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希尼爾翻譯公司(www.googlemapbuilder.com)2016年2月29日了解到:China’s top State-owned asset administrator said on Thursday it will pick three to five companies this year for a pilot program to better manage government assets.
  Two companies, China Chengtong Holdings Group Ltd and China Reform Holdings Corp Ltd, are already being reorganized into State-owned asset-operating firms, said ZhangXiwu, deputy head of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.
  He said this year’s priority will be setting up or restructuring companies that invest and operate State-owned assets, and this will strengthen their overall management.
  The reforms aim to "explore new State-owned asset management models focused on the management of the capital rather than the companies, find effective means for a mixed-ownership economy and improve corporate governance structure".
  China Chengtong and China Reform declined to comment.
  Major businesses of China Chengtong include assets management, logistics service, capital goods trade as well as forestry, pulp and paper products. China Reform, a capital-operating company backed by SASAC, was founded in 2010 to fuel the integration of State-owned enterprises.
  China Chengtong, which owns more than 100 subsidiaries, also has businesses in tourism,cultural and packaging industries.
  "Actually, China Reform Holding Corporation has been running this business for sometime,and there are other similar investment platforms as well. So, the question is whether this can lead to more autonomy into businesses and make their management more efficient,"Oliver Barron, head of research for the London-based investment bank NSBO, told China Daily.
  總部位于倫敦的NSBO銀行的研究主管Oliver Barron告訴《中國周刊》:“事實上,中國改革控股公司一直在經營這項業(yè)務,并且有一些其他類似的投資平臺。因此,問題在于這個變化是否能為商業(yè)注入更多的自主權,使得它的管理更有效?!?span id="jxfbjvrd" class="style52">
  He said the pilot will very likely be on Singapore’s Temasek.
  "Though government-owned, Temasek is the major shareholder in the companies, the management can run the state companies in the best way it can without the government’s direct intervention," Barron said in Beijing.
  Barron在北京說:“盡管公司是國有的,但是淡馬錫是公司最大的股東,在沒有政府干預的情況下,公司可以以最好的方式運營這家國有公司?!?span id="jxfbjvrd" class="style52">
  The reform of introducing a State asset manager is only part of a new round of reforms of State-owned enterprises, testing changes that will affect mergers, salaries, employee shareholding and mixed ownership, as the country is seeking ways to drive up the economy.

