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From:青島希尼爾翻譯公司 http://www.googlemapbuilder.com  Date: 2016-07-12


中國民用航空局令 第 192 號
decree of civil aviation administration of china no. 192

regulations of business licensing for route of foreign air transport enterprises (ccar-287), which were passed at the executive meeting of civil aviation administration of china on may 19, 2008, are hereby promulgated and shall become effective as of july 11, 2008.

局長  李家祥
director li jiaxiang

regulations of business licensing for route of foreign air transport enterprises

第一章 總則
chapter Ⅰ general provisions

第一條 為了規(guī)范對外國航空運輸企業(yè)經(jīng)營外國地點和中華人民共和國地點間規(guī)定航線的管理,根據(jù)《中華人民共和國民用航空法》,制定本規(guī)定。
article 1 the regulations are enacted to standardize management of routes between []s at home and abroad developed by foreign air transport enterprises, according to civil aviation law of the people’s republic of china.

第二條 外國航空運輸企業(yè)(以下簡稱“外航”)申請經(jīng)營外國地點和中華人民共和國地點間規(guī)定航線,應(yīng)當符合中外雙方政府民用航空運輸協(xié)定或者有關(guān)協(xié)議的規(guī)定,并先經(jīng)其本國政府通過外交途徑對其進行指定,雙方航空運輸協(xié)定或有關(guān)協(xié)議另有規(guī)定的除外。
article 2 the routes between []s at home and abroad applied by foreign air transport enterprises (hereinafter referred to as “foreign airline”) should comply with civil aviation transport agreement between both governments or prescription of related agreement, and should be firstly confirmed by diplomatic means by homeland government except for special prescriptions defined in air transport agreement between both parties or related agreements.

第三條 中國民用航空局(以下簡稱“民航局”)負責(zé)外航航線經(jīng)營許可的統(tǒng)一管理。
article 3 civil aviation administration of china (hereinafter referred to as “civil aviation administration”) holds responsible for management of business licensing for route between china and foreign countries.

foreign airlines should apply to civil aviation administration for business licenses of route between the []s in china and foreign countries after home government officially confirms the route by diplomatic means.

local civil aviation administration holds responsible for supervision of route of foreign airlines within its jurisdiction.

第四條 民航局審批外航經(jīng)營許可實行互惠對等的原則。外國政府航空主管部門對中華人民共和國航空運輸企業(yè)申請經(jīng)營中華人民共和國地點和外國地點間規(guī)定航線的經(jīng)營許可進行不合理限制的,民航局采取對等措施。
article 4 civil aviation administration can execute under the principle of mutual benefit and equality while approving business license of foreign airline. if a foreign aviation administration has unreasonable restriction on business licenses applied by chinese air transport enterprises for route between chinese and foreign countries, chinese civil aviation administration shall adopt measures alike.

第二章 經(jīng)營許可申請程序
chapter Ⅱ application procedure for business licenses

第五條 外航申請經(jīng)營許可應(yīng)當在計劃開航之日六十日前向民航局提出。
article 5 application for business licenses should be submitted by foreign airlines 60 days ahead of scheduled starting date.

if application time by foreign airlines does not comply with the prescription, civil aviation administration shall refuse to handle it except for special prescriptions defined in air transport agreement of both parties or related agreement.

第六條 外航申請經(jīng)營許可應(yīng)當向民航局遞交由該外航總部法定代表人或者經(jīng)其書面授權(quán)的人員使用中文或者英文簽發(fā)的申請書及其附帶材料。
article 6 foreign airlines shall submit applications, which are issued in either chinese or english by legal representatives of their head offices or someone with written authorization from the head offices, and the attachment to civil aviation administration.

the applications should include: scheduled route between []s in china and foreign countries, starting date, flight no. and flight no. with shared code, weekly flights and time, type and registration no. of aircraft, which is owned by the enterprise or acquired through wet lease.

attachment to the applications of foreign airlines includes:

(1) copy of route between []s in china and foreign countries appointed by foreign government;

(2) copy of aoc for public air transportation issued by aviation administration of foreign government to the foreign airline;

(3) copy of registration certificate of the enterprise;

(4) enterprise rule or certificate issued by legal enterprise registration institute with main enterprise operation [], nature of the enterprise (state-owned or private owned), structure of stocks, nationality of investors, name and nationality of board directors;

(5) customer or goods transport condition of the enterprise;

(6) formal chinese or english name, brief introduction (including date of establishment, scale of airplanes, flight network, etc.) of the enterprise, head office, contact person in china, his address, telephone, facsimile and email address, three-character code assigned by international civil aviation organization, and two-character code assigned by international air transport association;

(7) if the aircraft is acquired through wet lease, copy of the wet lease and documents required by air transport agreement of both parties or related agreement on operation with wet leased aircraft should be provided; and

(8) other material or document asked by civil aviation administration from the foreign airline upon requirement of law, regulation and agreement between both parties.

