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希尼爾翻譯公司(www.googlemapbuilder.com)2016年5月18日了解到:The US and other world powers agreed on Monday to support sending arms to the internationally recognised Libyan government to help it fight Isis , in a rare show of unity from the global community.


John Kerry, US secretary of state, said that the governments would seek an exemption to a UN arms ban that would allow them to supply weapons to the national unity government in Tripoli.

美國國務卿約翰?克里(John Kerry)稱,各國政府將尋求聯(lián)合國武器禁令的豁免,允許他們向的黎波里的民族團結政府提供武器。

The decision represents an important step in the growing legitimacy of the Government of National Accord, which is backed by the UN. Libya has been split between two governments since 2014, with rival parliaments located in Tripoli and the east. The GNA has been fighting to impose its control over the two competing governments, as well as various militias and jihadi groups, including Isis.

該決定代表著聯(lián)合國所支持的利比亞民族團結政府(Government of National Accord)合法性日益提升的重要一步。利比亞自2014年以來分裂為兩個政府,對立的議會分別位于的黎波里和東部。民族團結政府一直在作戰(zhàn),力求控制兩個對立的政府、以及各路民兵組織和包括ISIS在內的圣戰(zhàn)組織。

Speaking in Vienna after a meeting with the other major powers, Mr Kerry said that the GNA was “the only entity that can unify the country” and was “the only way to generate the cohesion necessary to defeat Daesh”, another name for Isis.


The meeting in Vienna brought together all the permanent members of the UN Security Council, including Russia and China, and a number of other governments in the region. In a statement, the governments said that they supported maintaining the UN arms embargo, but would support the GNA’s request for “necessary lethal arms” to counter Isis and other terrorist groups.

維也納召開的會議將聯(lián)合國安理會(UN Security Council)的常任理事國(包括俄羅斯和中國)、以及該地區(qū)的其他一些政府召集在一起。在聲明中,各國政府稱,他們支持維護聯(lián)合國武器禁運,但是會支持利比亞民族團結政府對于“必要的致命武器”的請求,以抗擊ISIS和其他恐怖主義組織。來源:可可英語



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