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希尼爾翻譯公司(www.googlemapbuilder.com)2016年1月28日了解到:The US Treasury has told a BBC investigation that it considers Russian President Vladimir Putin to be corrupt.
  The US government has already imposed sanctions on Mr Putin’s aides, but it is thought to be the first time it has directly accused him of corruption. His spokesman told the BBC that "none of these questions or issues needs to be answered, as they are pure fiction". Last week a UK public inquiry said Mr Putin had "probably" approved the murder of ex-spy Alexander Litvinenko.
  美國政府已經(jīng)對普京先生的助手實施了制裁,但這是第一次直接指控普京貪污。他的發(fā)言人告訴BBC:“這些問題和指控不需要回答,因為這純粹是瞎編的?!鄙现?,一項英國公開調(diào)查表示,普京先生“很可能”批準了謀殺前俄國特工Alexander Litvinenko。
  Secret wealth
  Litvinenko, a former Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) agent and fierce critic of Mr Putin, was poisoned in London with radioactive polonium in 2006. Adam Szubin, who oversees US Treasury sanctions, has told BBC Panorama that the Russian president is corrupt and that the US government has known this for "many, many years". He said: "We’ve seen him enriching his friends, his close allies, and marginalising those who he doesn’t view as friends using state assets. Whether that’s Russia’s energy wealth, whether it’s other state contracts, he directs those to whom he believes will serve him and excludes those who don’t. To me, that is a picture of corruption."
  Litvinenko 曾為俄羅斯聯(lián)邦安全局工作,離開后受到普京先生的猛烈抨擊,在2006年于倫敦因放射性釙下毒被謀害。負責美國財政部制裁的Adam Szubin在BBC Panorama欄目表示,俄國的總統(tǒng)先生貪污,美國政府知道這件事情已經(jīng)“很多很多年了”。他還說到:“我們發(fā)現(xiàn),他一直利用國有資產(chǎn)讓自己的朋友、盟 友們變富,并邊緣化他認為不是朋友的人。無論是俄羅斯的國家能源財富,還是其他國家合同,他都給了那些會給他帶來利益的人,并排除了其他人。對我來說,這 就是貪污。”
  The US government imposed sanctions against a number of Kremlin insiders in 2014 and stated that Vladimir Putin had secret investments in the energy sector. However, the Americans did not directly accuse him of corruption at the time. The sanctions - later expanded to include more individuals and organisations - coincided with similar EU measures against Russia. The trigger for them was Russia’s annexation of Crimea, during political turmoil in Ukraine.
  2014 年,美國政府對很多克里姆林宮內(nèi)部人士實施了制裁并表示弗拉基米爾·普京在能源部門已經(jīng)進行了秘密投資。但是,那時美國沒有對他進行直接指控。這些制裁與 歐盟對俄羅斯的類似的制裁同步,之后擴展到了對更多個人和機構(gòu)。這些的導火索是俄羅斯在克里米亞政治動亂期間對其的吞并。
  US government officials have been reluctant to be interviewed about President Putin’s wealth, but Mr Szubin agreed to take part in a BBC Panorama programme investigating the issue. Mr Szubin would not comment on a secret CIA report from 2007 that put Mr Putin’s wealth at around $40bn (?28bn). But he said the Russian president had been amassing secret wealth. "He supposedly draws a state salary of something like $110,000 a year. That is not an accurate statement of the man’s wealth, and he has long time training and practices in terms of how to mask his actual wealth."
  美國官員不愿接受有關(guān)總統(tǒng)普京個 人財產(chǎn)的采訪,但是Szubin先生同意參與BBC Panorama欄目對此事件的調(diào)查。2007年的一個秘密情報局報告表示,普京的財產(chǎn)達到將近4百億美元(280億歐元),Szubin先生不會對此作 出評論,但他表示,俄羅斯總統(tǒng)一直在聚集秘密財富?!鞍凑f,他的國家工資大概每年110,000美元。但這不是他真正的財產(chǎn),他很長時間以來都在練習偽裝 自己的財產(chǎn)?!?span id="jxfbjvrd" class="style52">
  The Kremlin denies such allegations. In 2008, President Putin personally addressed claims that he was the richest man in Europe, saying: "It’s simply rubbish. They just picked all of it out of someone’s nose and smeared it across their little papers."
  克林姆林宮否認這些指控。2008年,普京總統(tǒng)自己針對那些稱他是歐洲首富的言論予以否認,稱“這簡直是瞎扯。他們只是毫無根據(jù)的胡亂寫?!?span id="jxfbjvrd" class="style52">

