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From:青島希尼爾翻譯公司 http://www.googlemapbuilder.com  Date: 2016-07-12



第一條 為保障電力生產(chǎn)和建設(shè)的順利進(jìn)行,維護(hù)公共安全,特制定本條例。

  Article 1 This set of regulations is formulated with a view to ensuring the smooth-going of power production and construction and a sure protection to public security.

  第二條 本條例適用于中華人民共和國(guó)境內(nèi)已建或在建的電力設(shè)施(包括發(fā)電設(shè)施、變電設(shè)施和電力線(xiàn)路設(shè)施及其有關(guān)輔助設(shè)施,下同)。

  Article 2 The regulations are eligible to be applied to all power facilities including power generating equipment, power transforming equipment and power transmission lines and their related ancillary equipment (the same below).

  第三條 電力設(shè)施的保護(hù),實(shí)行電力管理部門(mén)、公安部門(mén)、電力企業(yè)和人民群眾相結(jié)合的原則。

  Article 3 Power facilities shall be protected by concerted efforts of power administrative departments, public security organs, power enterprises and the common people.

  第四條 電力設(shè)施受?chē)?guó)家法律保護(hù),禁止任何單位或個(gè)人從事危害電力設(shè)施的行為。任何單位和個(gè)人都有保護(hù)電力設(shè)施的義務(wù),對(duì)危害電力設(shè)施的行為,有權(quán)制止并向電力管理部門(mén)、公安部門(mén)報(bào)告。

  Article 4 Power facilities are protected by law from any harm brought about by units or individuals whatsoever. Any unit or individual is obliged to protect power facilities and has the right to stop or report to power administrative departments or public security organs acts that threaten or sabotage power facilities.


  Power enterprises should strengthen the protection of power facilities. Proper measures should be adopted to stop acts that jeopardize power facilities.

  第五條 國(guó)務(wù)院電力主管部門(mén)對(duì)電力設(shè)施的保護(hù)負(fù)責(zé)監(jiān)督、檢查、指導(dǎo)和協(xié)調(diào)。

  Article 5 The power administrative department under the State Council shall exercise supervision, examination, guidance and coordination with regard to the protection of power facilities.

  第六條 縣以上地方各級(jí)電力主管部門(mén)保護(hù)電力設(shè)施的職責(zé)是:

  Article 6 The functions and responsibilities of protecting power facilities exercised by power administrative departments at and above the county level are:


  1. To supervise and examine the implementation of this set of regulations and detailed rules formulated in compliance with this set of regulations.


  2. To publicize and promote works of power facilities protection.


  3. To set up power line protection organizations in cooperation with related departments and units along the power transmission lines and improve the responsibility system for the protection.


  4. To be responsible for the safety and protection of the power facilities within their jurisdiction areas in cooperation with local public security departments.

  第七條 各級(jí)公安部門(mén)負(fù)責(zé)依法查處破壞電力設(shè)施或哄搶、盜竊電力設(shè)施器材的案件。

  Article 7 Public security organs at all levels are responsible for uncovering and punishing acts and cases that sabotage power facilities or mob-rob or steal power facilities and supplies.

  第二章 電力設(shè)施的保護(hù)范圍和保護(hù)區(qū)


  第八條 發(fā)電廠、變電所設(shè)施的保護(hù)范圍:

  Article 8 Protection should be effected to the following power facilities and power transforming equipment:


  1. Facilities inside power plants, power transformation stations, current exchange stations and switching stations.


  2. All kinds of special pipes and conduits (ditches), ash storage sites, wells, pumping stations, water cooling towers, oil depots, dikes and dams, railways, roads, bridges, docks, fuel loading and unloading equipment, lightening arresters, fire-fighting equipment and other related ancillary equipment outside power plants and power transformation stations.


  3. Reservoirs, dams, water inlet, water diversion tunnels (including branch tunnels, water diversion canals, voltage adjustment wells (towers), open-air high-voltage conduits, premises, water discharge canals, communications facilities between premises and dams and other related ancillary equipment used by hydropower stations.

