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希尼爾翻譯公司(www.googlemapbuilder.com)2016年7月28日了解到:President Barack Obama said in an interview set to air Tuesday night that it’s ’possible’ Vladimir Putin could be orchestrating a recent computer hack of Democratic National Committee emails in order to help Donald Trump win America’s presidential election.


Trump tweeted that the idea was ’crazy,’ shortly after Obama’s comments surfaced.


Evidence is mounting that hackers aligned with Russia’s government were responsible for stealing the DNC’s computer files and airing the party’s dirty laundry with help from the Wikileaks website.


The public relations damage from messages showing the party trying to sabotage Sen. Bernie Sanders’ candidacy has been significant, and led to the resignation on Monday of the party’s chairwoman.


Trump was his usual filter-free self on Twitter, writing: ’In order to try and deflect the horror and stupidity of the Wikileaks disaster, the Dem[ocrat]s said maybe it is Russia dealing with Trump. Crazy!’


’For the record,’ he wrote in a follow-up tweet, ’I have ZERO investments in Russia.’

川普在隨后一份推文中寫道:“從記錄上來看,我在俄羅斯的投資為零?!?span id="jxfbjvrd" class="style52">

Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov sternly dismissed the idea on Tuesday as well.


At the site of a diplomatic meeting in Laos, reporters asked him about his country’s involvement in the controversy.


His only response was ’I do not want to use four-letter words,’ according to the Associated Press.

據(jù)美聯(lián)社報道,謝爾蓋·拉夫羅夫寥寥數(shù)語回答了這一問題:“我不想說臟話?!?span id="jxfbjvrd" class="style52">

Obama told NBC that he couldn’t say for sure what Putin is up to, but left the door wide open for conspiracy theories.


’What the motives were in terms of the leaks, all that – I can’t say directly,’ Obama told NBC News. ’What I do know is that Donald Trump has repeatedly expressed admiration for Vladimir Putin.’

奧巴馬對NBC新聞透露說:“郵件泄露的動機(jī)是什么,所有--我不能直說。我所知道的是,川普曾多次對普京表達(dá)欽佩?!?span id="jxfbjvrd" class="style52">

Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook claimed Tuesday morning that news reports have established Russians stole Democratic Party documents and emails and ’turned it over to the Wikileaks and other hackers to push out, to harm Secretary Clinton and help Donald Trump.’

周二早晨,希拉里競選經(jīng)理羅比·默克表示說,新聞報道確定是俄羅斯盜取了民主黨的文件和郵件,并且“轉(zhuǎn)交給維基解密和黑客,讓他們公之于眾,從而陷害希拉里、幫助川普?!?span id="jxfbjvrd" class="style52">

That suggestion – that the Russian president fears a Clinton White House more than a Trump administration, would be a powerful argument for the former secretary of state to use in her fall campaign.


’I am basing this on what Mr. Trump himself has said,’ Obama added. ’And I think that Trump’s gotten pretty favorable coverage back in Russia.’

奧巴馬補(bǔ)充說道:“我的論點(diǎn)是基于川普自己的說法,而且我認(rèn)為川普在俄羅斯得到了很好的報道?!?span id="jxfbjvrd" class="style52">

But a New York Times analysis found that the earliest hacking attempts linked to the current DNC crisis dated back to the middle of 2015, long before Trump became a viable Oval Office hopeful.


Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort mocked the allegation on Monday, calling it ’pure obfuscation’ and saying Clinton and her handlers ’don’t want to talk about what is in the emails.’

本周一,川普陣營競選經(jīng)理保羅嘲笑了這起指責(zé),稱它“純粹是混淆視聽”,他說希拉里和她的經(jīng)理人們“不想談?wù)撨@些電子郵件的內(nèi)容?!?span id="jxfbjvrd" class="style52">

Obama administration officials don’t believe the Russian government’s denials, CBS News reported.


That’s because the computer intrusion was similar to others conducted in the past by Russian agents, including distinctive methods that point straight to Moscow.


來源:Daily Mail



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