
當(dāng)前位置:希尼爾首頁 > 英文法規(guī) >中華人民共和國中外合作經(jīng)營企業(yè)法實施細(xì)則-中英雙語


青島希尼爾翻譯公司 2016年8月2日整理發(fā)布


  Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the PRC on Sino-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures


  (Approved by the State Council of the People's Republic of China on August 7, 1995 and Promulgated by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation on September 4, 1995)

  第一章 總則

  Chapter I General Provisions

  第一條 根據(jù)《中華人民共和國中外合作經(jīng)營企業(yè)法》,制定本實施細(xì)則。

  Article 1 This detailed rules are formulated in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures.

  第二條 在中國境內(nèi)舉辦中外合作經(jīng)營企業(yè)(以下簡稱合作企業(yè)),應(yīng)當(dāng)符合國家的發(fā)展政策和產(chǎn)業(yè)政策,遵守國家關(guān)于指導(dǎo)外商投資方向的規(guī)定。

  Article 2 The establishment of a Sino-foreign contractual joint venture (hereinafter referred to as contractual JV) within the Chinese territory shall conform to the national development policy and industrial policy, and abide by the State instructive directory on foreign investment.

  第三條 合作企業(yè)在批準(zhǔn)的合作企業(yè)協(xié)議、合同、章程范圍內(nèi),依法自主地開展業(yè)務(wù)、進(jìn)行經(jīng)營管理活動,不受任何組織或者個人的干涉。

  Article 3 Contractual JVs shall independently carry out its business activities and management the scope stipulated in the contractual JV agreement, and contract and articles of association, and are not subject to interference from any organization or individual.

  第四條 合作企業(yè)包括依法取得中國法人資格的合作企業(yè)和不具有法人資格的合作企業(yè)。

  Article 4 A contractual JV may be one with or without the Chinese legal person status.


  Those without shall follow relevant special regulations stipulated in Chapter IX of this detailed rules.

  第五條 合作企業(yè)的主管部門為中國合作者的主管部門。

  Article 5 Unless otherwise regulated by laws and decrees, the administrative authority of a contractual JV is the administrative department of the Chinese party.


  In cases there are more than two Chinese parties, one administrative department shall be appointed through consultations between the examination and approval authorities and the departments concerned.


  The administrative department shall coordinate relevant affairs of the venture and provide assistance according to law.

  第二章 合作企業(yè)的設(shè)立

  Chapter II Establishment of a Contractual JV

  第六條 設(shè)立合作企業(yè)由對外貿(mào)易經(jīng)濟(jì)合作部或者國務(wù)院授權(quán)的部門和地方人民政府審查批準(zhǔn)。

  Article 6 The establishment of a contractual JV is subject to examination and approval by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (Moftec), or authorized departments of the State Council and local people's governments.


  The establishment of contractual JVs shall be examined and approved by authorized departments of the State Council and local people's governments if the joint ventures are of the following conditions:


  (1) The total amount of investment falls within the limit set by the State Council for examination by authorized departments of the State Council and local people's governments.


  (2) The investment fund is raised independently, and contraction and production conditions of the venture dose not need State balance.


  (3) The venture's export dose not need to obtain export quotas or licenses issued by relevant State administrative departments; or if export quotas and licenses are needed, it has been granted approval by State administrative departments prior to filing the project proposal.


  (4) Other cases where the establishment of a contractual JV shall be examined and approved by authorized departments of the State Council and local people's governments.

  第七條 設(shè)立合作企業(yè),應(yīng)當(dāng)由中國合作者向?qū)彶榕鷾?zhǔn)機(jī)關(guān)報送下列文件:

  Article 7 To establish a contractual JV, the Chinese party shall submit the following documents to the examination and approval authorities:


  (1)Project proposal for establishing a contractual JV, together with the documents of approval handed out by the administrative departments;


  (2) Feasibility report jointly prepared by all parties, together with the documents of approval handed out by the administrative departments;


  (3) Contractual JV agreement, contract and articles of association signed by the legal representatives venture, or their proxies, of all parties of the venture;


  (4) Business licenses of all parties of the venture, their registration certificates, credit certificates and valid certificates of the legal representatives; in case the foreign party is a natural person, valid certificates of identification, curriculum vitae and credit conditions;


  (5) List of candidates for the chairman, deputy-chairman, directors of the board of the contractual JV, or the director, deputy director and members of the joint management committee;


  (6) Other documents required by the examination and approval authorities.


