
當(dāng)前位置:希尼爾首頁(yè) > 英文法規(guī) >中華人民共和國(guó)城市規(guī)劃法-中英雙語(yǔ)


青島希尼爾翻譯公司 2016年8月3日整理發(fā)布


City Planning Law of the People's Republic of China

第一條 為了確定城市的規(guī)模和發(fā)展方向,實(shí)現(xiàn)城市的經(jīng)濟(jì)和社會(huì)發(fā)展目標(biāo),合理地制定城市規(guī)劃和進(jìn)行城市建設(shè),適應(yīng)社會(huì)主義現(xiàn)代化建設(shè)的需要,制定本法。

Article 1. This Law is formulated to determine the size of a city, define the orientation of its development, realize the goals of its economic and social development, and map out its plan and carry out its construction on a rational basis in order to meet the needs in socialist modernization.

第二條 制定和實(shí)施城市規(guī)劃,在城市規(guī)劃區(qū)內(nèi)進(jìn)行建設(shè),必須遵守本法。

Article 2. This Law shall be observed when the plan for a city is being formulated or implemented, or when construction is being carried out within a planned urban area.

第三條 本法所稱城市,是指國(guó)家按行政建制設(shè)立的直轄市、市、鎮(zhèn)。

Article 3. The term “ city ” used in this Law applies to a municipality directly under the Central Government, a city or a town established as one of the administrative divisions of the state.


The term “ a planned urban area ” used in this Law applies to an urban district, an inner suburban district or an area needed for urban development and construction as one of the administrative divisions of a city. The scope of a planned urban area shall be determined by the people's government of a city, while compiling a comprehensive plan for the city.

第四條 國(guó)家實(shí)行嚴(yán)格控制大城市規(guī)模、合理發(fā)展中等城市和小城市的方針,促進(jìn)生產(chǎn)力和人口的合理布局。

Article 4. The state shall guide itself by the principle of strictly controlling the size of large cities and developing medium-sized and small cities to an appropriate extent in the interest of a rational distribution of productive forces and of the population.


A “ large city ” means one which has a non-agricultural population of 500, 000 or more in its urban and inner suburban districts.


A “ medium-sized city ” means one which has a non-agricultural population of over 200,000 but less than 500,000 in its urban and inner suburban districts.


A “ small city ” means one which has a non-agricultural population of less than 200,000 in its urban and inner suburban districts.

第五條 城市規(guī)劃必須符合我國(guó)國(guó)情,正確處理近期建設(shè)和遠(yuǎn)景發(fā)展的關(guān)系。

Article 5. City planning must suit the specific conditions of our country and embody a correct handling of the relationship between short-term and long-term development.


The principle of usefulness and economy and of building the country through thrift and hard work must be adhered to in construction in a planned urban area.

第六條 城市規(guī)劃的編制應(yīng)當(dāng)依據(jù)國(guó)民經(jīng)濟(jì)和社會(huì)發(fā)展規(guī)劃以及當(dāng)?shù)氐淖匀画h(huán)境、資源條件、歷史情況,現(xiàn)狀特點(diǎn),統(tǒng)籌兼顧,綜合部署。

Article 6. The compilation of the plan for a city shall be based on the plan for national economic and social development as well as the natural environment, resources, historical conditions and present characteristics of the city. The plan shall be a comprehensive one which gives balanced consideration to all factors.


The construction of items of urban infrastructure as defined in the plan for a city shall be incorporated into the plan for national economic and social development in accordance with the specified procedure for national capital construction, and shall be carried out step by step in a planned way.

第七條 城市總體規(guī)劃應(yīng)當(dāng)和國(guó)土規(guī)劃、區(qū)域規(guī)劃、江河流域規(guī)劃、土地利用總體規(guī)劃相協(xié)調(diào)。

Article 7. The comprehensive plan for a city shall be coordinated with territorial planning, regional planning, water space planning and comprehensive planning for the use of land.

第八條 國(guó)家鼓勵(lì)城市規(guī)劃科學(xué)技術(shù)研究,推廣先進(jìn)技術(shù),提高城市規(guī)劃科學(xué)技術(shù)水平。

Article 8. The state shall encourage scientific and technical research in city planning and shall popularize advanced technology in order to raise the scientific and technical level of city planning.

第九條 國(guó)務(wù)院城市規(guī)劃行政管理部門主管全國(guó)的城市規(guī)劃工作。

Article 9. The competent department of city planning administration under the State Council shall be responsible for city planning throughout the country.


