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2015年FT歐洲商學(xué)院榜單出爐 (中英雙語)


希尼爾翻譯公司(www.googlemapbuilder.com)2015年12月7日了解到:英國商學(xué)院在2015年英國《金融時(shí)報(bào)》歐洲商學(xué)院排行榜上大放異彩。不僅倫敦商學(xué)院(LBS)再次摘得歐洲最佳商學(xué)院的桂冠,還有其他3所英國商學(xué)院的排名取得了自去年以來的最大幅度上升。British business schools shine in the 2015 Financial Times ranking of European institutions. Not only has London Business School (LBS) kept its crown as the best business school in Europe but three other schools in Britain have achieved the biggest rises since last year.

In the field of the best 85 business schools in Europe, HEC Paris remains in second place behind LBS, while Insead, the international school based in Fontainebleau, France, climbs two places to third. 在歐洲的85所最佳商學(xué)院當(dāng)中,巴黎高等商學(xué)院(HEC Paris)依然排名第二,僅次于倫敦商學(xué)院,而總部位于法國楓丹白露的國際商學(xué)院——?dú)W洲工商管理學(xué)院(Insead)的排名攀升兩位,至第三名。

Meanwhile, the University of Bradford School of Management and the University of Edinburgh Business School each climb 16 places, to 42nd and 55th, respectively. Judge Business School at the University of Cambridge rises 15 places to 14th. 與此同時(shí),布拉德福德大學(xué)管理學(xué)院(Bradford University School of Management)和愛丁堡大學(xué)商學(xué)院(University of Edinburgh Business School)的排名均上升16位,分別排在第42名和第55名。劍橋大學(xué)(University of Cambridge)佳奇管理學(xué)院(Judge Business School)的排名上升15位,排在第14名。

This ranking measures the quality and breadth of the schools’ postgraduate programmes. It is based on their performance in the four main rankings published by the FT each year: MBA, Executive MBA, Masters in Management and Executive Education. Only schools that take part in all four rankings are eligible for a full score. 這份排行榜衡量的是商學(xué)院研究生課程的質(zhì)量和廣度。它基于相關(guān)商學(xué)院在英國《金融時(shí)報(bào)》每年發(fā)布的4個(gè)主要榜單上的表現(xiàn):MBA、EMBA、管理碩士和高管教育。只有參與所有這4項(xiàng)排名的商學(xué)院才有資格獲得滿分。

A strong performance in all four rankings for LBS includes first place for its full-time MBA programme and third for both its joint Executive MBA programme (taught with Columbia Business School in the US) and customised executive education. 倫敦商學(xué)院在所有這4項(xiàng)排名上表現(xiàn)強(qiáng)勁,包括全日制MBA課程排名第一,合辦EMBA(與美國哥倫比亞商學(xué)院(Columbia Business School)合辦)和定制高管教育課程均排名第三。

The quality of its students makes LBS particularly valued. “Studying among so many talented people has instilled in me the belief that I can actually achieve something on my own,” comments one MBA graduate from the class of 2011. 倫敦商學(xué)院的學(xué)員品質(zhì)優(yōu)秀,這讓該商學(xué)院尤其具有價(jià)值。一位2011屆的MBA學(xué)員表示:“躋身于如此人才濟(jì)濟(jì)的學(xué)習(xí)環(huán)境讓我堅(jiān)信,我可以獨(dú)立做成某些事情?!?span id="jxfbjvrd" class="style52">

In 55th place, University of Edinburgh Business School regains the rank it held two years ago. The school dropped down the tables last year after failing to make it into the Masters in Management ranking. The University of Bradford School of Management recorded its best progression, aided by the school’s first appearance in the ranking of the top 100 Executive MBAs. 排名第55位的愛丁堡大學(xué)商學(xué)院重獲兩年前的排名。該商學(xué)院去年在未能進(jìn)入管理碩士排行榜之后排名大跌。布拉德福德大學(xué)管理學(xué)院由于首次進(jìn)入EMBA百強(qiáng)榜單而錄得史上最大進(jìn)步。

