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當前位置:希尼爾首頁 > 英文法規(guī) >中華人民共和國注冊會計師法  


Law of the PRC on Certified Public Accountants 

青島希尼爾翻譯公司 2014-11-15

第一條 為了發(fā)揮注冊會計師在社會經(jīng)濟活動中的鑒證和服務作用,加強對注冊會計師的管理,維護社會公共利益和投資者的合法權(quán)益,促進社會主義市場經(jīng)濟的健康發(fā)展,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is formulated in order to bring into play certified public accountants' role of attestation and service in social economic activities, strengthen administration of affairs of certified public accountants, protect public interests and the lawful rights and interests of investors, and promote the healthy development of the socialist market economy.

第二條 注冊會計師是依法取得注冊會計師證書并接受委托從事審計和會計咨詢、會計服務業(yè)務的執(zhí)業(yè)人員。

Article 2 A certified public accountant is a professional who has obtained the certificate of certified public accountant according to law and is commissioned to offer auditing, accounting consultancy and other accounting services.

第三條 會計師事務所是依法設立并承辦注冊會計師業(yè)務的機構(gòu)。

Article 3 A public accounting firm is an organization which is established according to law and undertakes to provide professional services of certified public accountants.


A certified public accountant who provides services shall join a public accounting firm.

第四條 注冊會計師協(xié)會是由注冊會計師組成的社會團體。

Article 4 The institute of certified public accountants is a public organization composed of certified public accountants.


The Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants is the national organization of certified public accountants and institutes of certified public accountants in provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government are local organizations of certified public accountants.

第五條 國務院財政部門和省、自治區(qū)、直轄市人民政府財政部門,依法對注冊會計師、會計師事務所和注冊會計師協(xié)會進行監(jiān)督、指導。

Article 5 The financial department under the State Council and financial departments of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall supervise and guide the activities of certified public accountants, public accounting firms and institutes of certified public accountants according to law.

第六條 注冊會計師和會計師事務所執(zhí)行業(yè)務,必須遵守法律、行政法規(guī)。

Article 6 Certified public accountants and public accounting firms in performance of services must abide by the law and administrative rules and regulations.


Certified public accountants and public accounting firms shall carry out their business independently and impartially according to law and shall be protected by law.


第七條 國家實行注冊會計師全國統(tǒng)一考試制度。

Article 7 The State shall adopt a unified national examination system for certified public accountants.


The measures for the unified national examination shall be formulated by the financial department under the State Council and such examination shall be organized and conducted by the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

第八條 具有高等??埔陨蠈W校畢業(yè)的學歷、或者具有會計或者相關(guān)專業(yè)中級以上技術(shù)職稱的中國公民,可以申請參加注冊會計師全國統(tǒng)一考試;

Article 8 Chinese citizens who have graduated from colleges or universities or who have earned the professional title of accountant or an intermediate or higher professional title in a relevant field of study may apply for attendance at a unified national examination for certified public accountants.

具有會計或者相關(guān)專業(yè)高級技術(shù) 職稱的人員,可以免予部分科目的考試。

Those who have earned the professional title of accountant or senior professional titles in a relevant field of study may be exempted from examination in certain subjects.

第九條 參加注冊會計師全國統(tǒng)一考試成績合格,并從事審計業(yè)務工作2年以上的,可以向省、自治區(qū)、直轄市注冊會計師協(xié)會申請注冊。

Article 9 Whoever has passed the unified national examination for certified public accountants and has engaged in auditing business for more than two years may apply to the institute of certified public accountants of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for registration.


Except the situations specified in Article 10 of this Law, the institute of certified public accountants that has received the application shall permit the applicant to register.

第十條 有下列情形之一的,受理申請的注冊會計師協(xié)會不予注冊:

Article 10 If the applicant is involved in any of the following circumstances, the institute of certified public accountants that has received the application shall not permit the applicant to register:


(1) if the applicant does not have the full capacity for civil conduct;


(2) if the applicant was punished for a crime and the period between the date of completing the criminal punishment and the date of application for registration is less than five years;


(3) if the applicant was subjected to an administrative sanction, or removed from office or a more serious sanction, due to grave mistakes in financial, accounting, auditing, enterprise management or other economic activities, and the period between the date of the decision for such punishment or sanction and the date of application for registration is less than two years;


(4) if the applicant was punished with the revocation of the certificate of certified public accountant, and the period between the date of the decision for such punishment and the date of application for registration is less than five years; or


(5) other circumstances under which registration shall not be approved as stipulated by the financial department of the State Council.