  Except for documents listed in item (4) that need to be submitted by the foreign parties, the aforesaid documents must be submitted in the Chinese language; Documents listed in items(2),(3) and (5) may be simultaneously submitted in foreign language agreed upon by all parties of venture.


  The examination and approval authorities shall decide whether to approve the application or not within 45 days from receipt of all required documents. The authorities have the right to demand mending and revision of the submitted documents within a set time if they think the documents are incomplete or have inappropriate parts.

  第八條 對外貿(mào)易經(jīng)濟(jì)合作部和國務(wù)院授權(quán)的部門批準(zhǔn)設(shè)立的合作企業(yè),由對外貿(mào)易經(jīng)濟(jì)合作部頒發(fā)批準(zhǔn)證書。

  Article 8 Morftec shall issue approval certificates to the contractual JVs approved for establishment by it and government departments authorized by the State Council.


  Local people's governments authorized by the State Council shall issue approval certificates to the ventures it has approved for establishment, and shall put relevant approval documents on the record of Moftec within 30 days from the approval date.


  Approved contractual JVs shall apply for registration with the administrative authorities for industry and commerce, and obtain business licenses according to law.

  第九條 申請設(shè)立合作企業(yè),有下列情形之一時,不予批準(zhǔn):

  Article 9 Applications for the establishment of contractual JVs shall not be approval on any one of the following conditions:


  (1) Detrimental to national sovereignty and public interests;


  (2) Hazardous to national security;


  (3) Causing pollution on environment;


  (4) Other conditions that run against laws, decrees or the national industrial policy.

  第十條 本實施細(xì)則所稱合作企業(yè)協(xié)議,是指合作各方對設(shè)立合作企業(yè)的原則和主要事項達(dá)成一致意見后形成的書面文件。

  Article 10 The contractual JV agreement mentioned in this detailed rules refers to the written document whose principles and major points governing the JV establishment are agreed upon and concluded by all parties.


  The contractual JV contract mentioned in this detailed rules refers to the written document agreed upon and concluded by all parties on their rights and obligations for establishing the venture.


  The contractual JV articles of association mentioned in this detailed rules refers to the written document drafted according to the joint venture contract and agreed upon by all parties on matters including the organizational principles, operation and management methods.


  In case the contractual JV agreement and the articles of association contradict with the contractual JV, the contract shall prevail.


  It is not absolutely necessary for cooperative parties to formulate contractual JV agreement.

  第十一條 合作企業(yè)協(xié)議、合同、章程自審查批準(zhǔn)機(jī)關(guān)頒發(fā)批準(zhǔn)證書之日起生效。

  Article 11 The contractual JV agreement, contract, articles of association take effect upon the issuing date of approval certificate handed out by the examination and approval authorities.


  Consent of the examination and approval authorities shall be obtained to make any major change to the agreement, contract, articles of association within the term of cooperation.

  第十二條 合作企業(yè)合同應(yīng)當(dāng)載明下列事項:

  Article 12 The contractual JV contract shall include the following items:


  (1) Names, registration localities, and addresses of all parties, as well as names, professions and nationalities of the legal representatives( or name, nationality, and address, in case the foreign party is a natural person).


  (2) Name, address, and business scope of the contractual JV.


  (3) Total amount of investment, registered capital of the venture, ways and time limit for all parties to contribute investment or provide cooperation input.


  (4) Assignment of the investment contributed by all parties or conditions for transfer.


  (5) Distribution of earnings or products between all parties and ways to share risks and losses.


  (6) Composition of the board of directors or joint management committee, and distribution of the number of directors of the board or committee members between the parties, and duties, appointment and dismissal of the general manager and other high-ranking managerial personnel.


  (7) Main production facilities and technologies adopted, and their sources of supply.


  (8) Arrangement for product sales in and outside China.


  (9) Arrangement for the venture's foreign exchange income and expenditure.


  (10) The venture's duration, dissolution and liquidation.


  (11) Other obligations of all parties and their liabilities for breach of contract.


  (12) Principles for handling finance, accounting and auditing.


  (13) Settlement of disputes between the parties.


  (14) Procedures for modifying the JV contract.

