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(雙語新聞) 青島市引進高層次優(yōu)秀人才來青創(chuàng)新創(chuàng)業(yè)發(fā)展的辦法



Qingdao introduces high-level outstanding talents to develop innovative entrepreneurship

第一章 總則Chapter I General

第一條 為深入實施人才強市戰(zhàn)略,加快構(gòu)筑充滿活力的區(qū)域性人才高地,促進國內(nèi)外高層次優(yōu)秀人才來青創(chuàng)新創(chuàng)業(yè)發(fā)展,為建設富強文明和諧的現(xiàn)代化國際城市提供強有力的人才支持和智力保障,制定本辦法。The first one is to deepen the strategy of strengthening the city by talents, accelerate the construction of a vibrant regional talent highland, promote the development of high-level talents at home and abroad, and provide strong talent support for the construction of a strong, civilized and harmonious modern international city. Intellectual security, the formulation of these measures.

第二條本辦法所稱引進的高層次優(yōu)秀人才,是指在青島市行政區(qū)域外(無論原籍是否屬青島)工作、學習,經(jīng)辦理有關(guān)手續(xù),來青主要從事生產(chǎn)科研工作的以下人員:Article 2 The high-level outstanding talents referred to in these Measures refer to the following persons who work and study outside the administrative area of ??Qingdao (whether or not the originality belongs to Qingdao), and who have gone through the relevant formalities, mainly engaged in production and scientific research work:

1.中國科學院院士、中國工程院院士(以下簡稱兩院院士)。1. Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (hereinafter referred to as academician of the two academies).

2. Young and middle-aged science, technology and management experts with outstanding contributions; “Changjiang Scholars”; candidates for the “Hundred Talents Program” of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; national candidates for the “New Century Talents Project”; winners of the National Outstanding Youth Fund; The first-class teaching masters; the top three finishers of the National Natural Science Award, the National Technology Invention Award, and the National Science and Technology Progress Award; the eminent and domestic economists, masters of cultural and art, and celebrities.
3. Those who enjoy special government allowances from the State Council; young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions at the provincial and ministerial levels, “Taishan Scholars” in Shandong Province or corresponding level personnel; first-class cast members or cultural and artistic celebrities who enjoy good reputation at home and abroad; National coach who won the gold medal in the Olympics or World Championships; the first two winners of the Provincial Natural Science Award, the Technical Invention Award, and the Science and Technology Progress Award; the Chinese Skills Award or the National Technical Expert Highly skilled personnel; with independent intellectual property rights and invention patents, and its technological achievements are internationally advanced, able to fill the gaps in the domestic market, have market potential, come to Qing for collaborative research or implement the transformation of innovative entrepreneurial personnel.
4. Personnel with more than 3 years experience as the world's top 500 or domestic top 500 enterprises in management and management; more influential experts in regional disciplines and industries at or above the city level.
5. High-skilled talents and other urgently needed and special-demand talents that need to break through the development of key technologies, traditional advantageous industries and emerging industries at the municipal level, and that can break through the research of key technologies or core component manufacturing processes.
第三條 本辦法適用于在青島市行政區(qū)域內(nèi)注冊(登記)的企事業(yè)單位、社會團體和中央、省駐青企事業(yè)單位。
Article 3 These Measures shall apply to enterprises, public institutions and social organizations registered and registered in the administrative area of ??Qingdao Municipality and the central and provincial enterprises in the Qing Dynasty.
第二章 引進形式及措施
Chapter II Introduction Forms and Measures
第四條 拓寬引進優(yōu)秀人才渠道,充分發(fā)揮用人單位主體作用,依托市級重點產(chǎn)業(yè)和新興產(chǎn)業(yè),利用網(wǎng)絡媒體優(yōu)勢,適時組織舉辦優(yōu)秀人才專場招聘會。
Article 4 Broaden the channels for the introduction of outstanding talents, give full play to the main role of employers, rely on municipal key industries and emerging industries, and take advantage of online media to organize and organize special talent recruitment fairs in a timely manner.
第五條 鼓勵用人單位靈活采用多種方式引進國內(nèi)外優(yōu)秀人才。除正式調(diào)動外,可采取簽約聘用、技術(shù)合作、技術(shù)入股、合作經(jīng)營、投資興辦實業(yè),或與國內(nèi)外高校、科研院所、醫(yī)療機構(gòu)合作設立技術(shù)中心、研究所和實驗室等柔性流動方式,引進人才。
Article 5 Encourage employers to adopt flexible methods to introduce outstanding talents at home and abroad. In addition to formal mobilization, contractual employment, technical cooperation, technology shareholding, cooperative operation, investment in industrial development, or cooperation with domestic and foreign universities, research institutes, and medical institutions to establish flexible flow methods such as technology centers, research institutes, and laboratories may be adopted. Introduce talent.
第六條 在青工作的兩院院士每人每月享受5000元的院士特殊津貼,駐青院士津貼全額發(fā)放,聘任院士按在青工作時間發(fā)放。對新引進的院士,根據(jù)學科領(lǐng)域研究項目的實際情況,在實驗室建設上給予一定數(shù)額的科研經(jīng)費補助。
Article 6 The academicians of the two academies working in the Qing Dynasty shall enjoy a special allowance of 5,000 yuan per academician per month. The allowance for the academician of the Qing Dynasty shall be paid in full, and the academicians shall be appointed according to the working hours of the Qing Dynasty. For the newly introduced academicians, according to the actual situation of the research projects in the subject area, a certain amount of research funding subsidy will be given in the laboratory construction.