第七條 外航根據(jù)民航局頒發(fā)的經(jīng)營許可開始經(jīng)營外國地點和中華人民共和國地點間規(guī)定航線后要求經(jīng)營新航線的,應(yīng)當向民航局申請新航線的經(jīng)營許可。
article 7 if foreign airlines want to engage in new route businesses after running business between the []s in china and foreign countries with business licenses issued by civil aviation administration, they should apply to civil aviation administration for business licenses of new routes.

application of new route by foreign airlines does not have to provide material or document prescribed in article 6, item (2), (3), (4), (5), (6) of these regulations.

第八條 外航根據(jù)民航局頒發(fā)的經(jīng)營許可經(jīng)營規(guī)定航線或者在申請新航線經(jīng)營許可的過程中,本規(guī)定第六條第(二)、(三)、(四)、(五)、(六)、(七)項中的內(nèi)容發(fā)生變更的,應(yīng)當自變更之日起三十日內(nèi)書面通知民航局或者在提交新航線經(jīng)營許可的申請時書面通知民航局。
article 8 foreign airlines fix route according to the business licenses issued by civil aviation administration. if the contents of item (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7) in article 6 of the regulations are changed during application process of business licenses for new routes, foreign airlines shall notify civil aviation administration within 30 days of such change or during submission of applications for business licenses of the new routes.

第九條 外航委托代理機構(gòu)代表其向民航局申請經(jīng)營許可的,應(yīng)當委托具有辦理相應(yīng)業(yè)務(wù)能力的代理機構(gòu),并應(yīng)當出具正式委托書。
article 9 while authorizing an agency to apply for business license on behalf of civil aviation administration, foreign airlines shall authorize an agency with related business capacities and also issue formal powers of attorney.

第三章 經(jīng)營許可的審查和批準
chapter Ⅲ auditing and approving of business licenses

第十條 民航局對外航提交的申請材料進行形式審查。民航局認為必要的,可以進行實質(zhì)性審查。
article 10 civil aviation administration shall conduct formal audit application materials submitted by foreign airlines. if necessary, it can conduct substantive audits.

foreign airlines are responsible for validity of all submitted application materials.

第十一條 申請材料齊全、符合法定形式的,民航局受理外航的申請。申請材料不齊全或者不符合法定形式的,民航局在五個工作日內(nèi)一次性通知該外航需要補充的全部內(nèi)容,逾期不通知的,自收到申請材料之日起即為受理。
article 11 given all application materials are available in statutory form, civil aviation administration can handle them for foreign airlines. if application materials are neither complete nor in statutory form, civil aviation administration shall notify the foreign airlines to supplement missed contents within 5 working days. once the notification is overdue, the date of receiving application materials will be regarded as handling date.

after foreign airlines complete all materials, civil aviation administration shall handle the applications. but if the complete materials still fail to meet the requirements, civil aviation administration shall not handle the applications and shall issue written certificates explaining the reasons thereof.

第十二條 除雙方航空運輸協(xié)定或有關(guān)協(xié)議另有規(guī)定外,民航局自受理申請之日起二十個工作日內(nèi)做出是否批準的決定。民航局在二十個工作日內(nèi)不能做出決定的,經(jīng)民航局局長批準,可以延長十個工作日,并將延長期限的理由告知外航。
article 12 civil aviation administration shall make decision for approval or not within 20 working days after handling the application except for otherwise being prescribed in air transport agreement between both parties or related agreement. if civil aviation administration cannot make decisions within 20 working days, they can postpone 10 working days once director of civil aviation administration approves, and inform the postponing reasons to the foreign airlines.

第十三條 民航局依法做出批準決定后,自做出批準決定之日起十個工作日內(nèi)向外航頒發(fā)經(jīng)營許可。民航局依法做出不予批準決定的,向外航出具書面決定并說明理由。
article 13 after civil aviation administration makes approving decision, they shall issue business licenses to foreign airlines within 10 working days after the approval. if civil aviation administration decides not to approve, they shall issue written explanation for the reason to the foreign airlines.