第十一條 注冊會計師協(xié)會應當將準予注冊的人員名單報國務院財政部門備案。

Article 11 The institute of certified public accountants shall submit the namelist of applicants whose applications are approved to the financial department of the State Council for the record.


If the financial department of the State Council finds any registration approved by an institute of certified public accountants to be inconsistent with the provisions of this Law, it shall notify the relevant institute of certified public accountants to cancel the registration.


If an institute of certified public accountants decides not to approve the registration of an applicant in accordance with Article 10 of this Law, it shall notify the applicant in writing within 15 days after the decision is made.


If the applicant disagrees with the decision, he or she may, within 15 days after receiving the notification, apply to the financial department of the State Council or the financial department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for reconsideration.

第十二條 準予注冊的申請人,由注冊會計師協(xié)會發(fā)給國務院財政部門統(tǒng)一制定的注冊會計師證書。

Article 12 The applicants who are permitted to register shall be granted by the institute of certified public accountants an unified certificate for certified public accountants issued by the financial department of the State Council.

第十三條 已取得注冊會計師證書的人員,除本法第十一條第一款規(guī)定的情形外,注冊后有下列情形之一的,由準予注冊的注冊會計師協(xié)會撤銷注冊,收回注冊會計師證書:

Article 13 If anyone who has acquired the certificate of a certified public accountant is involved in any of the following circumstances besides the one stipulated in the first paragraph of Article 11 of this Law, the institute of certified public accountants that approved the registration shall cancel the registration and revoke the certificate for certified public accountant:


(1) having completely lost the capacity for civil conduct;


(2) being under punishment for a crime;


(3) being under an administrative sanction, or removed from office, or under a more serious sanction due to grave mistakes in financial, accounting, auditing, enterprise management or other economic activities; or


(4) having stopped, of his or her own accord, serving as a certified public accountant for one year or more.


If the person concerned disagrees with the cancellation of registration, he or she may, within 15 days from the date of receiving the notification about the cancellation of registration or the revocation of the certificate for certified public accountant, apply for reconsideration to the financial department of the State Council or the financial department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government.


Persons whose registration has been cancelled in accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph may apply for registration anew, but the provisions of Article 9 and Article 10 of this Law must be complied with.


第十四條 注冊會計師承辦下列審計業(yè)務:

Article 14 Certified public accountants shall undertake the following audit services:


(1) examining the accounting statements of enterprises and producing audit reports;


(2) verifying the capital of enterprises and producing capital verification reports;


(3) dealing with audit services in matters of merger, division or liquidation of enterprises and producing the relevant reports; and


(4) other audit services stipulated by relevant laws and administrative rules and regulations.


The reports produced by certified public accountants engaged in audit services according to law shall be authentic.

第十五條 注冊會計師可以承辦會計咨詢、會計服務業(yè)務。

Article 15 Certified public accountants may undertake accounting consultancy and accounting services.

第十六條 注冊會計師承辦業(yè)務,由其所在的會計師事務所統(tǒng)一受理并與委托人簽訂委托合同。

Article 16 All professional engagements to be undertaken by certified public accountants shall be accepted by the public accounting firm to which they belong and which shall sign engagement contracts with the clients.


The public accounting firm shall assume civil liabilities for the services provided by its certified public accountants in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

第十七條 注冊會計師執(zhí)行業(yè)務,可以根據(jù)需要查閱委托人的有關(guān)會計資料和文件,查看委托人的業(yè)務現(xiàn)場和設施,要求委托人提供其他必要的協(xié)助。

Article 17 When providing services, certified public accountants may, where necessary, consult the relevant accounting materials, documents and checked the business site and facilities of the client and require that the client provide other necessary assistance.

第十八條 注冊會計師與委托人有利害關(guān)系的,應當回避;委托人有權(quán)要求其回避。

Article 18 If there is an interest between a certified public accountant and a client, the certified public accountant shall withdraw; and the client shall have the right to demand that he or she withdraw.