The competent departments of city planning administration of the people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for city planning in the administrative areas under their jurisdiction.

第十條 任何單位和個(gè)人都有遵守城市規(guī)劃的義務(wù),并有權(quán)對(duì)違反城市規(guī)劃的行為進(jìn)行檢舉和控告。

Article 10. All units and individuals shall have the obligation to abide by the plan for a city and shall have the right to report and bring charges against any action that runs counter to such a plan.


第十一條 國(guó)務(wù)院城市規(guī)劃行政主管部門和省、自治區(qū)、直轄市人民政府應(yīng)當(dāng)分別組織編制全國(guó)和省、自治區(qū)、直轄市的城鎮(zhèn)體系規(guī)劃,用以指導(dǎo)城市規(guī)劃的編制。

Article 11. The competent department of city planning administration under the State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall organize the compilation of hierachical urban plan for the whole nation and for the provinces, the autonomous regions and the municipalities directly under the Central Government respectively in order to provide guidance for the compilation of the plans for the cities.


Article 12. The people's government of a city shall be responsible for seeing to the compilation of the plan for the same city. The compilation of the plan for a town which is the seat of the people's government of a county shall be taken care of by the same people's government.

第十三條 編制城市規(guī)劃必須從實(shí)際出發(fā)、科學(xué)預(yù)測(cè)城市遠(yuǎn)景發(fā)展的需要;應(yīng)當(dāng)使城市的發(fā)展規(guī)模、各項(xiàng)建設(shè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、定額指標(biāo)、開發(fā)程序同國(guó)家和地方的經(jīng)濟(jì)技術(shù)發(fā)展水平相適應(yīng)。

Article 13. In the compilation of the plan for a city, it shall be necessary to proceed from actual conditions and make a scientific forecast of the needs arising from its long-term development. The size of the city, the standards, norms and criteria for the various items of development, and the development procedure shall conform with the national and local levels of economic and technological development.

第十四條 編制城市規(guī)劃應(yīng)當(dāng)注意保護(hù)和改善城市生態(tài)環(huán)境,防止污染和其他公害,加強(qiáng)城市綠化建設(shè)和市容環(huán)境衛(wèi)生建設(shè),保護(hù)歷史文化遺產(chǎn)、城市傳統(tǒng)風(fēng)貌、地方特色和自然景觀。

Article 14. In the compilation of the plan for a city, attention shall be paid to the protection and improvement of the city's ecological environment, the prevention of pollution and other public hazards, the development of greenery and afforestation, the improvement of the appearance and environmental sanitation of urban areas, the preservation of historic and cultural sites, the traditional cityscape, the local characteristics and the natural landscape.


In the compilation of the plan for a city in a national autonomous area, attention shall be paid to the preservation of ethnic traditions and local characteristics.

第十五條 編制城市規(guī)劃應(yīng)當(dāng)貫徹有利生產(chǎn)、方便生活、促進(jìn)流通、繁榮經(jīng)濟(jì)、促進(jìn)科學(xué)技術(shù)文化教育事業(yè)的原則。

Article 15. In the compilation of the plan for a city, the principle of facilitating production, benefiting the people's everyday life, promoting commodity circulation, enriching the economy and promoting advances in science, technology, culture and education shall be adhered to.


City planning shall conform with the city's needs for fire-fighting, the prevention of explosions, the mitigation of earthquakes, the prevention of floods and of mud-rock flows, public security, traffic control and civil air defence construction. In areas where strong earthquakes and serious floods are likely to occur, measures for earthquake mitigation and flood prevention must be specified in the plan for a city.

第十六條 編制城市規(guī)劃應(yīng)當(dāng)貫徹合理用地、節(jié)約用地的原則。

Article 16. In the compilation of the plan for a city, the principle of optimal utilization and conservation of land shall be observed.

第十七條 編制城市規(guī)劃應(yīng)當(dāng)具備勘察、測(cè)量及其他必要的基礎(chǔ)資料。

Article 17. For the compilation of the plan for a city, data on exploration and surveying and other necessary basic information shall be made available.

