18-inch) crushed stone layer should receive a minimum of 12 passes with a single drum vibratory roller or six passes with a 10-ton vibratory roller prior to cut for the final grade.

(8) Grade the compacted crushed stone to approximately 25 millimeters (1

inch) above the pavement surface.

(9) Compact the crushed stone using two passes of a single drum vibratory roller or one pass with a 10-ton vibratory roller. The crushed stone layer should have a minimum 15 CBR to support C-130 and fighter jet operations.

(10) Perform profile measurement. The repaired crater must not exceed the

maximum RQC of ± 19 millimeters (± 0.75 inch). A repair outside this tolerance may still be useable, depending on its location, but will have a much shorter life before requiring additional maintenance to bring it back within this limitation.

(11) The crushed stone repair is complete at this point.


Airfiled Damage Repair part B: Installing the FFM 


 Air Force FFM.


 Air Force FFM is manufactured by ReadyMat US LLC Inc., 337-528-3443.

 The FFM is air-transportable, can be moved easily by vehicles, can be

positioned at greater distances from airfield pavement surfaces, and can be stored indoors out of the elements.

 A standard FFM weighs about 1360 kilograms (3,000 pounds) and consists of nine fiberglass panels, each 1.83 meters wide by 9.14 meters long by 12.7 millimeters thick (6 feet wide by 30 feet long by 0.30 inch thick nominally). Elastomer hinges 76.2 millimeters (3 inches) wide connect the panels. When folded, these mats are 1.83 meters wide by 9.14 meters long and 203 to 254 millimeters thick (6 feet wide by 30 feet long and 8 to10 inches thick). This repair system also includes joining panels and two support mat kits. The joining panels come in 7.32-meter and 9.14-meter (24-foot and 30-foot) lengths. One of each size is needed to connect two 9.14-meter by 16.46-meter (30-foot by 54 -foot) mats. The resulting 16.46-meter by 18.29-meter (54-foot by 60-foot) mat is the normal size suitable for most crater repairs. If larger FOD covers are required, additional mats may be spliced together. There are two types of support mat kits for the FFM. Mat Kit A contains all the necessary tools and hardware required to assemble, install, and maintain the system. Mat Kit B contains the anchor bolts required to attach the mat to the pavement surface.

(1) The mat assembly area can be any area near the crater repair. This area must be cleared of all debris and swept. It must be large enough to accommodate the unfolding of both mats, allow equipment operations around the mat, and not interfere with crater preparations. This area should be approximately 30.4 meters by 30.4meters (100 feet by 100 feet) square, and located a minimum of 30.4 meters (100 feet) from the crater and off the MAOS.

(2) Mats are placed end-to-end about 1.2 meters (4 feet) apart, with the first panel up and positioned such that both mats unfold in the same direction. Unfold the mats in preparation for being joined together. The top panel of the mat is attached to a tow vehicle with a nylon strap. A crew of four people, or a forklift positioned on the opposite side of the mat, lifting each successive panel as the mat is being pulled open, speeds the unfolding process.

(3)Join the mats together so they are aligned, the 9.14-meter (30-foot) edges are even, and the 16.46-meter (54-foot) edges are roughly parallel with each other. Lift one end of the 16.46-meter (54-foot) edge and slip either the 7.32-meter (24-foot) or the 9.14-meter (30-foot) section of joining panel underneath the raised edge. Align the holes in the mat with the joining panel bushing holes and lower the mat. Install the top joining bushings and tighten by hand. This process is repeated at the other end of the 16.46-meter (54-foot) edge of the same mat using the remaining joining panel. Hand-tighten these bushings; final tightening will be accomplished later.The second mat is then towed over to the first mat with joining panel attached. One of the holes near the end of the second mat is aligned with its counterpart on the joining panel and a top joining bushing is installed. This end connection acts as a pivot point when the second mat is moved into position so all the remaining holes on the joining panel are in alignment.

(4)Install the remaining top bushing and tighten the entire second mat bushing with an impact wrench. Revert to the first top joining bushings and tighten them with the impact wrench. All joining bushings should be tightened and the joined mats are now ready to be towed over the repaired crater.

(5)Before any towing operation can commence, the area between the mat

assembly area and the repaired crater must be completely swept. Any debris that is picked up under the mat as it is being towed could damage the matting and affect the smoothness of the repair.

When the width of the MAOS permits, the mat should be towed parallel to and next to the crater. Align the joining panel with the center of the crater. Use a front-end loader or similar vehicle to tow the mat over the crater with the hinges perpendicular to the tow direction. Position the mat so the hinges are parallel to the direction of the MAOS traffic. The mat should not be more than 5 degrees off parallel.

(6) With the mat in position over the crater, it must be anchored in place. Techniques for anchoring the FFM will depend on the type of pavement surface. The FFMs are predrilled for anchoring bolts. All three anchoring techniques use a 101.6-millimeter (4-inch) bushing through which the bolt passes to hold down the mat.