第四章 經(jīng)營許可的延長和變更
chapter Ⅳ extension and changing of business license

第十四條 外航應(yīng)當在經(jīng)營許可規(guī)定的有效期滿前三十日向民航局提出延長經(jīng)營許可的申請。逾期提出且沒有正當理由的,民航局做出不予受理的書面決定。外航在經(jīng)營許可有效期滿后未提出延續(xù)申請的,民航局注銷其經(jīng)營許可。
article 14 a foreign airline shall submit an application for business license to civil aviation administration 30 days ahead of maturity of business license. for any overdue submission without reasonable cause, civil aviation administration shall make written decision for not handling it. if a foreign airline fails to submit application for extension after business license gets matured, civil aviation administration shall revoke its business license.

第十五條 外航申請延長經(jīng)營許可,應(yīng)當提供下列文件:
article 15 for application of business license extension, a foreign airline shall provide the following documents:

(1)copy of business license needed for extension;

(2)form of route between []s in china and foreign countries.

第十六條 外航申請改變所持經(jīng)營許可內(nèi)容的,應(yīng)當以書面形式向民航局提出,并詳細列明需要改變的內(nèi)容及原因。
article 16 a foreign airline shall submit written application to civil aviation administration to change content of business license and also list detailed content and reason for change.

第十七條 民航局對外航提出延長或者變更經(jīng)營許可的申請,在本規(guī)定第十二條、第十三條規(guī)定的期限內(nèi)做出決定。
article 17 civil aviation administration shall make decision within prescribed time limit in article 12 and 13 of the regulations for application of extension or changing of business license submitted by the foreign airline.

第五章 經(jīng)營許可的管理
chapter Ⅴ management of business license

第十八條 外航應(yīng)當在經(jīng)營許可允許的范圍和有效期內(nèi)經(jīng)營外國地點和中華人民共和國地點間規(guī)定航線。
article 18 a foreign airline should run operation of routes between china and foreign countries within the scope and valid period permitted in the business license.

第十九條 外航應(yīng)當采取有效措施,妥善保管民航局頒發(fā)的經(jīng)營許可,防止損壞或者遺失。
article 19 a foreign airline shall adopt effective measures to keep business license, which is issued by civil aviation administration, safe and sound and prevent any damage or loss.

第二十條 外航損壞或者遺失經(jīng)營許可的,應(yīng)當立即向民航局書面報告,并提出補發(fā)經(jīng)營許可的申請。
article 20 if business license is damaged or lost, the foreign airline shall report to civil aviation administration in a timely manner and submit application for reissue of such license.

第二十一條 外航不得涂改、轉(zhuǎn)讓、租賃、買賣民航局頒發(fā)的經(jīng)營許可。經(jīng)涂改、轉(zhuǎn)讓、租賃、買賣的經(jīng)營許可無效。
article 21 a foreign airline is not allowed to modify, transfer, lease or sell business license issued by civil aviation administration. once the business license is modified, transferred, leased or sold, it will be invalid.

第六章 航班計劃申請和批準
chapter Ⅵ application and approval of flight schedule

第二十二條 外航依照民航局頒發(fā)的經(jīng)營許可經(jīng)營航線的過程中,應(yīng)當按照夏秋和冬春兩個航季申請航班計劃,并在每個航季開始前六十日按規(guī)定的格式及內(nèi)容向民航局提出。民航局根據(jù)本規(guī)定對航班計劃進行審核后,做出批準或者不批準的決定。外航未按規(guī)定時限提出航班計劃申請的,按照停航處理。
article 22 during business operation within business license issued by civil aviation administration, the foreign airline shall apply for separate flight schedules for summer and autumn season, and winter and spring season respectively. the application should be submitted to civil aviation administration 60 days ahead of beginning of each season with the right format and content. civil aviation administration shall make decision for approval or not after auditing flight schedule according to the regulations. if the foreign airline fails to submit application for flight schedule within prescribed time limit, it’ll be asked to cease flight.

第二十三條 航班計劃包括航線、班次、班期、航班號、機型、是否使用濕租航空器及是否利用代碼共享的方式經(jīng)營航班等內(nèi)容。
article 23 flight schedule includes route, flight order, time, flight no., aircraft type, whether the aircraft is acquired through wet lease, and whether flights are run by sharing codes and so on.

第二十四條 外航在每個航季的航班經(jīng)營過程中,不得隨意更改航班計劃。因商業(yè)原因需要更改航班計劃的,外航應(yīng)當在擬更改日三十日前向民航局提出申請,獲得批準后方可執(zhí)行。
article 24 a foreign airline should not change flight schedule without permission during business operation in each season. if the foreign airline needs to alter flight schedule due to commercial reason, it shall submit application to civil aviation administration 30 days ahead of planned alteration and only implement it after being approved.

