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關(guān)于實(shí)施人才支撐新舊動能轉(zhuǎn)換五大工程的意見Opinions on Implementing Talent Support for the Conversion of Five New and Old Kinetic Energy Projects


為深入貫徹中央關(guān)于新舊動能轉(zhuǎn)換決策部署和省、市工作要求,提升人才工作的經(jīng)濟(jì)社會效益,強(qiáng)化人才支撐和引領(lǐng)作用,更好地積蓄人才戰(zhàn)略資源,把握發(fā)展主動權(quán),以人才優(yōu)勢打造創(chuàng)新優(yōu)勢、產(chǎn)業(yè)優(yōu)勢、發(fā)展優(yōu)勢,加快形成新的增長動力源,把青島建設(shè)得更加富有活力、更加時尚美麗、更加獨(dú)具魅力,在實(shí)現(xiàn)社會主義現(xiàn)代化新征程中率先走在前列,市委、市政府決定,在全市實(shí)施人才支撐新舊動能轉(zhuǎn)換五大工程。現(xiàn)提出如下意見。In order to thoroughly implement the central government's decision-making on the transformation of new and old kinetic energy and the requirements of provincial and municipal work, improve the economic and social benefits of talent work, strengthen the support and leading role of talents, better accumulate strategic resources of talents, grasp the initiative of development, and create innovation with talents. Advantages, industrial advantages, development advantages, speeding up the formation of new sources of growth, building Qingdao into a more dynamic, more fashionable and more unique, more attractive, and taking the lead in the new journey of realizing socialist modernization, municipal party committee and municipal government Decided to implement five major projects in the city to implement talent support for the conversion of old and new kinetic energy. The following comments are now made.

一、實(shí)施百萬人才集聚工程I. Implementing a million talent gathering project

重點(diǎn)圍繞我市新舊動能轉(zhuǎn)換20大產(chǎn)業(yè)領(lǐng)域,加大人才集聚力度,利用5年時間集聚100萬名左右優(yōu)秀人才。其中,海內(nèi)外院士、世界級水平科學(xué)家等頂尖人才100名左右,“千人計劃”專家、“萬人計劃”專家、泰山系列人才工程人選等省級以上領(lǐng)軍人才1100名左右,高學(xué)歷、高職稱、高技能等高層次產(chǎn)業(yè)人才12萬名左右,本科及以下學(xué)歷人才、技能人才、鄉(xiāng)村振興人才等基礎(chǔ)人才88萬名左右,建設(shè)分布合理、結(jié)構(gòu)科學(xué)、量大質(zhì)優(yōu)的金字塔式人才體系。Focus on the transformation of the new and old kinetic energy of the city into 20 major industrial fields, increase the concentration of talents, and use 5 years to gather about 1 million outstanding talents. Among them, there are about 100 top talents, including academicians at home and abroad, and world-class scientists. There are about 1,100 leading talents at the provincial level and above, such as “Thousand Talents Program” experts, “Million Planners” experts, and Taishan series talents candidates, highly educated and high. There are about 120,000 high-level industrial talents with professional titles and high-skills, and about 880,000 basic talents such as undergraduate and below, talents, skilled talents, and rural revitalization talents, and a pyramid-type talent system with reasonable distribution, scientific structure, and high quality and excellent quality. .