Cambridge Judge Business School also ends the year on a high, appearing for the first time in the rankings for both open and custom executive education, and climbing three places in the MBA ranking and 12 places in the Executive MBA table. 劍橋大學(xué)佳奇管理學(xué)院也以優(yōu)異表現(xiàn)結(jié)束今年,它首次出現(xiàn)在開放招生和定制高管教育榜單上,而且在MBA榜單上的排名上升3位,在EMBA榜單上的排名上升12位。

However, strong progress across the main rankings does not automatically translate into European success. Sa?d Business School at the University of Oxford, for example, rose one place in the MBA ranking, five places in the ranking of open executive programmes and broke into the top 10 of the Executive MBA ranking for the first time by moving up 12 places, but its European ranking remains unchanged, at 10th. 然而,主要榜單上的排名大幅上升不會(huì)自動(dòng)轉(zhuǎn)化為歐洲商學(xué)院排名的上升。例如,牛津大學(xué)(University of Oxford)薩伊德商學(xué)院(Sa?d Business School)在MBA榜單上的排名上升1位,在開放招生EMBA課程的排名上升5位,在EMBA榜單上的排名上升12名,首次進(jìn)入該榜單前十名,但其在歐洲商學(xué)院榜單上的排名沒有變化,依然是第10名。

While British schools moved up two places on average, French schools, the largest group from any one country, fell one place on average. EMLyon Business School dropped outside the MBA ranking and lost 15 places overall, while Edhec Business School failed to make it into the Executive MBA ranking and lost eight places overall as a result. 盡管英國商學(xué)院的排名平均上升了兩位,但法國商學(xué)院的排名平均下降了一位——法國是商學(xué)院數(shù)量最多的歐洲國家。里昂商學(xué)院(EMLyon Business School)由于跌出MBA榜單之外,整體排名下降了15位,同時(shí)北方高等商學(xué)院(Edhec Business School)由于未能進(jìn)入EMBA榜單,整體排名下降了8位。

Among French schools, Toulouse Business School made the best progress, up 14 places, after featuring in the Executive MBA ranking for the first time. 在法國商學(xué)院當(dāng)中,圖盧茲商學(xué)院(Toulouse Business School)的進(jìn)步最大,上升了14位,原因是該商學(xué)院首次進(jìn)入了EMBA榜單。

In terms of salary three years after graduation, Germany leads the way for masters in management programmes, with three schools in the top four. Graduates of WHU Beisheim have the distinction of earning the highest salary, at $98,123 on average. 就畢業(yè)3年后的學(xué)員薪資而言,德國的管理碩士課程排名居前,有3所商學(xué)院進(jìn)入前4名。奧托貝森管理研究院(WHU Beisheim)的畢業(yè)生享有薪酬最高的名聲,平均薪資為9.8123萬美元。

In the MBA ranking, LBS, Insead and Spain’s IE Business School are bunched together with only a few dollars between them. Insead has the top salary at $155,015. 在MBA榜單上,倫敦商學(xué)院、INSEAD和西班牙企業(yè)商學(xué)院(IE Business School)畢業(yè)生的薪酬相差無幾,只有幾美元的差距。INSEAD的畢業(yè)生薪資最高,為15.5015萬美元。

Finally, in the EMBA ranking, excluding joint programmes delivered with non-European schools, IMD of Switzerland, with an average salary of $261,397, is well ahead of Sa?d Business School in second and IE Business School in third place. 最后,在EMBA榜單上,若剔除與非歐洲商學(xué)院的合辦課程,瑞士洛桑國際管理發(fā)展學(xué)院(IMD)的畢業(yè)生的平均薪資為26.1397萬美元,遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)領(lǐng)先于排名第二的薩伊德商學(xué)院和排名第三的西班牙企業(yè)商學(xué)院。青島翻譯公司

