
當(dāng)前位置:希尼爾首頁 > 雙語新聞 >  (雙語新聞)經(jīng)濟復(fù)蘇?美國零售業(yè)銷量暴增



希尼爾翻譯公司(www.googlemapbuilder.com)2016年5月15日了解到:Overall retail sales grew by 1.3% last month compared with March, according to the US Commerce Department - the strongest gain since March 2015.


Car sales climbed by 3.2%, a sharp reversal from the 3.2% fall recorded in the previous month.


March’s total retail sales were better than previously reported, falling by 0.3% not 0.4%.


When cars, petrol, building materials and food services are stripped out "core retail sales" rose by 0.9% in April. Analysts had forecast a 0.3% gain.


"The numbers came in much stronger than we expected," said Peter Cardillo chief market economist at First Standard Financial.


"That will help alleviate the market’s concerns over retail. The number also puts the rate hike back on the table," he added.

他補充說道:“這將有助于緩解市場對零售業(yè)的關(guān)注。而且這些數(shù)據(jù)還將加息一事從新納入了議程?!?span id="jxfbjvrd" class="style52">


Sales grew in most retail sectors, except building materials and garden equipment.


According to Neil Saunders, chief executive of Conlumino retail growth is slowing, amid a "darkening" economic outlook. However he says the slowdown is not dramatic and it does not affect all sectors equally.


"Consumers are now more cautious about spending than they were at the start of the year. This is something not helped by the increase in the cost of gas which, although still lower than last year, has risen consistently for the past few months. Gas now takes a larger share of retail spend than at any time in the past 6 months," he said.

他說道:“和年初相比,現(xiàn)在消費者對于支出變得更加謹(jǐn)慎了。在天然氣方面支出的增加并沒有改善這一點,盡管對天然氣的支出較去年相比仍有不足,但是在過去幾個月里,這一數(shù)值持續(xù)增長。目前燃?xì)庵С稣剂闶蹣I(yè)比重達到了過去六個月里的最高點?!?span id="jxfbjvrd" class="style52">

"Ultimately, this means that while Americans are still spending they are doing so more selectively: choosing which products to buy and which retailers to visit and paying much more attention to things like price and value for money.

“最終,這意味著盡管美國人仍然在消費,但是他們在更有選擇性地消費:他們會更加謹(jǐn)慎地選擇買什么商品、到哪家零售店去買,還會更加關(guān)注價格和性價比?!?span id="jxfbjvrd" class="style52">

"This week we have heard from those retailers which have lost out because their strategies, positioning, or appeal is wrong. While their fortunes reflect a more negative mood, they are not necessarily representative of retail as a whole."

“這周我們聽到了許多零售商退出的消息,它們制定了錯誤的經(jīng)營策略、市場定位以及營銷方案。盡管它們的命運反應(yīng)了更消極的心態(tài),但是它們不能代表整個零售行業(yè)?!眮碓?BBC 官網(wǎng)