  第九條 電力線(xiàn)路設(shè)施的保護(hù)范圍:

  Article 9 Scope of power transmission lines and facilities to be protected:


  1. Overhead power lines: poles and towers, basements, wires, gounding devices, conducting wires, lightening arresting wires, metal tools, insulators, pole or tower climbing ladders and foot-grapnels, cross- navigation channel wire protection facilities, line patrol (protection) stations, patrol and overhaul special roads, ships and bridges, marks and other related ancillary equipment.


  2. Power cable lines: overhead, underground and underwater power cables and cable connection devices, cable conduits, cable tunnels, cable ditches, cable bridges, cable wells, lids, man-holes, stone mark, water mark plates and other related ancillary equipment.


  3. Transformers, capacitors, resistors, circuit breakers, isolation switches, lightening arresters, mutual inductors, fuses, measuring instruments and meters, power distribution rooms, box-type sub-stations and other related ancillary equipment on the power lines.


  4. Power dispatch facilities: power dispatching stations, power dispatch communications facilities, power grid dispatch automatic devices and power grid operation control facilities.

  第十條 電力線(xiàn)路保護(hù)區(qū):

  Article 10 Power line protection zones:


  1. Overhead power line protection zones: zones within the two plane areas fromed by the horizontal extension line from the outside conductor lines and the line vertical to the ground. In usual circumstances, the outer extension distances for all voltage conducting lines are:

  1~10千伏 5米;35~110千伏 10米;154~330千伏 15米;500千伏 20米

  5 meters for 1 - 10 kv 10 meters for 35 - 110 kv 15 meters for 154 - 330 kv 20 meters for 500 kv


  In densely populated mining and urban areas, the protection zones for overhead power line may be smaller than what is prescribed above. But the outer extension distances for all voltage conducting lines should not be smaller than the total distance between the horizontal distance after the maximum circular sag and maximum windage yaw are computed and the safe distance from buildings, deducting windage yaw.


  2. Power cable route protection zone: the areas between two parallel lines formed by 0.75 meters on both sides of the ground mark of underground cable route; for sea-bottom cables, the zones should be the water surface between the two parallel lines formed by two nautical miles on both sides of the line (100 on both sides of the line in port) and no less than 100 meters on both sides of the line in rivers (not less than 50 meters for mid-sized and small rivers).

  第三章 電力設(shè)施的保護(hù)


  第十一條 縣以上地方各級(jí)電力主管部門(mén)應(yīng)采取以下措施,保護(hù)電力設(shè)施:

  Article 11 Power administrative departments at and above the county level shall take following measures to protect power facilities:


  1. To put up marks on the boundaries of overhead power line protection zones, specifying the width of the protection zone and the rules for protection.


  2. To put up marks in major roads or navigation sections where power lines cross, specifying the safe distance between the conducting wires and the objects to cross.


  3. To put up permanent marks for underground cables after their completion and notify related departments in writing of the position of the underground cables.


  4. To put up permanent marks for under-water cables after their completion and notify related departments in writing of the positions of the under-water cables.

  第十二條 任何單位或個(gè)人在電力設(shè)施周?chē)M(jìn)行爆破作業(yè),必須按照國(guó)家有關(guān)規(guī)定,確保電力設(shè)施的安全。

  Article 12 Any unit or individual should ensure the safety of power facilities according to related regulations by the State when conducting explosion operations around power facilities.

  第十三條 任何單位或個(gè)人不得從事下列危害發(fā)電廠、變電所設(shè)施的行為:

  Article 13 No unit or individual is allowed to commit the following acts that would endanger power facilities and power transformation facilities:


  1. To gate-crash into power plants or power transformation stations to disrupt production and work order, move or damage marks.


