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瑞典人權(quán)活動人士在央視節(jié)目中認(rèn)罪 (中英雙語)


希尼爾翻譯公司(www.googlemapbuilder.com)2016年1月23日了解到:A Swedish human rights activist arrested in China has admitted to crimes on state television, the second Swedish national to feature in a TV confession in recent days, as authorities increasingly turn to such broadcasts in their crackdown on dissent. 一名在中國被拘的瑞典人權(quán)活動人士已在中國中央電視臺(CCTV)節(jié)目中招認(rèn)罪行,這是近期第二名在央視節(jié)目中認(rèn)罪的瑞典籍公民。中國當(dāng)局正日益訴諸這類廣播電視節(jié)目來打擊異見人士。

Peter Jesper Dahlin, who was initially reported detained last week, had “sponsored activities jeopardising China’s national security”, state news agency Xinhua reported late on Tuesday. 中國官方通訊社新華社周二晚報(bào)道稱,彼得?耶斯佩爾?達(dá)林(Peter Jesper Dahlin)“涉嫌資助危害國家安全犯罪活動罪”。彼得被拘的消息最初是上周傳出來。

“This is obviously an issue of grave concern for us,” Hans Dietmar Schweisgut, EU ambassador to China, told a press conference on Wednesday. “We do hope [the detentions] are not a ‘new normal’ but we do see an extremely worrying trend, he added, calling for “full transparency and full access” in such cases. 歐盟駐華大使史偉(Hans Dietmar Schweisgut)在周三的一個新聞發(fā)布會上表示:“這顯然是一個引起我們嚴(yán)重關(guān)切的問題?!彼a(bǔ)充稱:“我們希望(這種拘留)不是一種‘新常態(tài)’,但我們的確看到一種極其令人擔(dān)憂的趨勢?!彼粲踉谶@類案件中“做到完全透明,不設(shè)置任何障礙”。

Televised confessions by those accused of politically sensitive crimes have become common in China, even as criminal complaints and judicial proceedings are largely kept secret. Mr Dahlin and other suspects “have been put under coercive measures in line with the criminal law”, Xinhua said. 在中國,那些被控犯有政治上敏感罪行的人在電視上認(rèn)罪已變得普遍起來,而與此同時,刑事指控和司法程序卻基本上是不公開的。新華社報(bào)道稱,彼得等犯罪嫌疑人“被依法采取刑事強(qiáng)制措施”。

“Certain people that we supported at one time or another have gone on to do acts in clear violation of the law,” Mr Dahlin said in the broadcast on Tuesday. “And we know that in some cases ... they have been very serious crimes. And we are also aware that this also means that we as an organisation become criminally liable for the things that they have done.” “我們資助過的某些人曾從事明顯違法的行為,”彼得在周二的節(jié)目中表示,“而且我們知道,在某些案子中……他們犯下了非常嚴(yán)重的罪行。我們還知道,這也意味著我們作為一個組織要對他們做過的事情負(fù)刑事責(zé)任?!?span id="jxfbjvrd" class="style52">

The arrest is the latest in Chinese authorities’ campaign against lawyers and rights activists. Last July dozens of lawyers were rounded up in a nationwide sweep. In December Pu Zhiqiang, one of China’s most famous rights lawyers, was given a suspended prison sentence for inciting ethnic hatred and disrupting public order. 此案是中國當(dāng)局打擊律師和維權(quán)人士行動的最新一例。去年7月,數(shù)十名律師在一場全國性打擊行動中被拘。去年12月,中國最知名維權(quán)律師之一浦志強(qiáng)被判有期徒刑、緩期執(zhí)行,罪名是煽動民族仇恨和尋釁滋事。

Mr Dahlin also said in his confession that an activist his organisation had trained had “illegally brought the son of lawyer Wang Yu across an international border”. 彼得在認(rèn)罪時還表示,他所在組織培訓(xùn)的一名維權(quán)人士曾“策劃組織鋒銳律師事務(wù)所律師王宇之子偷越國邊境”。

Xinhua said Mr Dahlin had “hired and trained others, who were called ‘lawyers’ and petitioners, to gather, distort, exaggerate and even fabricate negative information about China”, and compiled it into a human rights report. The Chinese Urgent Action Working Group had received “unregulated huge sums of money” from seven unnamed foreign non-governmental organisations, the agency said. 新華社稱,彼得曾“資助和培訓(xùn)無照‘律師’、少數(shù)訪民,利用他們搜集我國各類負(fù)面情況,加以歪曲、擴(kuò)大甚至憑空捏造,向境外提供所謂‘中國人權(quán)報(bào)告’。中國維權(quán)緊急援助組(Chinese Urgent Action Working Group)長期接受某外國非政府組織等7家境外機(jī)構(gòu)的‘巨額資助’”。

CCTV quoted Mr Dahlin as saying that information gathered from the internet for the organisation’s human rights report “doesn’t represent the true and comprehensive situation” and that he had not personally witnessed the cases described — although Mr Dahlin was not shown making that statement. 央視援引彼得的話稱,“其中的內(nèi)容幾乎都是通過網(wǎng)上搜索查詢等方式做出來的,并不能反映真實(shí)全面的情況,具體案例我沒有親眼所見,我不能保證報(bào)告中的內(nèi)容屬實(shí)”——盡管彼得并沒有在節(jié)目中說這番話。

