
當(dāng)前位置:希尼爾首頁 > 英文法規(guī) >中華人民共和國人民防空法-中英對照法律英語


青島希尼爾翻譯公司 2016年8月2日整理發(fā)布





  adopted at the 22nd Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on October 29, 1996

  第一章 總 則


  第二章 防護重點


  第三章 人民防空工程


  第四章 通信和警報


  第五章 疏 散


  第六章 群眾防空組織


  第七章 人民防空教育


  第八章 法律責(zé)任


  第九章 附 則


  第一章 總 則


  第一條 為了有效地組織人民防空,保護人民的生命和財產(chǎn)安全,保障社會主義現(xiàn)代化建設(shè)的順利進行,制定本法。

  Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purpose of organizing effective civil air defense, preserving safety of people's lives and property and ensuring the smooth progress of the socialist modernization drive.

  第二條 人民防空是國防的組成部分。國家根據(jù)國防需要,動員和組織群眾采取防護措施,防范和減輕空襲危害。

  Article 2 Civil air defense is a component part of national defense. In light of the need of national defense, the State mobilizes and organizes the masses to take protective measures for preventing or minimizing damage caused by air raid.


  For civil air defense, the guidelines of making long-term preparation, giving priority to the building of key works and suiting both peacetime and wartime needs shall be applied and the principles of coordinating its buildup with the development of the economy and combining it with urban construction shall be carried out.

  第三條 縣級以上人民政府應(yīng)當(dāng)將人民防空建設(shè)納入國民經(jīng)濟和社會發(fā)展計劃。

  Article 3 People's governments at or above the county level shall incorporate civil air defense construction into their plans for national economic and social development.

  第四條 人民防空經(jīng)費由國家和社會共同負擔(dān)。

  Article 4 The expenses for civil air defense shall be jointly borne by the State and the society.


  The proportion borne by the Central Government shall be incorporated in the central budget, while the proportions borne by the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be incorporated in their budgets respectively.


  Relevant units shall bear their proportions of the expenses for civil air defense in accordance with relevant State regulations.

  第五條 國家對人民防空設(shè)施建設(shè)按照有關(guān)規(guī)定給予優(yōu)惠。

  Article 5 In accordance with relevant regulations, the State adopts preferential policies with regard to construction of civil air defense projects.


  The State encourages and supports enterprises, institutions, public organizations and individuals to invest in various ways in construction of civil air defense works. In time of peace, such works shall be used and managed by the investors and the income therefrom shall be owned by them.

  第六條 國務(wù)院、中央軍事委員會領(lǐng)導(dǎo)全國的人民防空工作。

  Article 6 The State Council and the Central Military Commission shall exercise leadership in the work of civil air defense throughout the country.


  As authorized by the State Council and the Central Military Commission, the major military commands shall exercise leadership in the work of civil air defense in the areas under their command.


  Local people's governments at or above the county level and the military organs at the corresponding level shall exercise leadership in the work of civil air defense in their administrative areas respectively.

  第七條 國家人民防空主管部門管理全國的人民防空工作。

  Article 7 The competent national department for civil air defense shall administer the work of civil air defense throughout the country.


  The competent departments for civil air defense of the major military commands shall administer the work of civil air defense in their areas respectively.


  The competent departments for civil air defense of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall administer the work of civil air defense in their administrative areas respectively.


  The competent departments for civil air defense of the State organs at the central level shall administer the work of civil air defense of their own organs.


  Provisions for the establishment and the functions and duties of the competent departments for civil air defense shall be formulated by the State Council and the Central Military Commission.


  The relevant departments for planning and construction of the people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the work of civil air defense within the limits of their respective functions and duties.

  第八條 一切組織和個人都有得到人民防空保護的權(quán)利,都必須依法履行人民防空的義務(wù)。

  Article 8 All organizations and individuals shall have the right of being protected by civil air defense and must perform their duties in civil air defense according to law.