  第七條 鼓勵和扶持企業(yè)設立博士后科研工作站招收博士后研究人員,從事我市重點產(chǎn)業(yè)、新興產(chǎn)業(yè)的研究與開發(fā)。對進站開展科研工作的博士后,從市人才發(fā)展專項資金中一次性給予5萬元科研經(jīng)費資助。

  第八條 鼓勵和支持企事業(yè)單位結(jié)合項目需要引進領(lǐng)軍型歸國留學人員和優(yōu)秀創(chuàng)新團隊。對帶技術(shù)、帶項目、帶資金來青創(chuàng)新創(chuàng)業(yè)發(fā)展的優(yōu)秀歸國留學人員和創(chuàng)新團隊,經(jīng)認定,從市人才發(fā)展專項資金中一次性給予50—200萬元創(chuàng)業(yè)啟動資金。

  第九條 鼓勵和支持企事業(yè)單位通過搭建創(chuàng)新創(chuàng)業(yè)平臺,吸引國內(nèi)外優(yōu)秀人才來青創(chuàng)新創(chuàng)業(yè)發(fā)展。對引進的優(yōu)秀科技創(chuàng)新創(chuàng)業(yè)人才,經(jīng)市科技主管部門組織認定,其創(chuàng)業(yè)項目符合科技資金支持條件的,從市科技財政專項資金中給予30—100萬元的科研項目啟動資金。

  第十條 在我市市級以上重點產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展園區(qū)設立“人才特區(qū)”,鼓勵和支持其引進優(yōu)秀人才和團隊,形成創(chuàng)新創(chuàng)業(yè)群體優(yōu)勢。進入“人才特區(qū)”的優(yōu)秀人才可享受更加優(yōu)惠的扶持政策。

  第十一條 鼓勵和支持企業(yè)加快引進各類優(yōu)秀人才,對引進且聘用的優(yōu)秀人才年薪在10萬元以上的,市財政按其上一年度所繳工薪個人所得稅地方留成部分的80%給予為期三年的獎勵。其中,屬世界500強企業(yè)且企業(yè)年納稅500萬元以上的,按《中共青島市委、青島市人民政府關(guān)于增創(chuàng)新優(yōu)勢,推動全市對外開放又好又快發(fā)展的若干意見》(青發(fā)〔2007〕18號)執(zhí)行。