第十九條 注冊會計師對在執(zhí)行業(yè)務中知悉的商業(yè)秘密,負有保密義務。

Article 19 Certified public accountants shall have the obligation to keep their clients' business secrets they come to know in carrying out their business.

第二十條 注冊會計師執(zhí)行審計業(yè)務,遇有下列情形之一的,應當拒絕出具有關(guān)報告:

Article 20 In carrying out their audit services, certified public accountants may, under any of the following circumstances, refuse to produce a report to their clients:


(1) The client indicates that they should provide untruthful or improper verification;


(2) The client intentionally refuses to provide relevant accounting materials and documents; or


(3) Due to other unreasonable requirements from the client, the report to be produced by certified public accountants can not provide a correct account of the important items of the financial accounting.

第二十一條 注冊會計師執(zhí)行審計業(yè)務,必須按照執(zhí)業(yè)準則、規(guī)則確定的工作程序出具報告。

Article 21 The certified public accountants must, in carrying out audit services, produce audit reports in accordance with the audit procedures set in the professional standards and rules.


When preparing reports in the course of carrying out audit services, certified public accountants may not commit any of the following acts:


(1) to refrain from pointing out while clearly knowing that the client's processing of the important items of the financial accounting contravenes the relevant provisions of the State;


(2) to conceal facts or produce an untruthful report while clearly knowing that the client's processing of the financial accounting will directly impair the interests of the users of the report or other interested parties;


(3) to refrain from pointing out while clearly knowing that the client's processing of the financial accounting may substantially mislead the users of the report or other interested parties; or


(4) to refrain from pointing out while clearly knowing that the important items of the client's accounting statements contain other false information.


Where certified public accountants ought to know the acts of their clients specified above in accordance with the professional standards and rules, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply.

第二十二條 注冊會計師不得有下列行為:

Article 22 Certified public accountants shall not commit any of the following acts:


(1) in the course of carrying out audit services, to buy or sell stocks or debentures of the institutions audited or purchase other property of institutions or individuals audited during the period such acts are prohibited as prescribed by the laws and administrative rules and regulations;


(2) to ask for or accept remuneration or other forms of payment in cash or in kind in addition to what is agreed upon with the client in a contract, or seek other unlawful interests by taking advantage of their services;


(3) to undertake commission to dun debts;


(4) to allow others to carry out services in the name of the certified public accountant;


(5) to work concurrently at two or more public accounting firms;


(6) to advertise their qualifications to solicit business; or


(7) other acts in violation of the laws or administrative rules and regulations.


第二十三條 會計師事務所可以由注冊會計師合伙設立。

Article 23 A public accounting firm may be established by certified public accountants in partnership.


The obligations of a public accounting firm in partnership shall be borne by the partners with their own property according to the proportion of their respective capital contributions or to their agreement.


The partners shall bear joint liabilities as to the obligations of the public accounting firm.

第二十四條 會計師事務所符合下列條件的,可以是負有限責任的法人:

Article 24 A public accounting firm conforming to the following requirements may be a legal person with limited liabilities:


(1) having a registered capital of no less than 300 000 yuan;


(2) employing a certain number of full-time professionals, among whom there must be at least five certified public accountants; and


(3) satisfying the business scope and other requirements as stipulated by the financial department of the State Council.


Public accounting firms with limited liabilities shall bear obligations with their total assets.

第二十五條 設立會計師事務所,由國務院財政部門或者省、自治區(qū)、直轄市人民政府財政部門批準。

Article 25 The establishment of a public accounting firm shall be subjected to the approval of the financial department of the State Council, or the financial department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government.


To apply for establishment of a public accounting firm, the applicant shall submit to the examining and approving authorities the following documents:


(1) an application;


(2) the name, institutional structure and premises of the public accounting firm;


(3) the articles of association of the public accounting firm, and the agreement of partnership if there is any;


(4) the name list, resumes and relevant certificates of the certified public accountants;


(5) the names, resumes and relevant certificates of the leading persons and partners of the public accounting firm;


(6) the certificate of capital contributions of the public accounting firm with limited liabilities; and


(7) other documents as required by the examining and approving authorities.

第二十六條 審批機關(guān)應當自收到申請文件之日起30日內(nèi)決定批準或者不批準。

Article 26 The examining and approving authorities shall decide whether to approve or not within 30 days from the date of receiving the documents of application.


