
當(dāng)前位置:希尼爾首頁 > 雙語新聞 >  失蹤香港書商李波放棄英國公民身份 (中英雙語)



希尼爾翻譯公司(www.googlemapbuilder.com)2016年3月07日了解到:One of the Hong Kong booksellers who disappeared last year has said he entered mainland China illegally to help with an investigation and would give up his British citizenship because it complicated the process.


Lee Bo appeared relaxed and smiling in a 16-minute interview with Phoenix TV, a Hong Kong television station, his first since disappearing. “I sneaked into the mainland with the help of a friend [or friends] so I didn’t use my home return permit,” said Mr Lee, whose location was not given.

自消失以來第一次在香港電視臺(tái)鳳凰衛(wèi)視(Phoenix TV)上露面的李波(Lee Bo),神情輕松,面帶微笑?!拔沂窃谂笥训膸椭峦刀苫貎?nèi)地的,所以沒有用到‘回鄉(xiāng)證’,”李波表示。電視臺(tái)沒有透露他身在何處。

“I wanted to secretly visit the mainland and solve my own matters as soon as possible and then return home secretly,” Mr Lee said, adding he would be allowed to leave China when the investigation was over.


He said the investigation related to the other four missing booksellers. On Sunday they admitted smuggling critical political works into China, according to videotaped confessions and a Chinese news report.


Mr Lee said he had been involved in a company with Gui Minhai, one of their number.


“I went back as a witness to assist the investigation into my company’s internal affairs and the issue of my staff, and also Gui Minhai’s suspected crime. It’s still in progress,” he said.


Mr Lee said he had never sought help from the UK and had decided to give up his passport. “Some people took advantage of my UK citizenship and sensationalised the issue, making the issue more complicated. So I decided to give up my UK citizenship,” he said, noting he had informed the UK of his decision.


The case has become a cause célèbre in Hong Kong and the UK, which said in its most recent six-monthly report on the former colony that Mr Lee was “involuntarily removed to the mainland without any due process” in a “serious breach” of the city’s legal system.


The interview was aired hours after Hong Kong police disclosed they had met Mr Lee in a guest house at an undisclosed location on the mainland.


Mr Gui, one of the owners of Causeway Bay Books, said in a video aired on Phoenix TV on Sunday night that the sale of such books was not legal in China and that he and his colleagues had circumvented the rules.

身為銅鑼灣書店(Causeway Bay Books)股東之一的桂敏海,在鳳凰衛(wèi)視上周日晚播出的一段視頻中表示,出售這些書在中國是不合法的,而他和他的同事們規(guī)避了規(guī)則。

“After several discussions, we considered ways to avoid Chinese official inspection,” he said in videotaped comments, the source of which was not revealed. “These included changing the book covers and putting the books into dark nylon bags to avoid X-ray inspection.”


Three of his colleagues also confessed in broadcast videos to helping Mr Gui, a Swedish citizen, and claimed that they regretted their actions. It was not possible to reach them for comment.


The Paper, a state-controlled Chinese media outlet, reported they had smuggled 4,000 books into China, distributing them to 380 readers in 28 provinces.


Five employees and owners of Causeway Bay Books and Mighty Current Media, its parent publisher, disappeared last year amid suspicions they had been abducted or forced to return to the mainland by Chinese security agents.

銅鑼灣書店及其母公司巨流傳媒(Mighty Current Media)的5名雇員及股東去年相繼失蹤,各方懷疑他們被中國安全人員綁架或強(qiáng)迫返回內(nèi)地。

The case has shaken Hong Kong, which was guaranteed legal independence and free speech by China when it regained the territory from Britain in 1997. The affair has added to fears that meddling by Beijing is undermining the city’s autonomy and way of life.


Police in Guangdong province and the Hong Kong government have said four of them are being held on suspicion of involvement in unspecified “illegal activities”.