第十八條 編制城市規(guī)劃一般分總體規(guī)劃和詳細(xì)規(guī)劃兩個(gè)階段進(jìn)行。大城市、中等城市為了進(jìn)一步控制和確定不同地段的土地用途、范圍和容量,協(xié)調(diào)各項(xiàng)基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施和公共設(shè)施的建設(shè),在總體規(guī)劃基礎(chǔ)上,可以編制分區(qū)規(guī)劃。

Article 18. The plan for a city shall, as a rule, be worked out in two stages, i.e. comprehensive planning and detailed planning. For large and medium-sized cities, district planning may be conducted on the basis of comprehensive planning in order to further control and define the use of land and determine the scope and capacity of each plot and to coordinate the construction of various items of infrastructure and public facilities.

第十九條 城市總體規(guī)劃應(yīng)當(dāng)包括:城市的性質(zhì)、發(fā)展目標(biāo)和發(fā)展規(guī)模,城市主要建設(shè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和定額指標(biāo),城市建設(shè)用地布局、功能分區(qū)和各項(xiàng)建設(shè)的總體部署,城市綜合交通體系和河湖、綠地系統(tǒng),各項(xiàng)專業(yè)規(guī)劃,近期建設(shè)規(guī)劃。

Article 19. The comprehensive plan for a city shall cover the designated function of the city, the goals of its development and its projected size, the standards, norms and criteria for its main building structures, the distribution of land used for various construction purposes, the functions of different zones, the overall arrangement for construction, the comprehensive urban transportation system, the system of water spaces and green spaces, the plan for specialized sectors and the plan for immediate construction.


The comprehensive plan for a city with a municipal government or for a town serving as the seat of a county government shall include a hierachical urban plan for the administrative divisions of the city or county.

第二十條 城市詳細(xì)規(guī)劃應(yīng)當(dāng)在城市總體規(guī)劃或者分區(qū)規(guī)劃的基礎(chǔ)上,對(duì)城市近期建設(shè)區(qū)域內(nèi)各項(xiàng)建設(shè)作出具體規(guī)劃。

Article 20. The detailed plan for a city shall, on the basis of the comprehensive plan for the city or the plan for its different zones, include a concrete plan for the various construction projects to be undertaken in the immediate development area of the city.


The detailed plan for a city shall define the scope for the use of land for each construction project within the planned plot and provide the control indexes for building density and building height, the general layout, the comprehensive plan for utilities engineering and the plan for site engineering.

第二十一條 城市規(guī)劃實(shí)行分級(jí)審批。

Article 21. Plans for cities shall be examined and approved at different levels.


The comprehensive plan for a municipality directly under the Central Government shall be submitted by the people's government of the municipality to the State Council for examination and approval.


The comprehensive plan for a city which is the seat of the people's government of a province or of an autonomous region, or for a city which has a population of 1,000,000 or more, or for a city otherwise designated by the State Council shall first be examined and approved by the people's government of the province or the autonomous region and then submitted to the State Council for examination and approval.


The comprehensive plan for a city with a municipal government or for a town serving as the seat of a county government other than those defined in Paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article shall be submitted to the people's government of the province, the autonomous region or the municipality directly under the Central Government for examination and approval. The comprehensive plan for a town which is the seat of the people's government of a county administered by a municipality shall be submitted to the relevant municipal people's government for examination and approval.


The comprehensive plan for a town with an administrative status other than that defined in the preceding paragraph shall be submitted to the people's government of the relevant county for examination and approval.


The people's government of a city or of a county must submit the comprehensive plan for a city to the people's congress at the corresponding level or its standing committee for examination and approval before submitting it to the people's government at a higher level for examination and approval.


The plan for a district of a city shall be examined and approved by the people's government of the city.


The detailed plan for a city shall be examined and approved by the people 's government of the city. The detailed plan for a city which has a district plan shall be submitted to the competent department of city planning administration of the people's government of the city for examination and approval, with the exception of important detailed plans which shall be submitted to the people's government of the city for examination and approval.

第二十二條 城市人民政府可以根據(jù)城市經(jīng)濟(jì)和社會(huì)發(fā)展需要,對(duì)城市總體規(guī)劃進(jìn)行局部調(diào)整,報(bào)同級(jí)人民代表大會(huì)常務(wù)委員會(huì)和原批準(zhǔn)機(jī)關(guān)備案:但涉及城市性質(zhì)、規(guī)模、發(fā)展方向和總體布局重大變更的,須經(jīng)同級(jí)人民代表大會(huì)或者其常務(wù)委員會(huì)審查同意后報(bào)原批準(zhǔn)機(jī)關(guān)審批。

Article 22. The people's government of a city may make partial readjustments in the comprehensive plan for the city according to needs arising from the city's economic and social development, and the comprehensive plan thus readjusted shall be submitted to the standing committee of the people's congress at the corresponding level and to the authority which originally approved the plan for the record. Major readjustments which involve the designated function of the city, its size, the orientation of its development or its overall layout shall be examined and approved by the people's congress at the corresponding level or its standing committee before they are submitted to the authority which originally approved the plan for examination and approval.