Concrete Pavements. The concrete anchor is normally a rock bolt that is

127 to 152.4 millimeters long and 15.9 to 19.1 millimeters in diameter (5 to 6 inches long and 0.625 to 0.75 inch in diameter). At each predrilled hole in the leading and trailing edges of the mat, drill a hole into the pavement corresponding to the diameter of the bolt being used. Position an anchor bushing in the predrilled hole as a guide for centering the drill bit. The depth of the hole must be at least 12 millimeters (0.5 inch) longer than the length of the bolt. Clean out the drill cutting with compressed air and insert the bolt through the bushing. Stand on the mat and bushings and tighten the bolt

with an impact wrench.

Asphalt-overlaid Concrete Pavements. Asphalt-overlaid concrete usually

entails using a rock bolt that is 241.3 millimeters long and 15.9 to 19.1 millimeters in diameter (9.5 inches long and 0.625 to 0.75 inch in diameter). The installation procedure is the same as those for all-concrete pavements. The key factor in this installation is to ensure the bolt has been set deep enough into the concrete layer for a firm grip.

Asphalt Pavements. Anchoring in asphalt pavement requires a 241.3-

millimeter (9.5-inch) bolt and polymer. A hole 254 millimeters deep and 38 millimeters in diameter (10 inches deep and 1.5 inches in diameter) is drilled at the center of each predrilled mat hole. A two-part resin polymer is mixed and poured into each hole to about 38 millimeters (0.5 inch) below the surface of the pavement. An anchor bushing and bolt are immediately placed into each hole and pressed firmly (standing on the bolt and bushing) against the mat. The polymer will harden in about three minutes. Unless

extra people are available, there may not be time to drill all the holes before beginning to pour the polymer. Drilling and setting the bolts are usually accomplished concurrently..

(7)Surface Roughness. The final grade of the repair must be checked using

line-of-sight profile measurement stanchions, upheaval posts, or string lines to ensure the repair meets surface roughness criteria contained in T.O. 35E2-4-1. Procedures are described in T.O. 35E2-5-1, Crushed-Stone Crater Repair and Line-Of-Sight Profile

Measurement for Rapid Runway Repair.

FOD covers should be no more than 5 degrees off parallel with the runway


(8)Check connection bolts and verify that all connections between panels are tight and secure.Check anchor bolts and verify that all bolts are secure and that the FOD cover is held snugly against the pavement surface. In taxiway and apron applications, the leading and trailing edges of the FOD cover must be anchored. The side edges must also be anchored if the cover is located in an area where aircraft will be required to turn.

(9) Clean-up.. For all repair methods, verify that the repair and adjacent area is cleared of any excess repair materials.









機(jī)場修復(fù) 第一步:填充彈坑


(1) 彈坑四周至少620英尺)范圍內(nèi)的殘骸必須清理掉,這樣才能確認(rèn)隆起路面的情況。一定要確認(rèn)并清除路面上隆起的或者被損壞的部分,絕不能只是把路面軋平就不管了,否則隆起的路面遲早會裂開,在修復(fù)的彈坑附近又成了問題。

(2) 進(jìn)行輪廓測量和視覺檢測確認(rèn)彈坑周圍的隆起部分并做標(biāo)記。


(4) 超過304毫米12英寸)的殘骸都必須除去或者弄成小塊。把人行道切割成小塊會最大限度的減少可能存在的空隙以解決以后的問題。


(6) 根據(jù)所選擇的修復(fù)程序把回填材料放入彈坑。注意:如有預(yù)期問題要解決,建議在不同的回填材料中間放置膜。



(8) 降低壓實碎石層路面的坡度,到路面以上25毫米1英寸)的位置


(10) 輪廓測量。修復(fù)的彈坑不得超過RQC± 19毫米(± 0.75英寸)。超過這個范圍也可以,這要取決于修復(fù)的位置,但距離進(jìn)一步保養(yǎng)以達(dá)到前述范圍的時間就會縮短。

















瀝青混凝土路面。 針對瀝青混凝土路面,要用長241.3毫米,直徑15.9-19.1毫米(長9.5英寸,直徑0.625-0.75英寸)的混凝土錨。安裝方法同純混凝土路面。關(guān)鍵因素是確保螺栓插入混凝土層的深度足夠深,確保安裝緊固。



(7)表面光潔度。最終修復(fù)等級確認(rèn)要通過以下工具檢查:瞄準(zhǔn)線輪廓測量支柱,隆起標(biāo)桿或拉緊直線確保修復(fù)達(dá)到T.O. 35E2-4-1規(guī)定的表面光潔度標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。程序在T.O. 35E2-5-1跑道快速修復(fù)之碎石修復(fù)彈坑及瞄準(zhǔn)線輪廓測量里有相應(yīng)描述。異物殘骸擋板與跑道中心線的平行偏差不得超過5度。

(8)檢查連接螺栓,確保連接板之間的連接牢固。檢查地腳螺栓,確保牢固,確保異物殘骸擋板能在道路表面完好支撐  ?;械篮屯C(jī)坪應(yīng)用方面,異物殘骸擋板的前后緣必須用錨桿固定。如果擋板安置在飛機(jī)有可能轉(zhuǎn)向的位置擋板的側(cè)邊也必須用錨桿固定。



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