第二十五條 因天氣、飛機故障等原因需要臨時更改航班計劃的,外航應(yīng)當立即向民航局提出申請,獲得批準后方可執(zhí)行。
article 25 if a foreign airline needs to alter flight schedule temporarily due to weather and airplane malfunction, it shall submit application to civil aviation administration in a timely manner and only implement it after being approved.

第二十六條 外航應(yīng)當按照民航局批準的航班計劃經(jīng)營外國地點和中華人民共和國地點間的規(guī)定航線。外航因商業(yè)原因計劃停止執(zhí)行全部或部分規(guī)定航線的,應(yīng)當書面通知民航局并說明理由。外航擅自停航的,民航局對其提出的新航季航班計劃不予批準。
article 26 a foreign airline shall run business with routes between []s in china and foreign countries according to flight schedule approved by civil aviation administration. if the foreign airline plans to stop all or part of the routes due to commercial reason, it shall notify civil aviation administration with written explanation. if the foreign airline stops flight without permission, civil aviation administration shall not approve flight schedule of new flight season submitted by the civil aviation administration.

第二十七條 因市場需求需要安排臨時加班飛行的,外航應(yīng)當在擬加班日五個工作日前向民航局提出申請,獲得批準后方可經(jīng)營,雙方航空運輸協(xié)定或有關(guān)協(xié)議另有規(guī)定的除外。
article 27 if a foreign airline needs to arrange temporary overtime flight upon market demand, it shall submit application to civil aviation administration 5 working days ahead of planned overtime flight and only can implement it after being approved except for otherwise being prescribed in air transport agreement between both parties or related agreement.

except for special occasions, the weekly overtime flights applied by a foreign airline should not exceed number of regular flights. civil aviation administration should not approve application for fixed overtime flight.

第七章 運輸業(yè)務(wù)量統(tǒng)計資料
chapter Ⅶ transport business statistics

第二十八條 外航依照經(jīng)營許可的規(guī)定開始經(jīng)營規(guī)定航線后,應(yīng)當在每月十五日前按本規(guī)定附件《外國航空公司運輸業(yè)務(wù)量統(tǒng)計表》的要求,向民航局提供上月航線運輸業(yè)務(wù)量統(tǒng)計資料,并對資料內(nèi)容的準確性、真實性和完整性負責(zé)。
article 28 after a foreign airline starts to run prescribed route according to business license, it shall submit route transport business statistics of the previous month to civil aviation administration before 15th of the month according to requirement of attached statistical reporting form for traffic volume carried by foreign airline carriers, and hold responsible for accuracy, validity and completeness of the material content.

第八章 法律責(zé)任
chapter Ⅷ legal obligation

第二十九條 外航以欺騙、賄賂等不正當手段取得經(jīng)營許可的,民航局撤銷該項許可,給予警告并處以三萬元以下罰款,該申請人自被撤銷許可之日起三年內(nèi)不得重新申請;構(gòu)成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責(zé)任。
article 29 if a foreign airline acquires business license by means of fraud, bribe or others, civil aviation administration shall revoke such business license, give warning and ask for fines below rmb30,000. such applicant should not reapply 3 years after the license being revoked. if it’s regarded as crime, the foreign airline shall bear criminal obligation.

第三十條 違反本規(guī)定第八條規(guī)定,外航?jīng)]有按時書面通知變更信息的,民航局依法給予警告,或者處以三萬元以下罰款。
article 30 if a foreign airline violated prescription of article 8 because of not notifying change information on time in written will be warned by civil aviation administration or fined below rmb30,000.

第三十一條 違反本規(guī)定第二十一條規(guī)定,外航涂改、轉(zhuǎn)讓、租賃、賣賣經(jīng)營許可的,民航局依法給予警告,并處以三萬元以下罰款;情節(jié)嚴重的,暫?;蛘叩蹁N其經(jīng)營許可;構(gòu)成犯罪的,依法追究其刑事責(zé)任。
article 31 if a foreign airline violates prescription of article 21 in the regulations because of modifying, transferring, leasing or selling business license without permission, it will be warned by civil aviation administration and fined below rmb30,000. in serious circumstances, the business license will be suspended or revoked. if it is regarded as crime, the foreign airline will bear criminal obligation.

編輯:青島希尼爾翻譯公司翻譯部 2016-07-12

中英對照法規(guī)  英文法規(guī)    中國民用航空局令 中英雙語