第二十三條 城市新區(qū)開發(fā)和舊區(qū)改建必須堅(jiān)持統(tǒng)一規(guī)劃、合理布局、因地制宜、綜合開發(fā)、配套建設(shè)的原則。各項(xiàng)建設(shè)工程的選址、定點(diǎn),不得妨礙城市的發(fā)展,危害城市的安全,污染和破壞城市環(huán)境,影響城市各項(xiàng)功能的協(xié)調(diào)。

Article 23. In the development of new urban areas and the redevelopment of existing urban areas, the principles of unified planning, a rational layout, consideration of local conditions, comprehensive development and the coordinated construction of support facilities must be adhered to. The selection and determination of sites for construction projects may not hinder the development of a city, endanger its safety, cause pollution or a deterioration of its environment or affect the coordination of its various functions.

第二十四條 新建鐵路編組站、鐵路貨運(yùn)干線、過境公路、機(jī)場(chǎng)和重要軍事設(shè)施等應(yīng)當(dāng)避開市區(qū)。

Article 24. The marshalling yards for newly built railways, trunk lines for freight trains, transit highways, airports and important military establishments shall be built away from the urban districts.


In the construction of harbours, consideration shall be given to the rational allocation and utilization of a city's water front, and the availability of a section of the water front for activities other than production shall be guaranteed.

第二十五條 城市新區(qū)開發(fā)應(yīng)當(dāng)具備水資源、能源、交通、防災(zāi)等建設(shè)條件,并應(yīng)當(dāng)避開地下礦藏、地下文物古跡。

Article 25. The development of new urban areas shall be carried out in localities where there are conditions for construction like ample water and energy resources, transportation facilities and means of preventing disasters. Mineral reserves and underground cultural relics and historical sites shall be avoided.

第二十六條 城市新區(qū)開發(fā)應(yīng)當(dāng)合理利用城市現(xiàn)有設(shè)施。

Article 26. In the development of new urban areas, rational use shall be made of the existing facilities of a city.

第二十七條 城市舊區(qū)改建應(yīng)當(dāng)遵循加強(qiáng)維護(hù)、合理利用、調(diào)整布局、逐步改善的原則,統(tǒng)一規(guī)劃,分期實(shí)施,并逐步改善居住和交通運(yùn)輸條件,加強(qiáng)基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施和公共設(shè)施建設(shè),提高城市的綜合功能。

Article 27. In the redevelopment of existing urban areas, the principles of good maintenance, rational utilization, readjustment of the layout and gradual improvement shall be adhered to. Redevelopment shall be carried out by stages on a unified plan. The residential and transportation conditions in the existing urban areas shall be improved step by step, and special attention shall be given to the construction of the infrastructure and public facilities so as to enhance the multiple functions of the city.


第二十八條 城市規(guī)劃經(jīng)批難后,城市人民政府應(yīng)當(dāng)公布。

Article 28. The plan for a city shall be announced by the people's government of the city after it is approved.

第二十九條 城市規(guī)劃區(qū)內(nèi)的土地利用和各項(xiàng)建設(shè)必須符合城市規(guī)劃,服從規(guī)劃管理。

Article 29. The use of land and all development projects within a planned urban area must conform to the plan for a city and must be subjected to planning administration.

第三十條 城市規(guī)劃區(qū)內(nèi)的建設(shè)工程的選址和布局必須符合城市規(guī)劃。設(shè)計(jì)任務(wù)書報(bào)請(qǐng)批準(zhǔn)時(shí),必須附有城市規(guī)劃行政主管部門的選址意見書。

Article 30. The location and layout of construction projects within a planned urban area must conform to the plan for a city. The design programme submitted for approval must be accompanied by the statement of opinion on the location issued by the competent department of city planning administration.