Public accounting firms approved by the financial departments of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be filed with the financial department of the State Council for the record.


If the financial department of the State Council finds the approval to be inappropriate, it shall, within 30 days from the date of receiving the report, notify the original examining and approving authorities to review the case.

第二十七條 會計師事務所設立分支機構(gòu),須經(jīng)分支機構(gòu)所在地的省、自治區(qū)、直轄市人民政府財政部門批準。

Article 27 Establishment of a branch of a public accounting firm shall be subjected to the approval of the financial department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where the branch is to be located.

第二十八條 會計師事務所依法納稅。

Article 28 Public accounting firms shall pay taxes according to law.


Public accounting firms shall set up a professional risk fund and undertake professional insurance as prescribed by the financial department of the State Council.

第二十九條 會計師事務所受理業(yè)務,不受行政區(qū)域、行業(yè)的限制;但是,法律、行政法規(guī)另有規(guī)定的除外。

Article 29 When receiving business, public accounting firms shall not be limited by administrative regions or trades, except as otherwise provided by the laws, administrative rules and regulations.

第三十條 委托人委托會計師事務所辦理業(yè)務,任何單位和個人不得干預。

Article 30 No unit or individual shall interfere in the services entrusted by the clients to public accounting firms.

第三十一條 本法第十八條至第二十一條的規(guī)定,適用于會計師事務所。

Article 31 The provisions of Articles 18 to 21 of this Law shall be applicable to public accounting firms.

第三十二條 會計師事務所不得有本法第二十二條第(一)項至第(四) 項、第(六)項、第(七)項所列的行為。

Article 32 Public accounting firms shall not commit any of the acts listed in Items 1 to 4, Item 6 and Item 7 of Article 22 of this Law.


第三十三條 注冊會計師應當加入注冊會計師協(xié)會。

Article 33 A certified public accountant shall join an institute of certified public accountants.

第三十四條 中國注冊會計師協(xié)會的章程由全國會員代表大會制定,并報國務院財政部門備案;

Article 34 The Articles of Association of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants shall be formulated by the national congress of the members of the Institute and filed with the financial department of the State Council for the record.


The articles of association of the institutes of certified public accountants of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be formulated by the congresses of the members of the institutes and filed with the financial departments of the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government for the record.

第三十五條 中國注冊會計師協(xié)會依法擬訂注冊會計師執(zhí)業(yè)準則、規(guī)則,報國務院財政部門批準后施行。

Article 35 The Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants shall draw up professional standards and rules for certified public accountants according to law and implement them after obtaining approval from the financial department of the State Council.

第三十六條 注冊會計師協(xié)會應當支持注冊會計師依法執(zhí)行業(yè)務,維護其合法權(quán)益,向有關(guān)方面反映其意見和建議。

Article 36 The institutes of certified public accountants shall support the certified public accountants in conducting their services according to law, safeguard their legitimate rights and interests and convey their opinions and suggestions to the relevant authorities.

第三十七條 注冊會計師協(xié)會應當對注冊會計師的任職資格和執(zhí)業(yè)情況進行年度檢查。

Article 37 The institutes of certified public accountants shall carry out annual inspection of the qualifications and professional services of certified public accountants.

第三十八條 注冊會計師協(xié)會依法取得社會團體法人資格。

Article 38 The institutes of certified public accountants shall acquire the status of body corporate according to law.

第三十九條 會計師事務所違反本法第二十條、第二十一條規(guī)定的,由省級以上人民政府財政部門給予警告,沒收違法所得,可以并處違法所得1倍以上5倍以下的罰款;

Article 39 If a public accounting firm violates the provisions of Article 20 or Article 21 of this Law, the financial department of the people's government at or above the provincial level shall give a warning to the firm, confiscate its illegal income and may concurrently impose a fine of not less than one time, but not more than five times the value of the illegal income.


If the circumstances are serious, the financial department of the people's government at or above the provincial level may also suspend its business operation or revoke its business licence.


If a certified public accountant violates the provisions of Article 20 or Article 21 of this Law, the financial department of the people's government at or above the provincial level shall give a warning to the accountant.


If the circumstances are serious, the financial department of the people's government at or above the provincial level may suspend his services or revoke his certificate of the certified public accountant.