  第十三條 合作企業(yè)章程應(yīng)當(dāng)載明下列事項:

  Article 13 The contractual JV articles of association shall include the following items:


  (1) Names and address of the venture;


  (2) Business scope and cooperation term;


  (3) Names, registration localities and addresses of all parties, as well as names, professions and nationalities of the legal representatives ( or name, nationality and address in case the foreign participant is a natural person);


  (4) Total amount of investment, registered capital of the venture, ways and time limit for each party to contribute investment or provide cooperation input;


  (5) Distribution of earnings or products between all parties and ways to share risks and losses;


  (6) Composition, duties and powers, and rules of procedures for the board of directors or the joint management committee, term of office for the directors of the board or committee members, and duties of the chairman, deputy-chairman of the board or the director, deputy-director of the joint management committee;


  (7) Formation, duties and powers, and rules of procedures for the operation and management organization, and duties, appointment and dismissal of the general manager and other high-ranking managerial personnel;


  (8) Labor management regulations on employment, training, labor contract, salaries, social insurance, welfare and labor protection;


  (9) Rules for finance, accounting and auditing;


  (10) Ways for dissolution and liquidation;


  (11) Procedures for modifying the articles of association.

  第三章 組織形式與注冊資本

  Chapter III Organizational Formation & Registered Capital

  第十四條 合作企業(yè)依法取得中國法人資格的,為有限責(zé)任公司。除合作企業(yè)合同另有約定外,合作各方以其投資或者提供的合作條件為限對合作企業(yè)承擔(dān)責(zé)任。

  Article 14 The contractual JV that is accorded Chinese legal person status by law is a limited liability company. Unless otherwise stipulated in the contractual JV contract, each party is responsible for the venture within the limit of the investments or cooperation conditions it contributes.


  The contractual JV is liable to the venture's debts with all its assets.

  第十五條 合作企業(yè)的投資總額,是指按照合作企業(yè)合同、章程規(guī)定的生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營規(guī)模,需要投入的資金總和。

  Article 15 The total amount of investment of a contractual JV refers to the total sum of capital required by the production and operation scale regulated in the JV contract and articles of association.

  第十六條 合作企業(yè)的注冊資本,是指為設(shè)立合作企業(yè),在工商行政管理機(jī)關(guān)登記的合作各方認(rèn)繳的出資額之和。

  Article 16 The registered capital of a contractual JV refers to the total sum of capital agreed to be contributed by all parties and registered with the administrative authorities for industry and commerce for establishing the venture.


  The registered capital can be presented either in RMB or in one freely convertible foreign currency agreed upon by all parties.


  The registered capital of a contractual JV shall not be decreased within the term of cooperation. In case it is absolutely necessary to decrease the registered capital because of changes in the total amount of investment and production and operation scale, approval shall be obtained from examination and approval authorities.

  第四章 投資、合作條件

  Chapter IV Investment & Conditions for Cooperation

  第十七條 合作各方應(yīng)當(dāng)依照有關(guān)法律、行政法規(guī)的規(guī)定和合作企業(yè)合同的約定,向合作企業(yè)投資或者提供合作條件。

  Article 17 Each party shall contribute its investment or cooperation input to the contractual JV according to laws, decrees and contractual JV contract.

  第十八條 合作各方向合作企業(yè)的投資或者提供的合作條件可以是貨幣,也可以是實物或者工業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán)、專有技術(shù)、土地使用權(quán)等財產(chǎn)權(quán)利。

  Article 18 The investment or cooperation input contributed by all parties may be provided in cash or in kind or other property rights such as industrial property rights, technical know-how, land-use rights, etc.


  Asset appraisal shall be conducted according to relevant laws and decrees if the investment or cooperation input of the Chinese party is State-owned assets.


  In a contractual JV that is accorded by law the status of a Chinese legal person, the foreign party's investment shall generally be no less than 25 percent of the venture's registered capital.


  In a contractual JV without the status of a Chinese legal person, specific requirements for investment or cooperation input contributed by each party shall be regulated by Moftec.

  第十九條 合作各方應(yīng)當(dāng)以其自有的財產(chǎn)或者財產(chǎn)權(quán)利作為投資或者合作條件,對該投資或者合作條件不得設(shè)置抵押權(quán)或者其他形式的擔(dān)保。

  Article 19 The investment or cooperation input contributed by each party shall be the property or property right under its ownership, and shall not be mortgaged or set as any other from of guarantee.