1. Top talent gathering project. Focusing on the implementation of the international city strategy, we will recruit 100 top talents from around the world in the 20 major industrial fields, such as world-class academics and world-class scientists, to provide talent support for cultivating internationally competitive industrial clusters. Among them, focus on consolidating and enhancing Qingdao's manufacturing advantages, introducing and cultivating 50 top talents in the fields of modern ocean, smart home appliances, rail transit equipment, automobile manufacturing, modern finance and logistics, forming a group of 100 billion industrial chains and internationally competitive. Large enterprise group; focusing on the emerging industries in the future, aiming at the world's science and technology and industry development front, introducing and cultivating 40 top talents in the fields of information technology, biomedicine, high-end equipment, etc., cultivating the main force of new kinetic energy; New technologies, new formats, and new models have introduced and trained about 10 top talents in the fields of textile and garment, machinery and equipment, rubber and chemical industry, promoted the transformation and upgrading of traditional pillar industries, and promoted the overall jump of the entire industry chain.
2. Leading talent expansion project. Focusing on the transformation and upgrading of the industrial system of our city, we will gather leading talents at home and abroad, and introduce and train 1,100 innovative and entrepreneurial talents with provincial or above titles. Among them, self-cultivation, full-time introduction of 50 national “Thousand Talents” experts, 130 “Million Planners” experts, 400 Taishan series talent projects and Qilu series talent project candidates; combined with new industry development needs, flexible introduction About 500 innovative and entrepreneurial talents with provincial or above titles.
3. High-level industrial talent upgrading project. Focusing on making strong and superior characteristic industries, cultivating and developing emerging future industries, transforming and upgrading traditional pillar industries, creating the backbone of innovation and entrepreneurship, and introducing and training about 120,000 high-level industrial talents and special talents with high academic qualifications, high professional titles and high skills. Among them, focus on the development of modern marine, smart home appliances, new generation information technology, rail transit equipment, automobile manufacturing, biomedicine, aerospace, modern logistics, modern finance, modern tourism, cultural creativity, health care and other industrial clusters, introduction and training About 90,000 graduates with high education and high-level titles and high-skilled talents; focus on upgrading and upgrading traditional pillar industries such as business services, machinery and equipment, rubber and chemical industry, and introducing and training about 30,000 master's degree holders with high academic qualifications and high-level titles. We will increase the introduction of overseas talents, and respond to the 20 major industries of the city's new and old kinetic energy, and prioritize the introduction of relevant high-level talents from relevant industries and regions.
4. Basic talent training reserve project. Focusing on meeting the needs of the development of the 20 new and old kinetic energy industries in the city, we will introduce and train 890,000 undergraduate and below academic talents, skilled talents, and rural revitalization talents. Among them, around the development of modern oceans, smart home appliances, new generation information technology, rail transit equipment, automobile manufacturing, biomedicine, aerospace, machinery and equipment, rubber and chemical industry and other industrial clusters, the introduction and training of about 300,000 scientific research-oriented industry talents; Develop modern processing and manufacturing industries, improve the industrial chain of high-end concepts, high-end design and high-end manufacturing, and introduce and train about 350,000 first-line industrial talents; upgrade and upgrade business services, and vigorously develop modern logistics, modern finance, modern tourism, cultural creativity, and medical To raise health and other modern service industries, introduce and train about 170,000 service industry talents with modern concepts; focus on the development of precision agriculture, modern seed industry and marine fisheries, vigorously promote the extension of the agricultural industry chain, enhance the value chain, and introduce about 60,000 people. Rural revitalization of talent. For emerging industries, joint ventures jointly build professional technical schools to accurately cultivate professional talents.

Second, the implementation of innovation and entrepreneurship incentive project






1. Top talent awards policy. For the top talents who are introduced full-time and cultivated independently, 5 million yuan will be paid according to the regulations; for flexible introduction, for the third consecutive year, according to the labor compensation of the previous year’s tax payment (as the first major shareholder or corporate legal representative, according to The enterprise rewards 30% of the amount of the green tax and the proportion of the individual's share of the shares, and is not capped. The team project led by top talents can be given a comprehensive subsidy of 10 million yuan to 100 million yuan to support the integration of talents, projects and platforms. Make full use of the provincial and municipal new and old kinetic energy conversion and guidance funds to attract social capital to increase investment in top talent team projects. For the high-end high-end projects that meet the development direction of the new industry in our city, the new and old kinetic energy conversion mother (sub) funds can give priority to investment. If the social investor purchases the share held by the guiding fund within 2 years (including 2 years) from the date of registration of the new and old kinetic energy conversion fund, the guiding fund may withdraw from the original value. (Responsible unit: Municipal Party Committee Organization Department, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau)

2. Leading talent awards policy. Full-time introduction and self-cultivation of full-time high-level talents such as the “Thousand Talents Program” experts, “Million Planners” experts, and Taishan series talents candidates, and support for flexible introduction, for the third consecutive year according to the previous year In the case of Qing labor remuneration (as the first major shareholder or corporate legal representative, according to the company's 30% of the amount of tax and personal share of the company), the subsidy is not capped. The team project led by the leading talents can be given a comprehensive subsidy of 10 million yuan to 100 million yuan to support the integration of talents, projects and platforms. Make full use of the provincial and municipal new and old kinetic energy conversion and guidance funds to attract social capital to increase investment in leading talent team projects. For the high-end high-end projects that meet the development direction of the new industry in our city, the new and old kinetic energy conversion mother (sub) funds can give priority to investment. If the social investor purchases the share held by the guiding fund within 2 years (including 2 years) from the date of registration of the new and old kinetic energy conversion fund, the guiding fund may withdraw from the original value. (Responsible unit: Municipal Party Committee Organization Department, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau)