  2. To threaten the safe operation of water, oil and heat supply and ash discharge pipelines (ditches).


  3. To hamper the use of special feeder railways, roads, bridges and docks.


  4. To enter into areas 300 meters from the hydraulic structures in reservoirs used for power generation to engage in fishing by using explosives, fish nets, swimming, boating or other acts that would threaten the safety of hydraulic structures.


  5. Other acts that would endanger power and power transformation facilities.

  第十四條 任何單位或個(gè)人,不得從事下列危害電力線(xiàn)路設(shè)施的行為:

  Article 14 No unit or individual is allowed to engage in the following acts that would endanger power transmission lines and facilities:


  1. To shoot at power lines and related facilities.


  2. To throw objects at conducting lines.


  3. To fly kite(s) in areas 300 meters from power lines on both sides.


  4. To connect electric equipment to conducting wires without authorization.


  5. To climb, without authorization, electric poles or towers to lay wires, communications lines, broadcasting lines or install loudspeakers.


  6. To use electric poles or towers as anchoring point for lifting or tracting objects.


  7. To tie animals, hang up objects or wind crops to electric poles, towers and bracing wires.


  8. To fetch soil and do pole stamping, drilling or digging or dump acids, alkaline, salt and other harmful chemicals within the prescribed scope covered by the base of electric poles or towers and bracing wires.


  9. To build roads within the electric line towers (not including areas between poles or towers) or in between electric poles or towers and bracing wires.


  10. To remove devices or supplies from electric poles or towers or bracing wires, remove or damage permanent marks or marking plates.


  11. Other acts that would endanger electric line facilities.

  第十五條 任何單位或個(gè)人在架空電力線(xiàn)路保護(hù)區(qū)內(nèi),必須遵守下列規(guī)定:

  Article 15 Any unit or individual should observe the following rules in the overhead power line protection zones:


  1. It is not allowed to pile up crops, grass, garbage, slags, inflammables, explosion-prone objects and other objects that would affect safe power supply.


  2. It is not allowed to operate kilns or slash and burn for growing crops.


  3. It is not allowed to put up buildings or structures.


  4. It is not allowed to grow plants that would endanger the safety of power facilities.

  第十六條 任何單位或個(gè)人在電力電纜線(xiàn)路保護(hù)區(qū)內(nèi),必須遵守下列規(guī)定:

  Article 16 Any unit or individual should observe the following rules within the power cable line protection zones:


  1. It is not allowed to pile up garbage, slages, inflammables, explosion-prone objects, dump acids, soda, salt or other harmful chemicals, or put up buildings or structures or plant trees or bamboo.


  2. It is not allowed to lay in anchor or drag anchor within the sea- bottom cable protection zones.


  3. It is not allowed to lay in anchor or drag anchor, catch fish by using explosives or dig sand in river cable protection zones.

  第十七條 任何單位或個(gè)人必須經(jīng)縣級(jí)以上地方電力主管部門(mén)批準(zhǔn),并采取安全措施后,方可進(jìn)行下列作業(yè)或活動(dòng):

  Article 17 Any unit or individual should get the approval of power administrative departments at and above the county level and take safety measures before carrying out the following operations or activities:


  1. To engage in farmland water conservancy capital construction projects or such operations as stamping, drilling and digging.


  2. To conduct engineering by putting any part of lifting machinery into the overhead power line protection zones.


  3. To go through the power line protection zone at a distance smaller than the safety distance between conducting wires and the objects to run through.


  4. To operate within the power cable line protection zones.

  第十八條 任何單位或個(gè)人不得從事下列危害電力設(shè)施建設(shè)的行為:

  Article 18 No unit or individual is allowed to conduct the following acts that would endanger the construction of power facilities:


  1. To occupy illegally the land requisitioned for the building of power facilities.


  2. To alter, remove, damage or pull out measuring poles or marks used by power facility projects.


  3. To sabotage or block roads for construction, cut off water sources or power sources used by power facility projects.

  第十九條 未經(jīng)有關(guān)部門(mén)依照國(guó)家有關(guān)規(guī)定批準(zhǔn),任何單位和個(gè)人不得收購(gòu)電力設(shè)施器材。

  Article 19 No unit or individual is allowed to purchase power facilities and supplies without approval according to the relevant regulations of the State.