  第二十條 合作各方應(yīng)當(dāng)根據(jù)合作企業(yè)的生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營需要,依照有關(guān)法律、行政法規(guī)的規(guī)定,在合作企業(yè)合同中約定合作各方向合作企業(yè)投資或者提供合作條件的期限。

  Article 20 The contractual JV contract shall set down time limit for all parties to contribute investment or cooperation input according to laws and decrees to meet the venture's operation and production requirements.


  In case a party fails to contribute the investment or cooperation input according to the contractual JV contract, the administrative authorities for industry and commerce shall set a time limit for it to fulfill its obligations;


  if the aforesaid party still fails to fulfill its obligations upon expiration of the time limit, the examination and approval authorities shall withdraw and nullify the venture's approval certificate, and the administrative authorities for industry and commerce shall revoke the business license and make an annunciation.

  第二十一條 未按照合作企業(yè)合同約定繳納投資或者提供合作條件的一方,應(yīng)當(dāng)向已按照合作企業(yè)合同約定繳納投資或者提供合作條件的他方承擔(dān)違約責(zé)任。

  Article 21 The party that fails to contribute investment or cooperation input according to the contract JV contract shall be liable for breach of contract to the other party that has made the contribution according the contract.

  第二十二條 合作各方繳納投資或者提供合作條件后,應(yīng)當(dāng)由中國注冊會計師驗證并出具驗資報告,由合作企業(yè)據(jù)以發(fā)給合作各方出資證明書。出資證明書應(yīng)當(dāng)載明下列事項:

  Article 22 An accountant registered in China shall verify the investment or cooperation input contributed by the parties and issue a verification certificate by which the contractual JV shall issue investment certificates to all parties. The investment certificates shall include the following items:


  (1) Name of the contractual JV;


  (2) Establishment date of the JV;


  (3) Name or each party;


  (4) Contents of the investment or cooperation input contributed by each party;


  (5) Dates of contribution of the investment or cooperation input by each party;


  (6) Serial number and issuing date of the investment certificate.


  Copies of the investment certificates shall be put on the record of the examination and approval authorities, and administrative authorities for industry and commerce.

  第二十三條 合作各方之間相互轉(zhuǎn)讓或者合作一方向合作他方以外的他人轉(zhuǎn)讓屬于其在合作企業(yè)合同中全部或者部分權(quán)利的,須經(jīng)合作他方書面同意,并報審查批準(zhǔn)機(jī)關(guān)批準(zhǔn)。

  Article 23 In case one party intends to transfer all or part of its rights with the venture to the other party or to the third party, written consent shall be obtained from the other party of the venture, and application shall be filed with the examination and approval authorities.


  The examination and approval authorities shall decide whether to approve the application or not within 30 days after receiving transfer documents.

  第五章 組織機(jī)構(gòu)

  Chapter V Organizational Institution

  第二十四條 合作企業(yè)設(shè)董事會或者聯(lián)合管理委員會。董事會或者聯(lián)合管理委員會是合作企業(yè)的權(quán)力機(jī)構(gòu),按照合作企業(yè)章程的規(guī)定,決定合作企業(yè)的重大問題。

  Article 24 A contractual JV shall set up a board of directors or a joint management committee, which is the power organ of the venture and shall make decisions on major issues pertaining to the venture according to the articles of association.

  第二十五條 董事會或者聯(lián)合管理委員會成員不得少于3人,其名額的分配由中外合作者參照其投資或者提供的合作條件協(xié)商確定。

  Article 25 The board of directors or joint management committee shall consist of no fewer than three members. Distribution of the number of directors of the board or members of the committee shall be decided upon through consultation by all parties with reference to the proportion of investment or cooperation input.

  第二十六條 董事會董事或者聯(lián)合管理委員會委員由合作各方自行委派或者撤換。

  Article 26 Appointment and replacement of the directors of the board or members of the committee shall be made separately by respective parties of the venture.


  Ways of appointing the chairman, deputy-chairman of the board or the director, deputy-director of the committee shall be regulated in the articles of association.


  Where the Chinese or foreign party is appointed as the chairman of the board or director of the committee, the other party shall be the deputy-chairman or deputy-director.