  第十二條 開設引進優(yōu)秀人才綠色通道。事業(yè)單位引進符合本辦法第二條第1、2、3款的優(yōu)秀人才,若單位編制崗位已滿,可報經(jīng)市編制、人事計劃部門批準,允許先予引進再逐步調(diào)整到編制崗位內(nèi)。

  第十三條 對企事業(yè)單位急需引進的高技能人才和特需人才,經(jīng)認定,可打破學歷及職稱限定辦理人才引進落戶手續(xù)。

  第十四條 促進人才的柔性流動,放寬企事業(yè)單位引進優(yōu)秀人才辦理《青島市居住證》的條件。對雖不具備年齡和學歷條件要求,但確有真才實學的高技能、特需和專門人才,引進單位提出要求且出具被引進優(yōu)秀人才相關(guān)業(yè)績證明材料的,職能部門應當給予辦理。對持證滿三年且仍被同一用人單位繼續(xù)聘用的,經(jīng)本人申請,用人單位同意,可按人才引進程序辦理落戶手續(xù)。
Article 7 Encourage and support enterprises to set up post-doctoral research stations to recruit post-doctoral researchers to engage in research and development of key industries and emerging industries in the city. After the post-doctoral research work on the pit stop, a special grant of 50,000 yuan will be given from the municipal talent development special fund.

Article 8 Encourage and support enterprises and institutions to introduce leading-edge returnees and outstanding innovation teams in conjunction with projects. The outstanding returned overseas students and innovative teams with technology, projects, and funds to develop and innovate in entrepreneurship have been identified as one-off grants of 50-200 million yuan from the city's talent development special funds.

Article 9 Encourage and support enterprises and institutions to build innovative and entrepreneurial platforms and attract outstanding talents at home and abroad to innovate and innovate. For the introduction of outstanding scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurial talents, as determined by the municipal competent department of science and technology, and its entrepreneurial projects meet the conditions for scientific and technological funds support, the scientific research project start-up funds will be given from the municipal science and technology finance special funds.

Article 10 Establish a “talent zone” in key industrial development zones at or above the city level, encourage and support the introduction of outstanding talents and teams, and form the advantages of innovative entrepreneurship groups. Excellent talents entering the “Talent Zone” can enjoy more favorable support policies.

Article 11 Encourage and support enterprises to speed up the introduction of all kinds of outstanding talents. If the annual salary of the talents introduced and employed is more than 100,000 yuan, the municipal finance shall pay 80% of the local retained portion of the personal income tax paid in the previous year. Three years of reward. Among them, those who are among the world's top 500 enterprises and whose annual tax payment is more than 5 million yuan, according to the "China's Qingdao Municipal Committee, Qingdao Municipal People's Government on increasing innovation advantages, to promote the city's opening up to a good and fast development of several views" (Qingfa [2007 ] No. 18) Execution.

Article 12 Opening a green channel for the introduction of outstanding talents. The public institutions introduce excellent talents that meet the requirements of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Article 2 of these Measures. If the unit has completed the preparation, it can be reported to the municipal establishment and approved by the personnel planning department, and it is allowed to be introduced first and then gradually adjusted to the post.

Article 13 High-skilled talents and special-demand talents urgently needed to be introduced by enterprises and institutions may, after recognition, break the qualifications of academic qualifications and titles to handle the procedures for the introduction of talents.

Article 14 Promote the flexible flow of talents and relax the conditions for enterprises and institutions to introduce outstanding talents to handle the “Qingdao City Residence Permit”. For those high-skilled, special-demand and specialized talents who do not have the requirements for age and academic qualifications, but who have real talents and practical talents, the functional departments shall handle the requirements when they introduce the requirements and issue the relevant performance proof materials for the introduced excellent talents. For those who have been in possession of the certificate for three years and are still employed by the same employer, upon application by the employer, the employer may agree to settle the formalities according to the talent introduction procedure.
第三章 住房補貼及保障