  第四章 對(duì)電力設(shè)施與其它設(shè)施互相妨礙的處理


  第二十條 電力設(shè)施的建設(shè)和保護(hù)應(yīng)盡量避免或減少給國(guó)家、集體和個(gè)人造成的損失。

  Article 20 In construction and protection of power facilities, considerations should be made to avoid or reduce as far as possible losses that would be brought up to the State, collectives and individuals.

  第二十一條 新建架空電力線(xiàn)路不得跨越儲(chǔ)存易燃、易爆物品倉(cāng)庫(kù)的區(qū)域;一般不得跨越房屋,特殊情況需要跨越房屋時(shí),電力建設(shè)企業(yè)應(yīng)采取安全措施,并與有關(guān)單位達(dá)成協(xié)議。

  Article 21 New overhead power line should not be put acrossing areas where there are warehouses holding inflammables or explosion-prone objects. In usual circumstances, they should not be put across houses and, whereas the houses have to be crossed in special circumstances, power construction enterprises should adopt safety measures and reach agreement with related units beforehand.

  第二十二條 公用工程、城市綠化和其他工程在新建、改建或擴(kuò)建中妨礙電力設(shè)施時(shí),或電力設(shè)施在新建、改建或擴(kuò)建中妨礙公用工程、城市綠化和其化工程時(shí),雙方有關(guān)單位必須按照本條例和國(guó)家有關(guān)規(guī)定協(xié)商,就遷移、采取必要的防護(hù)措施和補(bǔ)嘗等問(wèn)題達(dá)成協(xié)議后方可施工。

  Article 22 Whereas the presence of hamperings between newly built, rebuilt or expanding public utilities, urban greening area and other projects that would obstruct existing, newly built, rebuilding or expanding power facilities, related units of the two sides should consult with one another according to the provisions of this set of regulations and related rules of the State and reach agreements concerning removal or necessary protective measures, necessary compensations and other matters before engineering can be started.

  第二十三條 電力管理部門(mén)應(yīng)將經(jīng)批準(zhǔn)的電力設(shè)施新建、改建或擴(kuò)建的規(guī)劃和計(jì)劃通知城鄉(xiāng)建設(shè)規(guī)劃主管部門(mén),并劃定保護(hù)區(qū)域。

  Article 23 Power administrative departments shall notify urban construction planning departments of the plan for building, rebuilding or expanding powe projects approved by the authorities and have the protection zones demarcated.


  Urban construction planning departments shall incorporate the plan for building, rebuilding or expanding power facilities into their urban construction plans.

  第二十四條 新建、改建或擴(kuò)建電力設(shè)施,需要損害農(nóng)作物,砍伐樹(shù)木、竹子,或拆遷建筑物及其他設(shè)施的,電力建設(shè)企業(yè)應(yīng)按照國(guó)家有關(guān)規(guī)定給予一次性補(bǔ)嘗。

  Article 24 Whereas the building, rebuilding or expansion of power facility projects should damage farm crops, fell trees, bamboo or require the removal of buildings or other structures, the power construction enterprises shall give a lump-sum compensation according to the prescribed provisions by the State.


  Power enterprises should trim or cut planted or natural trees or bamboo in the legally demarcated power facility protection zones that would endanger the safety of power facilities.

  第五章 獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)與懲罰


  第二十五條 任何單位或個(gè)人有下列行為之一,電力管理部門(mén)應(yīng)給予表章或一次性物質(zhì)獎(jiǎng)勵(lì):

  Article 25 A unit or individual should be commended or given a lump-sum reward for one of the following acts:


  1. To report or expose acts that sabotage power facilities or mob-rob or steal power facilities.


  2. To struggle against acts that sabotage power facilities or against mob-rob or stealing of power facilities and effectively checked the incidents.