A public accounting firm or a certified public accountant, that, in violation of the provisions of Article 20 or Article 21 of this Law, intentionally produces untruthful audit reports or capital verification reports shall, if the cases constitutes a crime, be investigated for criminal responsibilities according to law.

第四十條 對未經(jīng)批準承辦本法第十四條規(guī)定的注冊會計師業(yè)務的單位,由省級以上人民政府財政部門責令其停止違法活動,沒收違法所得,可以并處違法所得1倍以上5倍以下的罰款。

Article 40 If a unit undertakes the services defined for certified public accountants under Article 14 of this Law without prior approval, the financial department of the people's government at or above the provincial level shall order the unit to stop its illegal activities, confiscate its illegal income and may concurrently impose a fine of not less than one time, but not more than five times the value of the illegal income.

第四十一條 當事人對行政處罰決定不服的,可以在接到處罰通知之日起15日內(nèi)向作出處罰決定的機關(guān)的上一級機關(guān)申請復議;當事人也可以在接到處罰決定通知之日起15日內(nèi)直接向人民法院起訴。

Article 41 If the party concerned disagrees with the decision on administrative sanctions, it may, within 15 days from the date of receiving the notification of the decision on sanctions, apply for reconsideration to the organ at the next higher level than the organ that made the decision on sanction. The party concerned may also, within 15 days from the date of receiving the notification of the decision on sanction, directly being a suit before a people's court.


The organ giving reconsideration shall make a decision within 60 days from the date of receiving the application for reconsideration.


If the party concerned disagrees with the decision made after reconsideration, it may bring a suit before a people's court within 15 days from the date of receiving the decision.


If the organ giving the reconsideration fails to make a decision within the time limit, the party concerned may bring a suit before a people's court within 15 days from the expiration of the time limit for reconsideration.


If the party concerned within the time limit has neither applied for reconsideration nor brought a suit before a people's court, nor complied with the decision on sanction, the organ making the decision may apply to the people's court for compulsory execution.

第四十二條 會計師事務所違反本法規(guī)定,給委托人、其他利害關(guān)系人造成損失的,應當依法承擔賠償責任。

Article 42 If a public accounting firm has in violation of the provisions of this Law caused losses to its client or other interested parties, it shall bear the liability for compensation according to law.

第四十三條 在審計事務所工作的注冊審計師,經(jīng)認定為具有注冊會計師資格的,可以執(zhí)行本法規(guī)定的業(yè)務,其資格認定和對其監(jiān)督、指導、管理的辦法由國務院另行規(guī)定。

Article 43 A certified public auditor working in an audit firm, who has been recognized as qualified for a certified public accountant, may carry out the services provided by this Law. Measures for recognition of qualifications, and for supervision, guidance and administration of such auditors shall be formulated separately by the State Council.

第四十四條 外國人申請參加中國注冊會計師全國統(tǒng)一考試和注冊,按照互惠原則辦理。

Article 44 As to foreigners who apply for participation in the unified national examination for Chinese certified public accountants and for registration as certified public accountants, the matter shall be dealt with on a reciprocal basis.


Foreign public accounting firms that wish to establish a permanent representative office within the territory of China must apply to the financial department of the State Council for approval.


A cooperative public accounting firm to be jointly sponsored by foreign and Chinese public accounting firms shall be subject to the examination and consent of the department under the State Council in charge of foreign economic relations and trade or a department authorized by the State Council and of a people's government at the provincial level, before the matter is reported to the financial department of the State Council for approval.


Apart from what is stipulated in the preceding paragraph, if a foreign public accounting firm wishes to conduct relevant business within the territory of China on a temporary basis, it must apply to the financial department of the people's government of the relevant province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for approval.

第四十五條 國務院可以根據(jù)本法制定實施條例。

Article 45 The State Council may formulate regulations for implementation in accordance with this Law.

第四十六條 本法自1994年1月1日起施行。1986年7月3日國務院發(fā)布的《中華人民共和國會計師條例》同時廢止。

Article 46 This Law shall enter into force as of January 1, 1994. The Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Chinese Certified Public Accountants promulgated by the State Council on July 3, 1986

中英對照法規(guī)  英文法規(guī)    中華人民共和國注冊會計師法  中英雙語

希尼爾翻譯公司  2014-10-24