3. Youth talent awards policy. For young talents such as doctors and masters in innovation and entrepreneurship, according to the investment and venture development of venture capital companies, the city and the district (city) government can follow the 1:1 ratio and do not cap. A one-time subsidy of 600,000 yuan to 2 million yuan will be given to the national technical expert who is full-time introduction or self-cultivation, the leader of the National Skills Master Studio, the winner of the China Skills Award, and the winner of the World Skills Competition. (Responsible unit: Municipal Party Committee Organization Department, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau)

4. Talents leave the job and entrepreneurship policy. Under the premise of fulfilling their duties and completing their duties, the scientific and technical personnel of institutions such as universities and research institutes may, after the approval of the unit, go to the enterprise to work part-time in the transformation of science and technology, cultural and creative achievements, or leave their jobs, and retain personnel relations within 3 years. Professional title evaluation, insurance and other aspects of treatment. (Responsible unit: Municipal Party Committee Organization Department, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Financial Work Office, Municipal Party Committee Education Working Committee)

5. Actively promote the transformation of scientific research results. For the scientific transfer of the local transfer licenses of universities and research institutes, the R&D team shall be rewarded according to a certain percentage of the actual amount of funds received. To increase the income from the transformation of scientific and technological personnel, and to transfer job science and technology achievements by means of technology transfer or licensing, net income of not less than 80% should be used to reward R&D and conversion personnel. If the investment in scientific and technological achievements is used for investment transformation, no less than 80% of the shares or capital contribution ratio shall be used to reward R&D and conversion personnel, and the main contributors of R&D and transformation shall be no less than 50%. Science and technology personnel who locally convert scientific and technological achievements by means of price-based shares can enjoy the policy of temporarily not paying personal income tax. (Responsible unit: Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Party Committee Education Working Committee)

6. Improve the innovation and entrepreneurial fault tolerance mechanism. For scientific research personnel and teams undertaking exploratory and high-risk projects, although they have performed their duties seriously and worked hard, but failed due to objective reasons or failed to meet the predetermined goals, they should be fault-tolerant in accordance with relevant regulations, and the relevant personnel should not be investigated according to the principle of fault tolerance. Responsibility, the funds already disbursed will not be recovered; for projects that have not been completed, the project can be re-declared and the relevant policies and financial support can be obtained after the conditions permit. (Responsible unit: Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, Municipal Party Committee Organization, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Economic Information Commission, Municipal Education Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission, Municipality Audit Bureau, Municipal Government SASAC, Municipal Science Association)



Third, the implementation of the future star culture project

1. High-end talent training project. In the citywide, 2-3 high-end talents who are expected to be elected academicians are selected each year. The training period is 2 years, and the annual grant of up to 500,000 yuan is granted. Each year, 5-10 outstanding talents who are expected to be elected as “Thousand Talents Program” experts and “Million Planners” experts will be selected. The training period will be 2 years, and the annual grant of up to 200,000 yuan will be granted. Each year, 10-20 outstanding young scientific research talents who are expected to be elected as Taishan Scholars and Taishan Industry Leading Talents Project will be selected. The training period will be 2 years, and the maximum subsidy of 100,000 yuan will be granted each year. (Responsible unit: Municipal Party Committee Organization Department, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Economic Information Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Government SASAC)

2. Young talents hold the project. Increase the post-doctoral training and stay in the Qing Dynasty, and provide 120,000 yuan of living and housing subsidies for the post-doctoral post-doctoral period in the past 2 years; for the out-of-station (base) to stay in the green, to work in the Qing, give a subsidy of 250,000 yuan. Actively attract doctors and postgraduates from home and abroad to come to the Qing to innovate and start a business. For the purchase of the first set of commercial housing in Qing, they will be given a one-time security fee of 150,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan respectively. Focusing on the key areas of new and old kinetic energy transformation, we will send a group of outstanding young and middle-aged teachers (researchers), science and technology workers, medical workers and business management personnel to the high-end institutions at home and abroad for further study. (Responsible unit: Municipal Economic Information Commission, Municipal Education Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Land and Resources Housing Management Bureau, Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission, Municipal Government SASAC)

3. "Golden Seeds" reserve project. According to the needs of the employer in the future, the selection of a group of outstanding students who are interested in innovation and entrepreneurship will be selected from the “double-class universities”, and the employer will sign a “credit contract” to grant tuition subsidies. On this basis, the domestic graduate students are given a living subsidy based on 50% of the scholarship amount; the graduate students studying abroad will be given a subsidy of 50,000 yuan per person per year. The intentional employer is responsible for the internship of the “Golden Seed” students and the living allowance during the internship. The employer subsidizes the intentional talents and gives a certain proportion of subsidies to the finance. (Responsible unit: Municipal Party Committee Organization Department, Municipal Party Committee Education Working Committee, Municipal Economic Informationization Committee, Municipal Education Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Government SASAC)