  第九條 國家保護人民防空設(shè)施不受侵害。

  Article 9 The State protects civil air defense facilities from damage.


  All organizations and individuals are prohibited to destroy or seize civil air defense facilities.

  第十條 縣級以上人民政府和軍事機關(guān)對在人民防空工作中做出顯著成績的組織或者個人,給予獎勵。

  Article 10 People's governments and military organs at or above the county level shall give awards to organizations and individuals that have achieved outstanding successes in work of civil air defense.

  第二章 防護重點


  第十一條 城市是人民防空的重點。國家對城市實行分類防護。

  Article 11 Cities enjoy priority in civil air defense. The State applies a system whereby different categories of cities are provided with different grades of protection.


  Provisions for differentiating the cities for different grades of protection shall be formulated and the standards for such protection established by the State Council and the Central Military Commission.

  第十二條 城市人民政府應(yīng)當(dāng)制定防空襲方案及實施計劃,必要時可以組織演習(xí)。

  Article 12 People's governments of cities shall devise air defense programmes and draw up plans for their enforcement and may organize exercise when necessary.

  第十三條 城市人民政府應(yīng)當(dāng)制定人民防空工程建設(shè)規(guī)劃,并納入城市總體規(guī)劃。

  Article 13 People's governments of cities shall work out plans for construction of civil air defense works and incorporate them into their overall urban plans.

  第十四條 城市的地下交通干線以及其他地下工程的建設(shè),應(yīng)當(dāng)兼顧人民防空需要。

  Article 14 In constructing trunk lines of underground traffic and other underground projects in a city, consideration shall be given to the needs of civil air defense.

  第十五條 為戰(zhàn)時儲備糧食、醫(yī)藥、油料和其他必需物資的工程,應(yīng)當(dāng)建在地下或者其他隱蔽地點。

  Article 15 All projects for storing grains, medicines, oils and other necessary goods and materials for wartime use shall be built underground or in other concealed places.

  第十六條 對重要的經(jīng)濟目標,有關(guān)部門必須采取有效防護措施,并制定應(yīng)急搶險搶修方案。

  Article 16 Relevant departments must take effective measures of protection towards important economic targets and work out plans dealing with emergencies and doing rush repairs.


  "Important economic targets" mentioned in the preceding paragraph include important industrial and mining enterprises, scientific research bases, hubs of communications, signal centers, bridges, reservoirs, warehouses and power stations.

  第十七條 人民防空主管部門應(yīng)當(dāng)依照規(guī)定對城市和經(jīng)濟目標的人民防空建設(shè)進行監(jiān)督檢查。

  Article 17 The competent departments for civil air defense shall, in accordance with relevant regulations, conduct supervision over and inspection of the civil air defense construction projects of cities and economic targets.


  The units under inspection shall provide them with truthful reports and the necessary information and materials.

  第三章 人民防空工程


  第十八條 人民防空工程包括為保障戰(zhàn)時人員與物資掩蔽、人民防空指揮、醫(yī)療救護等而單獨修建的地下防護建筑,以及結(jié)合地面建筑修建的戰(zhàn)時可用于防空的地下室。

  Article 18 Civil air defense works include underground protective structures that are constructed particularly for sheltering people and goods and materials, civil air defense command and medical aid in time of war, and basements that are constructed in combination with the surface buildings and that can be used for air defense in time of war.

  第十九條 國家對人民防空工程建設(shè),按照不同的防護要求,實行分類指導(dǎo)。

  Article 19 The State provides guidance to construction of different categories of civil air defense works in accordance with the different requirements of protection.


  The State formulates plans for construction of civil air defense works in accordance with the need of national defense and in light of the level of urban construction and economic development.

  第二十條 建設(shè)人民防空工程,應(yīng)當(dāng)在保證戰(zhàn)時使用效能的前提下,有利于平時的經(jīng)濟建設(shè)、群眾的生產(chǎn)生活和工程的開發(fā)利用。

  Article 20 Under the prerequisite of ensuring their functions in time of war, civil air defense works shall be constructed in such a way as to benefit economic development, production and life of the people and the development and use of such works in time of peace.