第三十—條 在城市規(guī)劃區(qū)內(nèi)進(jìn)行建設(shè)需要申請(qǐng)用地的,必須持國(guó)家批準(zhǔn)建設(shè)項(xiàng)目的有關(guān)文件,向城市規(guī)劃行政主管部門申請(qǐng)定點(diǎn),由城市規(guī)劃行政主管部門核定其用地位置和界限,提供規(guī)劃設(shè)計(jì)條件,核發(fā)建設(shè)用地規(guī)劃許可證。

Article 31. When applying for the use of land for a construction project in a planned urban area, the unit or individual undertaking construction must produce documents stating the approval of the project by the relevant government authorities and apply to the competent department of city planning administration for the determination of a location for the construction project. The competent department of city planning administration shall determine the site and its boundary, provide the facilities for planning and designing, and issue a permit for the planned use of land for construction.


Only after acquiring the permit for the planned use of land for construction, may the unit or individual undertaking construction apply for the use of land to the land administration department of the local people's government at or above the county level. After the application is examined and approved by the people's government at or above the county level, land shall be allocated by the department of land administration.

第三十二條 在城市規(guī)劃區(qū)內(nèi)新建、擴(kuò)建和改建建筑物、構(gòu)筑物、道路、管線和其他工程設(shè)施,必須持有關(guān)批準(zhǔn)文件向城市規(guī)劃行政主管部門提出申請(qǐng),由城市規(guī)劃行政主管部門根據(jù)城市規(guī)劃提出的規(guī)劃設(shè)計(jì)要求,核發(fā)建設(shè)工程規(guī)劃許可證件。

Article 32. For the construction of a new building, structure, road, pipeline and cable or any other engineering works, its extension or its alteration within a planned urban area, application shall be submitted to the competent department of the city planning administration together with the related documents of approval. The competent department of city planning administration shall issue a permit for a planned construction project according to the planning and design requirements defined in the plan for the city.


The unit or individual undertaking construction may not apply for the performance of the procedure for the beginning of construction until after acquiring the permit for a planned construction project.

第三十三條 在城市規(guī)劃區(qū)內(nèi)進(jìn)行臨時(shí)建設(shè),必須在批準(zhǔn)的使用期限內(nèi)拆除。

Article 33. A temporary structure erected within a planned urban area must be demolished within the approved period of time for its use.


Measures for the planning and administration of temporary structures and land for temporary use shall be formulated by the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.The construction of permanent buildings, structures and other installations shall be banned on land granted for temporary use.

第三十四條 任何單位和個(gè)人必須服從城市人民政府根據(jù)城市規(guī)劃作出的調(diào)整用地決定。

Article 34. All units and individuals must obey the decisions on readjustments in the use of land made by the people's government of a city according to the plan for the city.

第三十五條 任何單位和個(gè)人不得占用道路、廣場(chǎng)、綠地、高壓供電走廊和壓占地下管線進(jìn)行建設(shè)。

Article 35. No unit or individual may undertake construction on a road or a public square, in a green space, in a high-voltage power supply corridor, or by cutting into the space for underground pipelines and cables.

第三十六條 在城市規(guī)劃區(qū)內(nèi)進(jìn)行挖取砂石、土方等動(dòng),須經(jīng)有關(guān)主管部門批準(zhǔn),不得破壞城市環(huán)境,影響城市活規(guī)劃的實(shí)施。

Article 36. The excavation of sand and gravel and of earth within a planned urban area shall be approved by the competent administrative authorities. No such activity may cause damage to the urban environment or produce a negative effect on city planning.

第三十七條 城市規(guī)劃行政主管部門有權(quán)對(duì)城市規(guī)劃區(qū)內(nèi)的建設(shè)工程是否符合規(guī)劃要求進(jìn)行檢查。

Article 37. The competent department of city planning administration shall be empowered to inspect the construction projects in a planned urban area to see if they conform to the requirements of the plan for a city.


The party subject to inspection shall state the actual situation and provide the necessary data. The party conducting inspection shall be obliged to keep technical and business secrets for the party subject to inspection.

第三十八條 城市規(guī)劃行政主管部門可以參加城市規(guī)劃區(qū)內(nèi)重要建設(shè)工程的竣工驗(yàn)收。

Article 38. The competent department of city planning administration may participate in the checking and acceptance of important development projects within a planned urban area.


The construction unit shall submit to the competent department of city planning administration documents related to the completion of a development project within a planned urban area within six months of the checking and acceptance of the project.


第三十九條 在城市規(guī)劃區(qū)內(nèi),未取得建設(shè)用地規(guī)劃許可證而取得建設(shè)用地批準(zhǔn)文件、占用土地的,批推文件無效,占用的土地由縣級(jí)以上人民政府責(zé)令退回。

Article 39. If, within a planned urban area, land is occupied and used after the acquisition of documents of approval for the use of land for construction but without the acquisition of a permit for the planned use of land for construction, such documents of approval shall be declared invalid, and the land occupied shall be returned by order of a people's government at or above the county level.