  第二十七條 董事或者委員的任期由合作企業(yè)章程規(guī)定;但是,每屆任期不得超過3年。

  Article 27 Term of office for the director of the board or the member of the committee shall be regulated in the articles of association, each term shall not exceed three years.


  Upon expiration of a term, the director of board or committee member may renew his or her term provided his/her party continues the appointment.

  第二十八條 董事會會議或者聯(lián)合管理委員會會議每年至少召開1次,由董事長或者主任召集并主持。

  Article 28 The board of directors or joint management committee shall convene at least one meeting each year, called and presided over by the chairman of the board or the director of the committee.


  In case the chairman or the director is unable to call the meting due to special reasons, he or she shall authorize the deputy-chairman of the board or deputy-director of the committee or other director of the board or committee member to call and preside over the meeting.


  A meeting of the board of directors or joint management committee may be convened upon a proposal by more than one-third of the directors of the board or the committee members.


  A meeting of the board of directors or joint management committee should be participated by more than two-thirds of the directors of the board or committee members. In case a director of the board or committee member is unable to attend the meeting, a proxy shall be appointed in writing to participate and vote.


  A resolution of the meeting shall be passed by at least half or the total members of the board or committee.


  The director of the board or committee member who fails to attend the meeting either in person or through a proxy without a reasonable excuse shall be regarded as having attended the meeting and abstained from voting.


  Notice shall be given to all members of the board or the joint management committee 10 days prior to a meeting of the board of directors or joint management committee.


  A resolution of the board of directors of joint management committee may also be made in the form of correspondence.

  第二十九條 下列事項由出席董事會會議或者聯(lián)合管理委員會會議的董事或者委員一致通過,方可作出決議:

  Article 29 Unanimous agreement is required of all the members of the board of directors or joint management committee for making any resolution on the following matters:


  (1) Modification of the articles of association;


  (2) Increase or decrease of the registered capital;


  (3) Dissolution of the JV;


  (4) Assets mortgage of the JV;


  (5) Merger, split-up or change of organization from of the JV;


  (6) Other matters that require unanimous agreement of the meeting of the board or joint management committee for a resolution.

  第三十條 董事會或者聯(lián)合管理委員會的議事方式和表決程序,除本實施細(xì)則規(guī)定的外,由合作企業(yè)章程規(guī)定。

  Article 30 Rules of procedure and voting procedures of the meeting of board or joint management committee shall be regulated in the venture's articles of association except for the those regulated in this detailed rules.

  第三十一條 董事長或者主任是合作企業(yè)的法定代表人。

  Article 31 The chairman of the board or the director of the committee is the legal representative of the venture.


  In case the chairman or director is unable to exercise the duty under certain circumstances, the deputy-chairman or deputy-director or other member of the board or joint management committee shall be authorized to represent the venture in external affairs.

  第三十二條 合作企業(yè)設(shè)總經(jīng)理1人,負(fù)責(zé)合作企業(yè)的日常經(jīng)營管理工作,對董事會或者聯(lián)合管理委員會負(fù)責(zé)。

  Article 32 The contractual JV shall appoint the general manager, to be in charge of the daily operation and management of the venture and accountable to the board of directors or joint management committee.


  The general manager shall be appointed and dismissed by the board of directors or joint management committee.

  第三十三條 總經(jīng)理及其他高級管理人員可以由中國公民擔(dān)任,也可以由外國公民擔(dān)任。

  Article 33 The general manager and other high-ranking management personnel may be Chinese or foreign citizens.


  Members of the board of directors or joint management committee may concurrently hold the positions general manager and other high-ranking personnel of the venture upon appointment of the board of directors or joint management committee.

  第三十四條 總經(jīng)理及其他高級管理人員不勝任工作任務(wù)的,或者有營私舞弊或者嚴(yán)重失職行為的,經(jīng)董事會或者聯(lián)合管理委員會決議,可以解聘;給合作企業(yè)造成損失的,應(yīng)當(dāng)依法承擔(dān)責(zé)任。

  Article 34 In case of incompetence, graft or serious dereliction of duty on the part of the general manager or other high-ranking management personnel, the board of directors or joint management committee may resolute to dismiss them. If any loss is incurred to the venture, the person concerned shall be liable to the loss according to law.