  第二十一條 人民防空指揮工程、公用的人員掩蔽工程和疏散干道工程由人民防空主管部門負責(zé)組織修建;醫(yī)療救護、物資儲備等專用工程由其他有關(guān)部門負責(zé)組織修建。

  Article 21 The competent departments for civil air defense shall be responsible for organizing construction of such works as civil air defense commands, shelters for public use and main passages for evacuation. Other relevant departments shall be responsible for organizing construction of special works for medical aid and for storage of goods and materials.


  The relevant units shall be responsible for constructing works for sheltering their own employees, goods and materials.

  第二十二條 城市新建民用建筑,按照國家有關(guān)規(guī)定修建戰(zhàn)時可用于防空的地下室。

  Article 22 Basements that can be used for air defense in time of war shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State, be constructed in new buildings of cities for civil use.

  第二十三條 人民防空工程建設(shè)的設(shè)計、施工、質(zhì)量必須符合國家規(guī)定的防護標準和質(zhì)量標準。

  Article 23 The design, construction and quality of civil air defense works must conform to the protection and quality standards established by the State.


  The final design and manufacture of special equipment for civil air defense works must conform to the standards established by the State.

  第二十四條 縣級以上人民政府有關(guān)部門對人民防空工程所需的建設(shè)用地應(yīng)當(dāng)依法予以保障;對人民防空工程連接城市的道路、供電、供熱、供水、排水、通信等系統(tǒng)的設(shè)施建設(shè),應(yīng)當(dāng)提供必要的條件。

  Article 24 The relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with law, guarantee the land needed for construction of civil air defense works, and provide the necessary conditions for constructing civil air defense works that connect such infrastructures as roads, power supply, heat supply, water supply and drainage and communications systems in urban areas.

  第二十五條 人民防空主管部門對人民防空工程的維護管理進行監(jiān)督檢查。

  Article 25 The competent departments for civil air defense shall oversee and inspect the maintenance and management of civil air defense works.


  The competent departments for civil air defense shall be responsible for the maintenance and management of civil air defense works for public use.


  The relevant units shall in accordance with State regulations, maintain and manage civil air defense works already built or put to use, and keep them in good repair.

  第二十六條 國家鼓勵平時利用人民防空工程為經(jīng)濟建設(shè)和人民生活服務(wù)。平時利用人民防空工程,不得影響其防空效能。

  Article 26 The State encourages peacetime use of civil air defense works for economic development and the daily lives of the people. However, such use may not impair their functions as air defense works.

  第二十七條 任何組織或者個人不得進行影響人民防空工程使用或者降低人民防空工程防護能力的作業(yè),不得向人民防空工程內(nèi)排入廢水、廢氣和傾倒廢棄物,不得在人民防空工程內(nèi)生產(chǎn)、儲存爆炸、劇毒、易燃、放射性和腐蝕性物品。

  Article 27 No organizations or individuals may conduct any operation that may impair the use of civil air defense works or weaken their protective capacities, discharge waste water or gas or dump waste material into any civil air defense works, or produce or store any explosives, hypertoxics, inflammables, radioactive substances or corrosives therein.

  第二十八條 任何組織或者個人不得擅自拆除本法第二十一條規(guī)定的人民防空工程;確需拆除的,必須報經(jīng)人民防空主管部門批準,并由拆除單位負責(zé)補建或者補償。

  Article 28 No organizations or individuals may without approval dismantle any civil air defense works as specified in Article 21 of this Law. Where it is truly necessary to dismantle such works, the matter must be reported to the competent department for civil air defense for approval, and the unit that dismantles the works shall be responsible for reconstruction or compensation.