第四十條 在城市規(guī)劃區(qū)內(nèi),未取得建設(shè)工程規(guī)劃許可證件或者違反建設(shè)工程規(guī)劃許可證件的規(guī)定進(jìn)行建設(shè),嚴(yán)重影響城市規(guī)劃的,由縣級(jí)以上地方人民政府城市規(guī)劃行政主管部門責(zé)令停止建設(shè),限期拆除或者沒收違法建筑物、構(gòu)筑物或者其他設(shè)施;

Article 40. Construction which is undertaken within a planned urban area without a permit for a planned construction project or not in line with the requirements stated in the permit and which seriously affects city planning shall, by order of the competent department of city planning administration of the local people's government at or above the county level, be suspended, removed within a prescribed period of time or be punishable by the confiscation of illegal buildings, structures or facilities;


construction which affects city planning but can still be remedied shall, by order of the competent department of city planning administration of the local people's government at or above the county level, be corrected within a prescribed period of time and be concurrently punishable by a fine.

第四十一條 對(duì)未取得建設(shè)工程規(guī)劃許可證件或者違反建設(shè)工程規(guī)劃許可證件的規(guī)定進(jìn)行建設(shè)的單位的有關(guān)責(zé)任人員,可以由其所在單位或者上級(jí)主管機(jī)關(guān)給予行政處分。

Article 41. A person responsible for constructing a project without a permit for a planned construction project or not in line with the requirements in the permit may be given administrative sanction by the organization where he works or by the competent authority at a higher level.

第四十二條 當(dāng)事人對(duì)行政處罰決定不服的,可以在接到處罰通知之日起十五日內(nèi),向作出處罰決定的機(jī)關(guān)的上一級(jí)機(jī)關(guān)申請(qǐng)復(fù)議;對(duì)復(fù)議決定不服的,可以在接到復(fù)議決定之日起十五日內(nèi),直接向人民法院起訴。

Article 42. A party refusing to accept the decision on administrative sanction may, within 15 days of receiving the notification on such a decision, apply for reconsideration to the department next higher to the authorities that decided on the sanction; if the party refuses to accept the decision of reconsideration, it may, within 15 days of receiving the reconsideration decision, bring a suit before a people's court.


A party may also bring a suit directly before a people's court within 15 days of receiving the notification on the sanction. If, upon the expiration of this period, the party has not applied for reconsideration or has neither brought a suit before a people's court nor complied with the sanction, the authorities that decided on the sanction may apply to the people's court for compulsory enforcement.

第四十三條 城市規(guī)劃行政主管部門工作人員中玩忽職守、濫用職權(quán)、拘私舞弊的,由其所在單位或者上級(jí)主管機(jī)犬給予行政處分:構(gòu)成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責(zé)任。

Article 43. Any member of a competent department of city planning administration who neglects his duty, abuses his power or engages in malpractices for personal gains shall be given administrative sanction by the unit to which he belongs or by the competent higher authorities; if his act constitutes a crime, he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.


第四十四條 未設(shè)鎮(zhèn)建制的工礦區(qū)的居民點(diǎn),參照本法執(zhí)行。

Article 44. This Law may be referred to for a residents' community in an industrial or mining district without the administrative status of a town.

第四十五條 國(guó)務(wù)院城市規(guī)劃行政主管部門根據(jù)本法制定實(shí)施條例,報(bào)國(guó)務(wù)院批準(zhǔn)后施行。

Article 45. Rules for the implementation of this Law shall be formulated, pursuant to this Law, by the competent department of city planning administration under the State Council, and shall be implemented after they are submitted to and approved by the State Council.


Measures for the implementation of this Law may be formulated, pursuant to this Law, by the standing committees of the people's congresses of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.

第四十六條 本法自1990年4月1日起施行。國(guó)務(wù)院發(fā)布的《城市規(guī)劃條例》同時(shí)廢止。

Article 46. This Law shall enter into force as of April 1, 1990. The Regulations on City Planning promulgated by the State Council shall be abrogated therefrom.


中英對(duì)照法規(guī)  英文法規(guī)    中華人民共和國(guó)城市規(guī)劃法中英雙語(yǔ) 中華人民共和國(guó)城市規(guī)劃法中英對(duì)照 中華人民共和國(guó)城市規(guī)劃法英語(yǔ)版
