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英美資源宣布裁員8.5萬人 (中英雙語)


希尼爾翻譯公司(www.googlemapbuilder.com)2015年12月10日了解到:The worst slump in commodity markets for a decade engulfed the mining sector yesterday after Anglo American, one of the industry’s most venerable names, shelved its dividend and said it would cut two-thirds of its workforce. 大宗商品市場10年來最糟糕的低迷昨日籠罩采礦業(yè)。業(yè)內(nèi)最老牌的公司之一英美資源集團(Anglo American)暫停派發(fā)股息,并宣布將裁掉三分之二員工。

The moves are part of a radical restructuring that will see the company retreat from all lossmaking assets, close mines and shed some 85,000 jobs. 這些舉動是一項大刀闊斧重組的一部分,它們意味著該公司將放棄所有虧損的資產(chǎn),關(guān)閉采礦場并裁員約8.5萬人。

Anglo shares dropped more than 12 per cent to a record low on the news. Other mining and natural resources stocks also fell as oil dipped below $40 a barrel for the first time since the financial crisis and iron ore, the biggest mined commodity, hit a 10-year low. 消息公布后,該集團的股價下跌逾12%,至紀錄低點。采礦業(yè)和自然資源板塊的其它股票也紛紛下跌,油價自金融危機爆發(fā)以來首次跌破40美元/桶,而全球開采量最大的礦產(chǎn)——鐵礦石價格跌至10年低點。

The moves by Anglo underscore the challenges facing the mining sector as it scrambles to deal with a slowdown in China and a glut in global supplies of everything from copper and platinum to coal and diamonds. 英美資源此舉凸顯了采礦業(yè)面臨的挑戰(zhàn)。目前該行業(yè)正艱難應(yīng)對中國經(jīng)濟增長放緩,以及從銅、鉑到煤炭、鉆石等各種大宗商品全球供應(yīng)過剩的局面。

During the boom years of the commodities supercycle, miners invested hundred of billions of dollars in projects as a rapidly growing China sucked in ever increasing amounts of raw materials. But with commodity prices at multiyear lows they are being forced to slash spending and restructure their businesses to conserve cash and cut costs. 在大宗商品超級周期的繁榮期,快速增長的中國進口越來越多的原材料,礦商在項目上投資了上千億美元。但是隨著大宗商品價格跌至數(shù)年低點,它們正被迫削減支出并重組業(yè)務(wù),以求節(jié)省資金、降低成本。


