
當前位置:希尼爾首頁 > 雙語新聞 >  (雙語新聞)特朗普口無遮攔 指責中國"強暴"美國

(雙語新聞)特朗普口無遮攔 指責中國"強暴"美國


Republican presidential front-runner DonaldTrump has accused China of "raping" the US, in renewed criticism ofChina's trade policy.


He told a rally in Indiana that China wasresponsible for "the greatest theft in the history of the world".


Mr Trump, a billionaire businessman, haslong accused China of manipulating its currency to make its exports morecompetitive globally. This, he says, has badly damaged US businesses andworkers.


We can't continue to allow China to rapeour country…h(huán)e told the campaign rally on Sunday. "We're going to turn itaround, and we have the cards, don't forget it," he added. "We have alot of power with China."

“我們不能繼續(xù)讓中國強暴我國……”他周日在競選集會上說?!拔覀円まD這個局面,我們手中有牌,別忘了?!彼€說?!拔覀冇泻芏嗄芰Ω吨袊??!?span id="jxfbjvrd" class="style52">

Mr Trump, in his campaign manifesto,pledges to "cut a better deal with China that helps American businessesand workers compete".


He sets out four goals that includeimmediately declaring China "a currency manipulator" and putting"an end to China's illegal export subsidies and lax labour andenvironmental standards".

他提出了四個目標,包括立即宣布中國為“貨幣操縱國”,“終止中國的非法貿易補貼和寬松的勞工和環(huán)境標準?!?span id="jxfbjvrd" class="style52">

There was no immediate response fromBeijing to Mr Trump's comments, but he is seen by many in China as aninspiration rather than an antagonist.


Latest figures from Washington for US-Chinagoods trade in January and February show the relationship does appear to beskewed. In those months the US exported $16.3bn in goods to China, but imported$73.3bn, leaving a massive goods trade imbalance of $57bn.


Last week, the US Treasury placed China(and others) on a currency watchlist, after pressure on the US government to bemore robust in combating any currency manipulation by trading partners.