  第四章 通信和警報


  第二十九條 國家保障人民防空通信、警報的暢通,以迅速準確地傳遞、發(fā)放防空警報信號,有效地組織、指揮人民防空。

  Article 29 The State ensures unimpeded civil air defense communications and warning in order that air defense warning signals are promptly and accurately transmitted and sent out and civil air defense is effectively organized and directed.

  第三十條 國家人民防空主管部門負責(zé)制定全國的人民防空通信、警報建設(shè)規(guī)劃,組織全國的人民防空通信、警報網(wǎng)的建設(shè)和管理。

  Article 30 The competent national department for civil air defense shall be responsible for working out national plans of construction projects for civil air defense communications and warning and organizing the establishment and management of the national network of civil air defense communications and warning.


  The competent departments for civil air defense of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for working out plans of construction projects for civil air defense communications and warning in their administrative areas and organizing the establishment and management of their local networks of civil air defense communications and warning.

  第三十一條 郵電部門、軍隊通信部門和人民防空主管部門應(yīng)當(dāng)按照國家規(guī)定的任務(wù)和人民防空通信、警報建設(shè)規(guī)劃,對人民防空通信實施保障。

  Article 31 Post and telecommunications departments, military communications departments and competent departments for civil air defense shall guarantee civil air defense communications by way of fulfilling their respective tasks prescribed by the State and carrying out the plans of construction projects for civil air defense communications and warning.

  第三十二條 人民防空主管部門建設(shè)通信、警報網(wǎng)所需的電路、頻率,郵電部門、軍隊通信部門、無線電管理機構(gòu)應(yīng)當(dāng)予以保障;安裝人民防空通信、警報設(shè)施,有關(guān)單位或者個人應(yīng)當(dāng)提供方便條件,不得阻撓。

  Article 32 Post and telecommunications departments, military communications departments and radio administration authorities shall guarantee provision of the circuits and frequency required by the competent departments for civil air defense in establishing communications and warning networks, the relevant units and individuals shall provide convenience for installation of facilities of civil air defense communications and warning, and may not obstruct it.


  No organizations or individuals may use the same frequency or the same acoustic signals as those specially used by the State for civil air defense communications or air defense warning.

  第三十三條 通信、廣播、電視系統(tǒng),戰(zhàn)時必須優(yōu)先傳遞、發(fā)放防空警報信號。

  Article 33 In time of war, the communications, broadcasting and television systems must give first priority to the transmission and sending out of air defense warning signals.

  第三十四條 軍隊有關(guān)部門應(yīng)當(dāng)向人民防空主管部門通報空中情報,協(xié)助訓(xùn)練有關(guān)專業(yè)人員。

  Article 34 The relevant military departments shall communicate air intelligence to the competent departments for civil air defense and assist the latter in training special personnel in this field.

  第三十五條 人民防空通信、警報設(shè)施必須保持良好使用狀態(tài)。

  Article 35 All facilities for civil air defense communications and warning must be kept in good repair.


  Civil air defense warning facilities shall be maintained and controlled by the units in which they are installed and may not be dismantled without approval.


  When necessary, the local people's governments at or above the county level may organize trial air defense warning and shall make it known to the public five days before the trial.

  第三十六條 人民防空通信、警報設(shè)施平時應(yīng)當(dāng)為搶險救災(zāi)服務(wù)。

  Article 36 In time of peace, all facilities for civil air defense communications and warning shall be used in cases of emergency and disaster.

  第五章 疏 散


  第三十七條 人民防空疏散由縣級以上人民政府統(tǒng)一組織。

  Article 37 Civil air defense evacuation shall be directed in a unified manner by the people's governments at or above the county level.


  Civil air defense evacuation must be carried out in accordance with the order issued by the State. No organization may go into action without such order.

  第三十八條 城市人民防空疏散計劃,由縣級以上人民政府根據(jù)需要組織有關(guān)部門制定。

  Article 38 People's governments at or above the county level shall organize relevant departments to formulate plans for urban civil air defense evacuation according to need.