  3. To perform outstanding deeds in fighting against natural disasters for the protection of power facilities.


  4. To perform outstandingly in protecting the safety of power facilities.

  第二十六條 違反本條例規(guī)定,未經(jīng)批準(zhǔn)或未采取安全措施,在電力設(shè)施周?chē)蛟谝婪▌澏ǖ碾娏υO(shè)施保護(hù)區(qū)內(nèi)進(jìn)行爆破或其他作業(yè),危及電力設(shè)施安全的,由電力管理部門(mén)責(zé)令停止作業(yè)、恢復(fù)原狀并賠償損失。

  Article 26 For carrying out explosion or other operations around power facilities or within the legally damarcated power facility protection zones without approval or without adopting safety measures thus endangering the safety of power facilities in violation of the provisions of this set of regulations, power administrative departments shall order the operators to stop operation, restore to the normal state and compensate for the losses.

  第二十七條 違反本條例規(guī)定,危害發(fā)電設(shè)施、變電設(shè)施和電力線(xiàn)路設(shè)施的,由電力管理部門(mén)責(zé)令改正;拒不改正的,處10000元以下的罰款。

  Article 27 For cases that would endanger power plant equipment, power transformation facilities and power transmission lines in violation of the provision of this set of regulations, the power administrative departments shall order the violators to correct. Failure to correct shall be fined for less than RMB10,000.

  第二十八條 違反本條例規(guī)定,在依法劃定的電力設(shè)施保護(hù)區(qū)內(nèi)進(jìn)行燒窯、燒荒、拋錨、拖錨、炸魚(yú)、挖沙作業(yè),危及電力設(shè)施安全的,由電力管理部門(mén)責(zé)令停止作業(yè),恢復(fù)原狀并賠償損失。

  Article 28 For cases of opening kilns, burning wasteland for growing crops, lay anchor, drag anchor, fishing by using explosives or dig sand in the legally demarcated power facility protection zone thus endangering the safety of power facilities in violation of the provisions of this set of regulations, the power administrative departments shall order the violators to stop operation, restore to the original and compensate for the losses.

  第二十九條 違反本條例規(guī)定,危害電力設(shè)施建設(shè)的,由電力管理部門(mén)責(zé)令改正、恢復(fù)原狀并賠償損失。

  Article 29 For cases that have violated the provisions of this set of regulations and would endanger the construction of power facilities, the power administration departments shall order the violators to correct, restore to the original and compensate for the losses.

  第三十條 凡違反本條例規(guī)定而構(gòu)成違反治安管理行為的單位或個(gè)人,由公安部門(mén)根據(jù)《中華人民共和國(guó)治安管理處罰條例》予以處罰;構(gòu)成犯罪的,由司法機(jī)關(guān)依法追究刑事責(zé)任。

  Article 30 If a unit or an individual has violated the provisions of this set of regulations and constituted an act that violate the public security regulations, the public security organ shall punish the cases according to the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration and Punishment Concerning Public Security Cases. If a case is serious enough to constitute a crime, the law-enforcement organ shall fix criminal responsibilities.

  第六章 附 則


  第三十一條 國(guó)務(wù)院電力主管部門(mén)可以會(huì)同國(guó)務(wù)院有關(guān)部門(mén)制定本條例的實(shí)施細(xì)則。

  Article 31 Power administrative department under the State Council may work out datailed rules for the implementation of this set of regulations in cooperation with related departments of the State Council.

  第三十二條 本條例自發(fā)布之日起施行。

  Article 32 This set of regulations shall be implemented starting from the date of promulgation.


中英對(duì)照法規(guī)  英文法規(guī)    電力設(shè)施保護(hù)條例中英雙語(yǔ) 電力設(shè)施保護(hù)條例中英對(duì)照 電力設(shè)施保護(hù)條例英語(yǔ)版