  第十五條 對引進到我市工作落戶或辦理《青島市居住證》,在青居住工作一年以上并與用人單位簽訂5年以上合同的部分優(yōu)秀人才,實施購房安家補貼:符合本辦法第二條第1款的,購房安家補貼100萬元;符合第二條第2款的,補貼50萬元;符合第二條第3款的,補貼30萬元。


  第十六條 建立周轉(zhuǎn)房租住制度。市政府職能部門多渠道籌集租賃性房源,分期分批定向租賃給無住房的優(yōu)秀人才使用。

  第十七條 允許優(yōu)秀人才較為集中且有自用土地的單位,經(jīng)市政府批準后,建設住房解決引進的優(yōu)秀人才的住房困難。

  第十八條 符合本辦法的優(yōu)秀人才,持《青島市居住證》滿5年并繼續(xù)與用人單位簽訂聘用或勞動合同,且符合青島市購買經(jīng)濟適用住房或限價商品住房條件的,可購買經(jīng)濟適用住房或限價商品住房。

  第十九條 單位給予引進的優(yōu)秀人才個人購買住房補貼所繳個人所得稅地方留成部分,由市財政給予補貼。

第四章 配偶及子女安置

  第二十條 采取組織安置、單位協(xié)助和個人聯(lián)系相結(jié)合的方式,妥善安置引進優(yōu)秀人才的隨遷配偶。對隨遷配偶本人屬專業(yè)技術(shù)人員和管理人員且專業(yè)對口的,由引進單位負責安排;對無相應對口專業(yè)但原屬事業(yè)單位身份,并符合本辦法第二條第1、2、3款的,由市政府職能部門按相關(guān)對口專業(yè)和年度安置計劃,向市各部門所屬事業(yè)單位剛性輪流安置。


  第二十一條 優(yōu)秀人才(落戶或已辦理《青島市居住證》)的隨遷子女,屬義務教育階段學生,按就近入學原則,由教育行政主管部門安排到居住地學區(qū)內(nèi)公辦學校就讀。其中,符合本辦法第二條第1、2、3款條件的,按照個人意愿,由教育行政主管部門負責在學區(qū)內(nèi)推薦提供優(yōu)質(zhì)教育資源。子女系普通高中學生的,可根據(jù)個人意愿,經(jīng)學校考核后,由教育行政主管部門優(yōu)先安排到省、市級規(guī)范化高中就讀。



第五章 管理制度及經(jīng)費保障

  第二十二條 引進優(yōu)秀人才工作由市人才工作領(lǐng)導小組統(tǒng)一領(lǐng)導,市人才工作領(lǐng)導小組成員單位根據(jù)部門職能各負其責。成立市人才評價認定委員會,負責統(tǒng)一評價認定引進的優(yōu)秀人才,并確認享受的有關(guān)待遇。市人才評價認定委員會在市人才工作領(lǐng)導小組的領(lǐng)導下開展工作,辦公室設在市人才工作領(lǐng)導小組辦公室。

  第二十三條 加大引進優(yōu)秀人才經(jīng)費投入力度,整合設立市人才發(fā)展專項資金,落實人才引進各項政策。市人才發(fā)展專項資金由市人才工作領(lǐng)導小組統(tǒng)一使用管理。

  第二十四條 建立人才工作聯(lián)席會議制度,統(tǒng)一研究、協(xié)調(diào)、決策引進人才的重大事項,及時通報引進人才工作情況。聯(lián)席會議辦公室設在市人才工作領(lǐng)導小組辦公室。

  第二十五條 建立優(yōu)秀人才跟蹤服務和流失報告制度,引導和鼓勵引進的優(yōu)秀人才向重點行業(yè)、重點產(chǎn)業(yè)及地區(qū)集聚。用人單位應當及時了解優(yōu)秀人才的思想、工作和生活動態(tài),如有外流意向,應當查明分析原因,及時向市人才工作領(lǐng)導小組辦公室和有關(guān)職能部門通報情況。市有關(guān)職能部門應當根據(jù)情況,采取在全市范圍內(nèi)相關(guān)行業(yè)交流、部門內(nèi)部調(diào)劑、改善工作環(huán)境和生活待遇等措施,與用人單位共同做好優(yōu)秀人才的服務工作。