  Evacuation zones shall be predetermined by the people's government of the administrative area where such zones are located, if the zones extend to cover two or more administrative areas, they shall be predetermined by the people's government at the next higher level.

  第三十九條 縣級以上人民政府應(yīng)當(dāng)組織有關(guān)部門和單位,做好城市疏散人口安置和物資儲運、供應(yīng)的準備工作。

  Article 39 People's governments at or above the county level shall organize relevant departments and units to make ample preparations for arrangement of the urban population to be evacuated and for storage, transport and supply of goods and materials.

  第四十條 農(nóng)村人口在有必要疏散時,由當(dāng)?shù)厝嗣裾凑站徒脑瓌t組織實施。

  Article 40 Where it is necessary to evacuate rural population, the local people's government shall have them evacuated to nearby places, which should be adhered to as a principle.

  第六章 群眾防空組織


  第四十一條 縣級以上地方各級人民政府應(yīng)當(dāng)根據(jù)人民防空的需要,組織有關(guān)部門建立群眾防空組織。

  Article 41 Local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in light of the need of civil air defense, have relevant departments establish mass organizations for air defense.


  The tasks to be performed by mass organizations for air defense in time of war include dealing with emergencies, doing rush repairs, providing medical aid, preventing and extinguishing fire, engaging in epidemic prevention, disinfection and sterilization, eliminating contamination, ensuring signal communications, rescuing people, doing emergency transportation of goods and materials and maintaining public order, and in time of peace they shall assist the departments for fighting against floods and earthquakes in dealing with emergencies and doing disaster relief.

  第四十二條 群眾防空組織由下列部門負責(zé)組建:

  Article 42 The following departments shall be responsible for organizing mass organizations for air defense:


  (1) The departments for urban construction, public utilities and power supply shall organize teams to deal with emergencies and do rush repairs;


  (2) Public health and medical departments shall organize medical aid teams;


  (3) Public security departments shall organize fire-fighting teams and public security teams;


  (4) The departments for public health, chemical industry and environmental protection shall organize anti-chemical and anti-epidemic teams;


  (5) The post and telecommunications departments shall organize communications teams; and


  (6) The transportation departments shall organize transportation teams.


  The Red Cross organizations shall provide first aid according to law.

  第四十三條 群眾防空組織所需裝備、器材和經(jīng)費由人民防空主管部門和組建單位提供。

  Article 43 The equipment, apparatus and funds needed by mass organizations for air defense shall be provided by competent departments for civil air defense and the units that organize them.

  第四十四條 群眾防空組織應(yīng)當(dāng)根據(jù)人民防空主管部門制定的訓(xùn)練大綱和訓(xùn)練計劃進行專業(yè)訓(xùn)練。

  Article 44 Mass organizations for air defense shall carry out specialized training in accordance with the training program and plans formulated by the competent departments for civil air defense.

  第七章 人民防空教育


  第四十五條 國家開展人民防空教育,使公民增強國防觀念,掌握人民防空的基本知識和技能。

  Article 45 The State develops civil air defense education to help citizens enhance their awareness of the importance of national defense and acquire the basic knowledge and skills of civil air defense.

  第四十六條 國家人民防空主管部門負責(zé)組織制定人民防空教育計劃,規(guī)定教育內(nèi)容。

  Article 46 The competent national department for civil air defense shall be responsible for organizing and formulating civil air defense education plans and specifying the contents for such education.


  The competent education departments and the competent departments for civil air defense at various levels shall arrange civil air defense education among students at school.


  Civil air defense education for the personnel of State organs, public organizations, enterprises and institutions shall be arranged by the units to which they belong; and such education for other persons shall be arranged by urban and rural people's governments at the grassroots level.

  第四十七條 新聞、出版、廣播、電影、電視、文化等有關(guān)部門應(yīng)當(dāng)協(xié)助開展人民防空教育。

  Article 47 The relevant departments for the press, publishing, broadcasting, film, television and culture shall assist in developing civil air defense education.

