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白菜中的貴族:59元一棵的美味青島膠州大白菜 (中英雙語)


希尼爾翻譯公司(www.googlemapbuilder.com)2016年1月23日了解到:At $8.97 a head, vegetable climbs the food chain to favored status


A type of "cabbage de terroir" now selling for 59 yuan ($8.97) a head in Qingdao, Shandong province, has quickly become a sought-after ingredient for home chefs here and abroad.


As a staple in East China, nappa cabbage, or Chinese cabbage, usually equals inexpensive food, hence the expression, "as cheap as a cabbage".


But the Jiaozhou nappa cabbage, with a long history of cultural significance, and grown by modern farmers with improved technology, classical music and elaborate care, is winning fans as a gourmet vegetable.


Farmers in Jiaozhou, a county 50 kilometers northwest of downtown Qingdao, have grown the cabbage for hundreds of years. Many Chinese writers and artists have praised Jiaozhou cabbage in their work. Lu Xun, a Chinese writer and thinker active in the early 20th century, wrote in a famous story Mr Fujino that nappa cabbage tied with red ribbon, hanging upside-down in a vegetable store, was revered in the 1920s.


It is also a favored vegetable of many politicians.


Yuan Shikai, the formal president of the Republic of China in the 1910s, is said to have craved Jiaozhou cabbage. Mao Zedong, founding father of the People’s Republic of China, presented 2,500 kilograms of Jiaozhou cabbage as a birthday gift to Soviet Union leader Josef Stalin in 1949.


Although nappa cabbage is now widely grown in China, the Jiaozhou cabbage remains a distinctive regional product and is often exported to Japan and South Korea as an upscale ingredient.


Sun Haitao, a chef, said there are more than 50 recipes involving Jiaozhou vegetables in Shandong cuisine. "Its crispy texture and fruit-like taste make it great for cold salad," Sun said. "When cooked, an umami taste is generated."

孫海濤廚師說,魯菜菜系中50多個菜譜都含膠州大白菜,他表示, “膠州大白菜脆嫩的質地和水果一樣的鮮甜口味,使其非常適合冷盤沙拉,”孫說。 “烹調(diào)時,它又散發(fā)出一種鮮香?!?span id="jxfbjvrd" class="style52">

Zhang Jubo, chairman of the Jiaozhou Cabbage Association, said that growing attention to food quality and safety has also helped the Jiaozhou cabbage gain popularity and a good price in the domestic market.


"We grow it strictly in accordance with organic standards, with soybean cake and chicken manure instead of chemical fertilizers, and we never use pesticides," Zhang said.

他說,“我們嚴格按照有機標準種植,以豆餅和雞糞代替化肥,我們從來不使用農(nóng)藥?!?span id="jxfbjvrd" class="style52">

In addition, Jiaozhou farmers play classical music in the farm fields, which the growers insist helps the vegetables to grow "in a happy mood".


Zhang also cited the level of selenium, a mineral with antioxidant properties, in Jiaozhou cabbage, saying it is helpful in preventing diseases of the heart and prostate.


Apart from cabbage, Jiaozhou also boasts an award-winning pig species: the Licha black pig. "Stir-fried Jiaozhou cabbage with Licha pork as well as bean starch vermicelli is a real delicacy," Zhang said.

除了大白菜,膠州還自稱擁有一種備受贊譽的豬:里岔黑豬。 他說,“里岔黑豬肉和膠州大白菜燉粉條才是真正的美味佳肴?!?span id="jxfbjvrd" class="style52">
來源:China Daily