  第二十六條 建立業(yè)績評估制度和資金使用審計制度,市人才工作職能部門應當定期考核優(yōu)秀人才發(fā)揮作用情況,審計人才資金使用情況,充分發(fā)揮人才資金的使用效益。對業(yè)績達不到要求或違反合同的人員,經(jīng)市人才評價認定委員會審核,取消其相應待遇,并由用人單位負責追繳有關(guān)款項。

第六章 附則

  第二十七條 本辦法所涉及的資金使用管理、領(lǐng)軍型歸國留學人員創(chuàng)新創(chuàng)業(yè)、周轉(zhuǎn)房租賃、人才評價認定等配套實施細則,由市人才工作相關(guān)職能部門負責制定并組織實施。

  第二十八條 各區(qū)市、企事業(yè)單位可參照本辦法,結(jié)合實際依法制定人才引進政策和相應措施。

  第二十九條 本辦法由中共青島市委組織部、青島市人事局負責解釋。

  第三十條 本辦法自發(fā)布之日起施行。《青島市人民政府關(guān)于提高我市兩院院士有關(guān)待遇的通知》(青政發(fā)〔1998〕23號)、《關(guān)于引進優(yōu)秀人才來青工作的辦法》和《關(guān)于引進留學人員來青工作的若干規(guī)定》(青發(fā)〔2000〕14號)、《關(guān)于引進國內(nèi)外優(yōu)秀人才來青工作待遇的補充規(guī)定》(青辦發(fā)〔2000〕22號)同時停止執(zhí)行。其他有關(guān)規(guī)定與本辦法不一致的,以本辦法為準。
Chapter III Housing Subsidy and Protection

Article 15: For some outstanding talents who have settled in the city to work or settled in the “Qingdao City Residence Permit” and have worked in Qingqing for more than one year and signed a contract with the employer for more than 5 years, implement the subsidy for the purchase of a house: in accordance with the provisions of the present Measures In the second paragraph, the purchase of a house subsidy of 1 million yuan; in accordance with the second paragraph 2, the subsidy of 500,000 yuan; in line with the second paragraph 3, the subsidy of 300,000 yuan.

The subsidy for the home is granted at one time, and each family only enjoys one time; if both husband and wife are the same as the introduction of outstanding talents, they shall be paid according to the full amount of one party and half of the standard.

Article 16 Establish a system of renting and renting. The municipal government's functional departments raise leased houses through multiple channels, and use the leased batches in batches to provide excellent talents without housing.

Article 17 Units that allow outstanding talents to be concentrated and have self-use land, after approval by the municipal government, will be difficult to build housing to solve the housing problems of the introduced talents.

Article 18 The outstanding talents who meet the requirements of this plan shall hold the “Qingdao City Residence Permit” for 5 years and continue to sign employment or labor contracts with the employer, and meet the conditions for Qingdao to purchase affordable housing or limited-price commodity housing, and may purchase Affordable housing or limited-price commodity housing.

Article 19 The unit shall grant subsidies to the local retained portion of the individual income tax paid by the unit for the introduction of the outstanding talents.

Chapter IV Spouse and Child Placement

Article 20 The resettlement spouse who introduces outstanding talents shall be properly resettled by means of organizational resettlement, unit assistance and personal contact. For the accompanying spouse who is a professional technician and manager and professional counterpart, the importing unit shall be responsible for the arrangement; for the unrecognized counterpart but the original institution, and in accordance with Article 2, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of the present Measures The functional departments of the municipal government shall, in accordance with the relevant counterparts and the annual resettlement plan, be placed in rigid rotations with the institutions affiliated to the municipal departments.

For the establishment of a full-fledged institution, it will be allowed to be resettled upon approval by the municipal establishment and the personnel planning department, and then gradually adjusted to the establishment of the post.

