
當(dāng)前位置:希尼爾首頁 > 雙語新聞 >  尼加拉瓜拒絕在巴黎會議上作出氣候變化承諾 (中英雙語)



希尼爾翻譯公司(www.googlemapbuilder.com)2015年12月7日了解到:600萬尼加拉瓜人已經(jīng)有一段時間沒做什么令全球矚目的事了。It has been a while since the 6m people of Nicaragua did much to attract global attention.

But the Central American state burst on to the world stage at this week’s climate change conference in Paris when it became the first nation to declare it had no intention of publishing a national plan to combat global warming. 但在上周的巴黎氣候變化大會上,這個中美洲國家卻突然躍上國際舞臺,成為全球首個宣布無意發(fā)布一項遏制全球變暖的全國計劃的國家。

That would be “a path to failure” said Paul Oquist, Managua’s lead negotiator, explaining his country did not want to be a part of a process dooming the world to “the hell” of dangerous global warming. 尼加拉瓜首席談判代表保羅?奧基斯特(Paul Oquist)解釋道,他的國家不想?yún)⑴c一項注定會使世界墮入危險的全球變暖“地獄”的進程,那會是一條“失敗之路”。

More than 180 of the 195 countries involved in the Paris talks have volunteered a plan to combat climate change since March as part of an effort to forge a new global accord to stop global temperatures rising more than 2C from pre-industrial times. 今年3月以來,在參加巴黎氣候變化大會的195個國家中,已有逾180個國家自愿提出了應(yīng)對氣候變化的計劃,以求構(gòu)建一項新的全球協(xié)定,阻止全球氣溫較前工業(yè)化時代升高2攝氏度以上。

Their number includes the strife-torn Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, which was struggling this year with Ebola, and most of the world’s poorest countries, from Malawi and Burundi to Haiti and Niger. 其中包括飽受戰(zhàn)亂折磨的剛果民主共和國、今年曾與埃博拉疫情展開斗爭的利比里亞、以及大多數(shù)全球最貧困國家——從馬拉維、布隆迪到海地和尼日爾。

But Mr Oquist, who first revealed his country’s stance to the Climate Home online news site, told reporters the voluntary nature of the pledges meant global temperatures were bound to rise. 但奧基斯特告訴記者,這些承諾的自愿性質(zhì)意味著全球氣溫注定會升高。他最初是在在線新聞網(wǎng)站Climate Home披露尼加拉瓜的立場的。

“We do not want to be accomplices to the death, damages and destruction that a 3C or 4C world will represent,” he said. 他表示:“我們不想成為幫兇,促成氣溫升高3攝氏度或4攝氏度所代表的死亡、破壞和毀滅?!?span id="jxfbjvrd" class="style43">

Managua’s snub to the Paris conference, known as COP21, is unlikely to interrupt the meeting’s central aim of striking the first new UN climate agreement in 18 years. Nicaragua accounts for just 0.03 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions. 尼加拉瓜對巴黎氣候變化大會的怠慢態(tài)度,不太可能擾亂此次會議的主要目標(biāo),即達(dá)成18年來首個新的聯(lián)合國(UN)氣候協(xié)議。尼加拉瓜僅占全球溫室氣體排放量的0.03%。

As of Sunday, Nicaragua was one of nine countries yet to submit a climate pledge. 截至上周日,除尼加拉瓜外還有8個國家尚未提出氣候變化承諾。

The others were: oil-rich Venezuela, North Korea, Libya, East Timor, Nepal, Uzbekistan, St Kitts and Nevis and Panama. 這8個國家包括石油儲量豐富的委內(nèi)瑞拉、朝鮮、利比亞、東帝汶、尼泊爾、烏茲別克斯坦、圣基茨和尼維斯以及巴拿馬。