  第八章 法律責(zé)任


  第四十八條 城市新建民用建筑,違反國家有關(guān)規(guī)定不修建戰(zhàn)時可用于防空的地下室的,由縣級以上人民政府人民防空主管部門對當(dāng)事人給予警告,并責(zé)令限期修建,可以并處十萬元以下的罰款。

  Article 48 A party that, in violation of the relevant regulations of the State, fails to construct, in its newly-constructed building for civil use in an urban area, a basement to be used for air defense in time of war shall be given a disciplinary warning by the competent department for civil air defense of the people's government at or above the county level and be ordered to build it within a time limit, and may also be fined not more than 100,000 yuan.

  第四十九條 有下列行為之一的,由縣級以上人民政府人民防空主管部門對當(dāng)事人給予警告,并責(zé)令限期改正違法行為,可以對個人并處五千元以下的罰款、對單位并處一萬元至五萬元的罰款;造成損失的,應(yīng)當(dāng)依法賠償損失:

  Article 49 A party that commits any of the following acts shall be given a disciplinary warning by the competent department for civil air defense of the people's government at or above the county level and be ordered to set it right within a time limit, and in the cases of an individual a fine of not more than 5,000 may also be imposed on him and in the case of a unit a fine ranging from 10,000 to 50,000 yuan may also be imposed on it; the party shall be liable for the losses according to law, if any:

  (1) occupying civil air defense works;


  (2) failing to construct civil air defense works in conformity with the protection standards and quality standards established by the State;


  (3) altering, in violation of the relevant regulations of the State, the major structure of civil air defense works, dismantling equipment or facilities for such works or endangering the safety or impairing the functions of the works by any other means;


  (4) refusing to reconstruct the civil air defense works that were dismantled;


  (5) using the special frequency for civil air defense communications or the same acoustic signals as those used for air defense warning or dismantling, without approval, equipment or facilities for civil air defense communications and warning;


  (6) obstructing the installation of facilities of civil air defense communications and warning and refusing to stop doing so; or


  (7) discharging waste waste or gas or dumping waste material into civil air defense works.

  第五十條 違反本法規(guī)定,故意損壞人民防空設(shè)施或者在人民防空工程內(nèi)生產(chǎn)、儲存爆炸、劇毒、易燃、放射性等危險品,尚不構(gòu)成犯罪的,依照治安管理處罰條例的有關(guān)規(guī)定處罰;構(gòu)成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責(zé)任。

  Article 50 Any one who, in violation of the provisions of this Law, intentionally damages civil air defense facilities or produces or stores in civil air defense works such hazards as explosives, hypertoxics, inflammables or radioactive substances, shall be punished in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations on Administrative Penalties for Public Security if the violation does not constitute a crime; otherwise, he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

  第五十一條 人民防空主管部門的工作人員玩忽職守、濫用職權(quán)、徇私舞弊或者有其他違法、失職行為構(gòu)成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責(zé)任;尚不構(gòu)成犯罪的,依法給予行政處分。

  Article 51 Any member of the competent departments for civil air defense who neglects his duty, abuses his power, conducts malpractices for personal gain, or commits any other violations or negligence, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law if the case constitutes a crime; otherwise, he shall be subjected to administrative sanction according to law.

  第九章 附 則


  第五十二條 省、自治區(qū)、直轄市人民代表大會常務(wù)委員會可以根據(jù)本法制定實施辦法。

  Article 52 The standing committees of the people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may formulate measures for implementation in accordance with this Law.

  第五十三條 本法自1997年1月1日起施行。

  Article 53 This Law shall enter into force as of Janauary 1, 1997.


中英對照法規(guī)  英文法規(guī)    中華人民共和國人民防空法中英雙語 中華人民共和國人民防空法中英對照 中華人民共和國人民防空法英語版
