
當(dāng)前位置:希尼爾首頁(yè) > 雙語(yǔ)新聞 >  簽訂倉(cāng)儲(chǔ)規(guī)定要注意,中英文協(xié)議要執(zhí)行

(雙語(yǔ)新聞) 簽訂倉(cāng)儲(chǔ)規(guī)定要注意,中英文協(xié)議要執(zhí)行



5.1.1   貨物入庫(kù):
The storage of goods:

a.   收到乙方的入庫(kù)指令后,及時(shí)準(zhǔn)備庫(kù)位、叉車、作業(yè)人員等,準(zhǔn)備接貨入庫(kù);
Subsequent to receipt of Party B's storage instructions, Party A shall arrange the timely preparation of storage space, forklifts and operating personnel and be ready for goods storage;

b.   根據(jù)乙方提供的貨物清單及海關(guān)放行的報(bào)關(guān)單,接收貨物,對(duì)外包裝和數(shù)量進(jìn)行檢驗(yàn);
Party A shall, in accordance with the list of goods provided by Party B and customs declaration issued by the customs, receive goods, inspect the external packaging and check the quantity;

c.   向送貨人出具入庫(kù)單;
Presenting warehousing sheet to goods delivery person;

d.   檢查集裝箱損壞情況,并拍照備查;
Checking for container damage, and having the conditions photographed for future reference;

e.   對(duì)外包裝破損的貨物,記錄并拍照備查,單獨(dú)存放,同時(shí)報(bào)告乙方;
Party A shall have the damaged external packaging recorded and photographed for future reference, be responsible for separate storage of same, and report same to Party B;

f.    貨物入庫(kù)完畢后,1個(gè)工作日內(nèi),甲方向乙方出具入庫(kù)反饋單(附件二);
Party A shall, within 1 working day subsequent to storage of the goods, issue a storage feedback form (Appendix II) to Party B;

g.   所有操作應(yīng)根據(jù)雙方約定的SOP嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行;
All operations shall be strictly carried out basing on mutually agreed SOP;


5.1.2   庫(kù)存管理:
Inventory management:

a.     按照貨物的屬性要求及安全要求,進(jìn)行碼垛;
Palletizing of goods in accordance with the attribute requirements and safety requirements of the goods;

b.     庫(kù)房?jī)?nèi)確保消防通道暢通;
Ensuring that the fire passage in the Warehouse is unobstructed;

c.     貨物標(biāo)識(shí)清楚,垛位整齊;
Ensuring that the goods are clearly marked and the palletizing is tidy;

d.     貨物要求庫(kù)內(nèi)存放,若需要室外存放,應(yīng)事先征得乙方同意;
The goods shall be stored in the Warehouse and prior consent of Party B shall be obtained in case of storage outdoors;

e.     除因自然濕度過(guò)高,造成的貨物發(fā)霉、受潮外,在庫(kù)存期間發(fā)生的貨物滅失、短缺、損壞,均由甲方承擔(dān);
Unless in the case where moldy or damp goods is caused due to high natural humidity, any loss, shortage or damage of goods occurred in the course of storage shall be borne by Party A;

f.      每月末,由甲方進(jìn)行庫(kù)存盤點(diǎn),并將盤點(diǎn)結(jié)果反饋乙方;
Party A shall, at the end of each month, make an inventory of the goods and feedback the results to Party B;


5.1.3   貨物出庫(kù):
Removing from the warehouse:

a.     貨物需清關(guān)完畢,取得海關(guān)放行的報(bào)關(guān)單正本;
Customs clearance shall be completed for the goods and the original declarations for customs clearance shall be obtained;

b.     乙方提供雙方認(rèn)可的放貨指令(附件三);
Party B shall provide goods check-out instructions accepted by both parties (Appendix III);

c.     乙方或提貨人負(fù)責(zé)結(jié)清應(yīng)繳費(fèi)用;
Party B or the picking up person shall be responsible for settlement of fees payable;

d.     甲方留存提貨人的駕駛證、行車證復(fù)印件并負(fù)責(zé)貨物出庫(kù)裝車作業(yè);
Party A shall retain a copy of the driving license and access license of the picking up person and be responsible for the loading operations of goods;

e.     甲方出具出庫(kù)單(附件四),提貨人簽收貨物;
Party A shall issue the corresponding check-out sheet (Appendix IV) and the picking up person shall sign for the goods;

f.      甲方在貨物出庫(kù)后1日內(nèi),向乙方出具出庫(kù)反饋單(附件五);
Party A shall, within 1 day subsequent to check-out of goods, issue to Party B a check-out feedback form (Appendix V);


5.1.4   甲方可將本協(xié)議所述的服務(wù)分包至另一方,但甲方應(yīng)對(duì)接受分包的第三方(以下簡(jiǎn)稱分包商)提供的服務(wù)向乙方負(fù)責(zé)。
Party A may subcontract the Services described in this Agreement to a third party, but Party A shall be responsible for the services provided by such third party (hereinafter referred to as the "Subcontractor") to Party B.


5.2 乙方應(yīng)向甲方提供如下內(nèi)容:
Party B shall provide Party A with the following:


5.2.1 乙方保證所提供的文件和貨物均是合法的。

Party B shall ensure that all documents and goods provided are legitimate.


5.2.2 乙方應(yīng)在貨物到達(dá)前,及時(shí)通知甲方有關(guān)貨物的品名、重量、數(shù)量和到達(dá)日期等信息。

Party B shall, prior to arrival of goods, promptly notify Party A of goods related information such as the goods name, weight, quantity and date of arrival.