  第三十五條 合作企業(yè)成立后委托合作各方以外的他人經(jīng)營管理的,必須經(jīng)董事會或者聯(lián)合管理委員會一致同意,并應(yīng)當(dāng)與被委托人簽訂委托經(jīng)營管理合同。

  Article 35 If a contractual JV chooses to entrust a third party to operate and manage the venture after its establishment, unanimous agreement of the board of directors or joint management committee is needed, and an entrustment operation and management contract with the entrusted party needs to be signed.


  The JV shall then report for approval to the examination and approval authorities the resolution of the board or committee, the signed entrustment operation and management agreement, together with credit certificate of the entrusted party. The relevant authorities shall decide whether to approve the entrustment or not within 30 days from receiving relevant documents.

  第六章 購買物資和銷售產(chǎn)品

  Chapter VI Material Purchase & Product Sales

  第三十六條 合作企業(yè)按照經(jīng)批準(zhǔn)的經(jīng)營范圍和生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營規(guī)模,自行制定生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營計劃。

  Article 36 A contractual JV makes the production and operation plans by itself according to the approved business scope and operation scale.


  The government authorities shall not force a venture to carry out any production and operation plan worked out by any governmental authority.

  第三十七條 合作企業(yè)可以自行決定在中國境內(nèi)或者境外購買本企業(yè)自用的機(jī)器設(shè)備、原材料、燃料、零部件、配套件、元器件、運(yùn)輸工具和辦公用品等(以下簡稱“物資”)。

  Article 37 A contractual JV may decide by itself, from in or outside the Chinese territory, the purchase of machinery, equipment, raw materials, fuel, parts, accessories, components, means of transportation and office facilities, etc. (hereinafter referred to as materials) for its own use.

  第三十八條 國家鼓勵合作企業(yè)向國際市場銷售其產(chǎn)品。

  Article 38 The State encourages a contractual JV to sell its products on the world market.


  A JV may either sell the products on the world market by itself or entrust foreign sales agencies or foreign trade companies in China to sell on commission.


  The product prices of a contractual JV are subject to the venture's own decision according to law.

  第三十九條 外國合作者作為投資進(jìn)口的機(jī)器設(shè)備、零部件和其他物料以及合作企業(yè)用投資總額內(nèi)的資金進(jìn)口生產(chǎn)、經(jīng)營所需的機(jī)器設(shè)備、零部件和其他物料,免征進(jìn)口關(guān)稅和進(jìn)口環(huán)節(jié)的流轉(zhuǎn)稅。

  Article 39 Customs duty and import intermediary tax shall be exempted on the import of machinery, equipment, parts and other materials serving as the contribution of the foreign party, and machinery, equipment, parts and other materials for production and operation requirements with fund allocated from the total amount of investment of the venture.


  In case the aforesaid duty -free materials are approved to be resold within China or put on sale on the domestic market, relevant taxes shall be levied or made up according to law.

  第四十條 合作企業(yè)不得以明顯低于合理的國際市場同類產(chǎn)品的價格出口產(chǎn)品,不得以高于國際市場同類產(chǎn)品的價格進(jìn)口物資。

  Article 40 A contractual JV shall not export products at prices notably lower than the reasonable prices of similar products on the world market, nor import at prices notably higher than that of similar products on the world market.

  第四十一條 合作企業(yè)銷售產(chǎn)品,應(yīng)當(dāng)按照經(jīng)批準(zhǔn)的合作企業(yè)合同的約定銷售。

  Article 41 Product sales of a contractual JV shall abide by the stipulations of the approved contractual JV contract.

  第四十二條 合作企業(yè)進(jìn)口或者出口屬于進(jìn)出口許可證、配額管理的商品,應(yīng)當(dāng)按照國家有關(guān)規(guī)定辦理申領(lǐng)手續(xù)。

  Article 42 To import or export products that are subject to license and quota control, a contractual JV shall go through the application formalities for license and quota in accordance with relevant State regulations.

  第七章 分配收益與回收投資

  Chapter VII Income Distribution and Investment Recovery Article 43

  第四十三條 中外合作者可以采用分配利潤、分配產(chǎn)品或者合作各方共同商定的其他方式分配收益。

  The foreign and Chinese parties may distribute their income by distributing the profits, products or by other methods agreed upon by all parties.