Article 21 The outstanding children of the outstanding talents (households or those who have already applied for the “Qingdao City Residence Permit”) are compulsory education students. According to the principle of nearest admission, the administrative department of education shall arrange for the public schools in the residential areas to study. Among them, in accordance with the conditions of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Article 2 of these Measures, the administrative department of education shall be responsible for recommending the provision of quality educational resources in the school district according to the individual's wishes. If the children are ordinary high school students, they may be assigned to the provincial and municipal standardized high schools by the education administrative department according to their own wishes.

For the children of the outstanding talents who hold the "Qingdao City Residence Permit", they will enjoy the household registration treatment in the primary and secondary schools in the compulsory education stage. Those who take the college entrance examination shall be required to comply with the relevant national regulations.

The preferential policies for the enrollment of outstanding children are only enjoyed once.

Chapter V Management System and Funds Guarantee

Article 22 The work of introducing excellent talents shall be uniformly led by the municipal talent work leading group, and the members of the municipal talent work leading group shall bear their responsibilities according to the functions of the departments. The establishment of the municipal talent evaluation and recognition committee is responsible for the unified evaluation of the talents that have been introduced and confirmed the relevant treatment. The Municipal Talent Evaluation and Recognition Committee is working under the leadership of the Municipal Talent Work Leading Group. The office is located in the Municipal Talent Work Leading Group Office.

Article 23 Increase the investment in the introduction of outstanding talents, integrate and establish special funds for talent development in the city, and implement various policies for talent introduction. The city's talent development special fund is managed and managed by the municipal talent work leading group.

Article 24 Establish a joint conference system for talent work, unify research, coordination, and decision-making to introduce major personnel, and timely report the work of imported talents. The joint meeting office is located in the municipal talent work leading group office.

Article 25 Establish an excellent talent tracking service and loss reporting system to guide and encourage the introduction of outstanding talents to focus on key industries, key industries and regions. Employers should keep abreast of the thoughts, work and life dynamics of outstanding talents. If there is an outflow intention, the reasons for analysis should be ascertained, and the situation should be notified to the Municipal Talent Work Leading Group Office and relevant functional departments in a timely manner. The relevant functional departments of the city shall, in accordance with the circumstances, adopt measures such as relevant industry exchanges within the city, adjustment of internal departments, improvement of working environment and living conditions, and work with employers to do excellent service for outstanding talents.

Article 26 The establishment of a performance appraisal system and an auditing system for the use of funds shall be carried out on a regular basis by the municipal personnel functioning department to assess the role of outstanding talents, audit the use of talent funds, and give full play to the use of talent funds. Those who fail to meet the requirements or violate the contract shall be examined and approved by the Municipal Talent Evaluation and Approving Committee, and their corresponding treatment shall be cancelled, and the employer shall be responsible for recovering the relevant funds.

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

Article 27 The supporting implementation rules for the use of funds, the innovation and entrepreneurship of returning students studying abroad, the renting of house rentals, and the identification of talents in the relevant measures shall be formulated and organized by the relevant functional departments of the municipal talents.

Article 28 All districts, cities, enterprises and institutions may, in accordance with these Measures, formulate talent introduction policies and corresponding measures in accordance with the law.

Article 29 These Measures shall be interpreted by the Organization Department of the CPC Qingdao Municipal Committee and the Qingdao Municipal Personnel Bureau.

Article 30 These Measures shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation. Notice of the Qingdao Municipal People's Government on Improving the Relevant Treatment of Academicians of the Two Institutions of the City (Qing Zheng Fa [1998] No. 23), "Measures on Introducing Excellent Talents to Work in Youth" and "Several Work on Introducing Overseas Students to Work in Qing Dynasty" The Regulations (Qingfa [2000] No. 14) and the Supplementary Provisions on the Introduction of Excellent Domestic and Foreign Talents to Work in Qing Dynasty (Qing Ban Fa [2000] No. 22) were also suspended. Where other relevant provisions are inconsistent with these Measures, these Measures shall prevail.