4.人才住房擴(kuò)建工程。全市每年新建100萬平方米以上人才公寓。全面落實(shí)住宅建設(shè)用地上配建人才 公寓制度,新建商品住房項目應(yīng)嚴(yán)格按規(guī)定比例配建人才公寓,產(chǎn)權(quán)型人才公寓出售價格按照同區(qū)域商品住房價格至少下浮20%的比例確定。取得服務(wù)綠卡的人才,可在青購買首套住房,申請公積金貸款可縮短最低繳存時間。對在青就業(yè)的普通高校畢業(yè)生,取得全日制研究生、本科學(xué)歷,且獲得博士、碩士、學(xué)士學(xué)位的,分別按照1200元/月、800元/月、500元/月標(biāo)準(zhǔn)發(fā)放不超過36個月的住房補(bǔ)貼;其中,對列入緊缺急需目錄專業(yè)的博士、碩士分別按照1500元/月、1200元/月給予住房補(bǔ)貼。
Fourth, the implementation of the National Recruitment Project

1. Recruit talents globally. Highlighting the city's new and old kinetic energy conversion 20 major industries, compiling global high-level talent distribution maps, building a global high-level talent information database; according to industry demand, releasing 2 times Qingdao high-tech talent demand and talent policy every year; tracking global release Feedback and the key direction of talent demand, according to the needs and distribution of talents, do a good job in attracting talents at home and abroad, focusing on connecting high-end talents in various fields, and improving the accuracy of the introduction. Play the role of Qingdao European and American Alumni Association, overseas talent introduction workstations, and overseas business centers, co-ordinate overseas talents to liaise resources, and do a good job in attracting talents. (Responsible unit: Organization Department of Municipal Party Committee, United Front Work Department of Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Commercial Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Association)

2. Play the role of the main user. Establish a working mechanism for economic development, industry development, and recruiting talents to guide the overall planning. When relevant departments formulate relevant plans, they will clearly implement the task indicators for recruiting talents; increase financial support and support enterprises to build overseas R&D centers and incubation bases. To expand the offshore entrepreneurial talent team, and to apply for full-time foreign high-level talents, you can apply for the municipal talent project alone or as the project leader to declare scientific research projects; for the newly introduced (full-time), newly trained high-level talents, selected countries The “Thousand Talents” experts, the “Millions of Planners” experts and the Taishan series of talented project candidates are given a one-time reward for the employer according to the criteria of 300,000 yuan, 200,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan per person respectively. (Responsible unit: Municipal Party Committee Organization Department, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Economic Information Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Government SASAC)

3. Increase the reward of talents "matchmakers". Raise the "Red Mother Award" reward standard, and inspire the society and individuals to attract talents and talents with their affection, nostalgia and friendship. Awards for the full-time introduction of top talents, “Thousand Talents” experts and “Millions of Planners” experts, Taishan scholars and corresponding outstanding talents, according to the standards of 500,000 yuan, 300,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan respectively; The R&D team and high-tech enterprises hosted by the corresponding title experts will be rewarded twice according to the above criteria. Those who have obtained the above-mentioned titles for the introduction of high-level talents within 2 years shall be rewarded by the institutions and individuals according to the above criteria. The scope of the reward object shall comply with the relevant policy provisions of the superior. (Responsible unit: Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau)

4. Develop human resources service industry. The high-end science and technology service industry talents will be included in the support of the innovation and entrepreneurship leading talent program, and support universities, research institutes to carry out various types of training, such as technical brokers, technology evaluation, patent analysis, etc., to foster and expand the team of specialized technology transfer talents. Actively play the "siphon effect" of Qingdao International Human Resources Service Industrial Park on human resources service institutions, and incite social capital and strength to help talents introduce. We will relax restrictions on access to human resources and services, and provide one-time subsidy for newly introduced internationally-recognized “hunting head” institutions. (Responsible unit: Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau)

5. Create a first-class talent gathering platform. We will transform 20 major industries around the city's new and old kinetic energy, create 20 industrial platforms above the provincial level, and strengthen the role of industrial platforms. Highlight the talent pooling effect of scientific research platforms, relying on the Qingdao Marine Science and Technology Pilot National Laboratory, the Institute of Ocean Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Ocean Science Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, etc.