  In case of income distribution by distributing the products or by other methods, the amount of taxes due shall be calculated according to relevant tax laws.

  第四十四條 中外合作者在合作企業(yè)合同中約定合作期限屆滿時,合作企業(yè)的全部固定資產(chǎn)無償歸中國合作者所有的,外國合作者在合作期限內(nèi)可以申請按照下列方式先行回收其投資:

  Article 44 If the ownership of all fixed assets of a contractual JV is to be given to the Chinese party upon expiration of the term of cooperation as agreed upon by the Chinese and foreign parties in the contract, the foreign party may recover its investment during the term of cooperation in the following ways:


  (1) Based on the distributing according to investment or cooperation input, the contractual JV contract may regulate an enlarged ratio of income distribution in favor of the foreign party;


  (2) Upon examination and approval of the finance and tax authorities according to State taxation regulations, the foreign party may recover its investment before the venture has paid its income tax:


  (3) Other investment recovery methods approved by the finance and tax authorities, and examination and approval authorities.


  In case the foreign party recovers its investment within the term of cooperation according to the above paragraphs, the foreign and Chinese parties shall be liable to the debts of the venture in accordance with laws and the contractual JV contract.

  第四十五條 外國合作者依照本實施細(xì)則第四十四條第二項和第三項的規(guī)定提出先行回收投資的申請,應(yīng)當(dāng)具體說明先行回收投資的總額、期限和方式,經(jīng)財政稅務(wù)機(jī)關(guān)審查同意后,報審查批準(zhǔn)機(jī)關(guān)審批。

  Article 45 The application that is put forward by the foreign party that chooses to first recover the investment according to (2), (3) of Article 44 shall state in details the total amount of investment to be recovered, recovery period and method, which shall be reported to the examination and approval authorities for approval after being approved by the finance and tax authorities.


  The foreign party shall not first recover its investment before the venture has covered all of its losses.

  第四十六條 合作企業(yè)應(yīng)當(dāng)按照國家有關(guān)規(guī)定聘請中國注冊會計師進(jìn)行查帳驗證。

  Article 46 A contractual JV shall appoint an accountant registered in China to checked and examine the accounts and certificates according to relevant State regulations.


  The parties may jointly or individually appoint such an accountant, with the expense borne by the appointing party or parties.

  第八章 期限和解散

  Chapter VIII Term and Dissolution Article 47

  第四十七條 合作企業(yè)的期限由中外合作者協(xié)商確定,并在合作企業(yè)合同中訂明。

  The term of cooperation of a contractual JV shall be decided upon through consultation of the foreign and Chinese parties and regulated in the JV contract.


  If all parties agree to extend the term upon its expiration, an application for extension shall be filed with the examination and approval authorities 180 days prior to the expiration date, stating how the current contractual JV contract is carried out and reasons for extending the term, together with an agreement by all parties on issues such as rights and obligations of each party during the extension period.


  The examination and approval authorities shall decide whether to approve the extension or not within 30 days from receiving the application.


  Upon approval to extend the cooperation term, the JV shall go through registration formalities for the alteration with the approval documents. The extension term starts from the first day after the expiration date.


  If the contractual JV has stipulated that the foreign party first recovers its investment, and the investment recovery has been completed, the term of the venture shall not be extended upon expiration.


  But in case the foreign party has increased its investment, application for extending the cooperation term may be filed with the examination and approval authorities according to the second paragraph of this article after consultation between the parties.

  第四十八條 合作企業(yè)因下列情形之一出現(xiàn)時解散:

  Article 48 A contractual JV shall dissolve under one of the following situations:


  (1) Expiration of the cooperation term;


  (2) Inability to continue operation due to heavy losses, or heavy losses caused by irresistible force;


  (3) Inability to continue operation due to the failure of one or more than one of the foreign and Chinese parties to fulfill the obligations put down in the JV contract and articles of association;


  (4) Occurrence of other reasons for dissolution described in the JV contract and articles of association;


  (5) The JV is ordered to close by law for having violated laws and decrees.


  In cases described in (2) and (4), the board of directors or joint management committee of the JV shall make an dissolution application to the examination and approval authorities.


  In cases described in (3), one or more than one of the foreign and Chinese parties that fails to fulfill the obligations described by the agreement, contract and articles of association shall be liable to the losses suffered by the other party or parties that has or have fulfilled the obligations.


  The latter has the rights to apply for dissolution of the venture to the examination and approval authorities.

  第四十九條 合作企業(yè)的清算事宜依照國家有關(guān)法律、行政法規(guī)及合作企業(yè)合同、章程的規(guī)定辦理。

  Article 49 The liquidation of a contractual JV shall be carried out in accordance with laws, decrees and stipulations of the contractual JV agreement, contract and articles of association.

  第九章 關(guān)于不具有法人資格的合作企業(yè)的特別規(guī)定

  Chapter IX Special Regulations on a Contractual JV Without the Legal Person Status

  第五十條 不具有法人資格的合作企業(yè)及其合作各方,依照中國民事法律的有關(guān)規(guī)定,承擔(dān)民事責(zé)任。

  Article 50 A contractual JV without the legal person status together with all of its parties shall bear civil liabilities according to regulations of the civil laws of China.

  第五十一條 不具有法人資格的合作企業(yè)應(yīng)當(dāng)向工商行政管理機(jī)關(guān)登記合作各方的投資或者提供的合作條件。

  Article 51 A contractual JV without the legal person status shall be register with the administrative authorities for industry and commerce the investment or cooperation input contributed by each of its party.

  第五十二條 不具有法人資格的合作企業(yè)的合作各方的投資或者提供的合作條件,為合作各方分別所有。

  Article 52 The investment or cooperation input contributed by each party of a JV without the legal person status shall be separately owned by each party.


  Upon agreement by all parties, the investment or coopperation input may be jointly possessed by all the parties or part of which jointly possessed, part separately.


  Properties accumulated by the venture in its operation process shall be jointly owned by all the parties.


  The investment or cooperation input contributed by each party of a JV without the legal person status shall be jointly managed and put to use,


  no party shall dispose it on its own without the consent of the other party.

  第五十三條 不具有法人資格的合作企業(yè)設(shè)立聯(lián)合管理機(jī)構(gòu)。聯(lián)合管理機(jī)構(gòu)由合作各方委派的代表組成,代表合作各方共同管理合作企業(yè)。

  Article 53 A contractual JV without the legal person status shall set up a joint management body, which shall consist of delegates appointed by each party to collectively manage the venture on behalf of itself.


  All major issues pertaining to the venture shall be decided by the joint management body.

  第五十四條 不具有法人資格的合作企業(yè)應(yīng)當(dāng)在合作企業(yè)所在地設(shè)置統(tǒng)一的會計帳簿;

  Article 54 A contractual JV without the legal person status shall set up unified account books at its location;


  each party shall set up separately its own account books.

  第十章 附則

  Chapter X Supplement

  第五十五條 合作企業(yè)合同的訂立、效力、解釋、履行及其爭議的解決,適用中國法律。

  Article 55 Laws of the PRC shall be applied to contractual JV contract on its draft, powers, explanation, implementation and settlement of disputes.

  第五十六條 本實施細(xì)則未規(guī)定的事項,包括合作企業(yè)的財務(wù)、會計、審計、外匯、稅務(wù)、勞動管理、工會等,適用有關(guān)法律、行政法規(guī)的規(guī)定。

  Article 56 Relevant regulations of the laws, decrees shall be applied to the matters of a venture that are not stipulated in this detailed rules such as finance, accounting, auditing, foreign exchange, taxation, labor management, trade union, etc.

  第五十七條 香港、澳門、臺灣地區(qū)的公司、企業(yè)和其他經(jīng)濟(jì)組織或者個人以及在國外居住的中國公民舉辦合作企業(yè),參照本實施細(xì)則辦理。

  Article 57 Establishment of a contractual JV by companies, enterprises and other economic organizations or individuals from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and by Chinese citizens living abroad shall be handled with reference to this detailed rules.

  第五十八條 本實施細(xì)則自發(fā)布之日起施行。

  Article 58 The detailed rules shall come into effect from the date of promulgation.


中英對照法規(guī)  英文法規(guī)    中華人民共和國中外合作經(jīng)營企業(yè)法實施細(xì)則中英雙語 中華人民共和國中外合作經(jīng)營企業(yè)法實施細(xì)則中英對照 中華人民共和國中外合作經(jīng)營企業(yè)法實施細(xì)則英語版
